The Loving-Kindness Meditation (also known as Meta Bhavana) is recited to help foster compassion. It helps to foster kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others.  In this guided meditation, Dr. Romie leads you through the practice of reciting the loving-kindness meditation for oneself, towards loved ones, and the entire team.  Psychology studies have shown that when one recites the loving-kindness meditation, it helps to decrease negative and self-limiting beliefs.  Recite the...
Published 06/05/19
There is a critical moment in every high-stakes conversation, that we must pause, self reflect, and take control before we become emotionally hijacked, the "wig snatch" moment.  The Power of Pause is Evolution Hospitality's corporate mindfulness program designed to help foster self-awareness, wellness, & communication skills. Evo's Corporate Director of Talent, Bulmaro Farias joins Evo's Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, for an honest conversation about creating and growing a corporate...
Published 05/16/19
This week, we're rewinding to bring you an episode from earlier this year. Please enjoy! Emotions and behaviors are contagious like the flu virus- especially the workplace. The behavioral contagion effect is a well-documented effect in brain science that refers to the propensity for certain behavior exhibited by one person to be copied by others. This is also true of the workplace, the perceived leader's actions and emotions are felt by the entire team. Are you really the perceived leader in...
Published 05/08/19
How does meditation actually change the function, structure, and health of our brains? Whether you are a skeptic or believer in mindfulness, this episode walks you through how meditation improves brain and mental function. Evolution Hospitality's Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, takes you through the latest research studies on the impact of meditation in brain diseases such as depression and memory decline.
Published 05/01/19
Today, we are going to hit the pause button and rewind. This is the first season called the power of pause. Whether you are part of Evo or you're listening from outside of the company, the power of pause is Evolution Hospitality’s mindfulness program. I am Dr. Romie, Evo's Chief Wellness Officer.
Published 04/24/19
Rejuvenating our mindfulness power of pause program is a current goal. I am so proud of our mindfulness team of 57 Evo guides. These are people who have dedicated a full day of training on the power of pause and who are going through monthly classes on how to be mindfulness advocates and practice stress reduction. This episode is a quick recap on what the power of pause is and the benefits on a team level. Then I have an interview with Michael Kapoulis the 2018 general manager of the year...
Published 04/17/19
In this episode, Evo's Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, helps you fast forward on implementing Evo's mindful program, "The Power of Pause."  How do you involve your team members and family in the Team Pause ritual?  This episode covers the basics of our mindfulness-based program, how you can get to start with your entire team or family, and what to do when colleagues express objections.  
Published 04/10/19
Conflict in the workplace amongst team members rarely has to do with the day to day operations, but rather a breakdown in one of three areas- empathy, compassion, and communication. A conversation mismatch occurs when one person speaks processes through the lens of a data-driven mindset, and the other from an emotional mindset. In this episode, Evo’s Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, talks about how the Power of Pause can bring teams together through mindful communication. Take a moment to...
Published 04/03/19
What are the secrets of starting and sticking to a personal meditation practice?  Is there a right way to meditate? And, does it count if we are using a smartphone app to meditate?  Evo's Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, breaks down all of your answers on how to start a personal meditation and mindfulness practice.  You will not be asked to "empty your brain of all thoughts." Instead, let's discuss the "RPM" method to schedule meditation, correct breathing and posture techniques, and why...
Published 03/27/19
In order to improve sleep, reduce stress, and feel energized, we promote digital detox before bedtime at Evolution Hospitality. Thirty to sixty minutes before bedtime shut down your digital devices, get yourself organized for bedtime, and use this 10-minute meditation to help clear your mind and welcome sleep. This recorded guided meditation by Dr. Romie is based in mindfulness techniques and can be used anytime during the day when you need to find your center and connect to calm. The Power...
Published 03/12/19
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed or having difficulty focusing during your workday? Use this guided meditation recorded by Dr. Romie before you send an email, enter a meeting, or make a telephone call. Take three minutes to pause with this controlled breathing exercise to help quiet the busy brain, connect to calm, and feel focused. The Power of Pause is Evolution Hospitality's corporate mindful movement, and the program based in neuroscience, organizational psychology, and mindfulness.
Published 03/12/19
Use this guided meditation recorded by Dr. Romie before a team meeting, stand-up or huddle. Take three minutes to pause with this controlled breathing exercise to help quiet the busy brain, connect to calm, and feel focused. The Power of Pause is Evolution Hospitality's corporate mindful movement, and the program based in neuroscience, organizational psychology, and mindfulness.
Published 03/12/19
Emotions and behaviors are contagious like the flu virus- especially the workplace. The behavioral contagion effect is a well-documented effect in brain science that refers to the propensity for certain behavior exhibited by one person to be copied by others. This is also true of the workplace, the perceived leader's actions and emotions are felt by the entire team. Are you really the perceived leader in the room? Brain science shows that just because you have the title or seniority, it does...
Published 03/12/19
What is a Chief Wellness Officer, and why did Evolution Hospitality decide to create this role? In this episode, the interview hot seat is turned on Dr. Romie Mushtaq, Evolution Hospitality’s CWO- as she candidly shares her personal story and vision as Evo’s very first Chief Wellness Officer. You’ll learn why wellness was a priority for Evo's culture promoting the whole person. Dr. Romie's mission in promoting brain & mental wellbeing in the workplace is in alignment with Evo's dedication...
Published 03/12/19
Corporate mindfulness and meditation programs are gaining popularity in the United States, but do they really work? In this episode, Evolution Hospitality’s Chief Wellness Officer, Dr. Romie, reviews corporate mindfulness programs in the US that were successfully implemented with results. We also discuss Evo’s custom mindful program called “The Power of Pause, that is based in neuroscience and organizational psychology, a first in industry program in hospitality. The Power of Pause encourages...
Published 03/12/19
Chief Wellness Officer and host, Dr. Romie, explains the elements of Evo's Wellness Triangle. You'll also hear advice on where to start on mapping out your wellness journey as well as the workplace wellness and mindfulness programs being launched at Evo in 2019.
Published 03/12/19
Dr. Romie has a candid and down-to-Earth conversation with Evo's President and CEO John Murphy who discusses why so much attention was paid to building wellness and mindfulness into our culture. In this episode, you'll learn first hand what it means to be an Evolutionary,  practicing servant leadership, and how the Power of Pause program brings together the best of brain science, mindfulness, and Evo's guiding principles.
Published 03/12/19
Coming soon.
Published 03/06/19