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What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing our lives and developing at a breathtaking pace with potentially unforeseen implications. Justin Smith, PhD, Neuroscientist and Data Scientist, shares his thoughts and guides fellow experts in the field of AI as they seek to answer the simple question - What is AI?
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Ratings & Reviews
4.8 stars from 18 ratings
Prior to this podcast, most of what I knew about AI were doomsday scenarios of unemployed humans and robot overlords. Dr. Smith is the perfect guide, led by insatiable curiosity and good humor, as he walks us through the emerging field. His decision to curate voices and perspectives from legal,...Read full review »
HughWeber via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/02/19
Recent Episodes
Published 02/27/19
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing our lives and developing at a breathtaking pace with potentially unforeseen implications. Justin Smith, PhD, Neuroscientist and Data Scientist, shares his thoughts and guides fellow experts in the field of AI as they seek to answer the simple...
Published 02/27/19
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing our lives and developing at a breathtaking pace with potentially unforeseen implications. Justin Smith, PhD, Neuroscientist and Data Scientist, shares his thoughts and guides fellow experts in the field of AI as they seek to answer the simple...
Published 02/26/19
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