Proverbs 28:1 - ...But the righteous are bold as a lion. Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has made everything beautiful in its time… Bold And beautiful is designed to ignite a fire and fan the flames of passion for Jesus in the hearts of youth and young adults around the world. To create and embolden them to be world changers in today’s culture. Our desire is to awaken the sleeping giant within our youth for them to see how truly magnificent and powerful they are. As the above scriptures describe...
Published 01/20/17
Eph 1:2-5 KJV - [2] Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. [3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: [4] According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: [5] Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure...
Published 09/06/16
Apostle Shirley J. Jones is the Senior Pastor of Rehoboth Family Life Center, located in Upper Marlboro, Md. The Lord has given her the charge to make disciples; help them identify their spiritual gifts and set up platforms of opportunities that their gifts may be exercised; and then release them into their divine destiny. She pushes them forward that the world may be saved by those birthed out in the Spirit. Apostle Jones has declared that she should be about her Father’s business and...
Published 09/06/16
Maria Stanfield, CEO & Founder of My Sister's Closet, Career Coach and Consultant  -  With over 20 years of experience, Maria is unlocking the secrets to jumpstarting a successful professional career. Her tips are drawn from her personal career journey, from the front desk to the corner office. Currently the Director of Administration at the Virginia office of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, she leads and manages more than 60 lawyers and over 70 professional staff members.  In the...
Published 09/06/16
When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and Friends" - Fridays @ 7:00 pm; "Bread of Life with Rev. Ray" - Sundays @ 7:00 pm, "The Alabaster Box with Prophet Carla R Johnson"-Every 4th Saturdays @ 7:00pm: "Challenged To Change with Pastor Paul Morgan" -Wednesday @ 7pm; "Lifeline with Apostle...
Published 05/08/16
Pastor Paul Morgan is founder of Chosen Generation Ministries in Richmond, VA. Pastor Paul’s approach is very interactive. He guides and encourages the congregation to participate in a 2-way open dialogue allowing openness and transparency in their Christian walk. He fosters a safe and nonjudgmental atmosphere of mutual ministry and exhortation. . Pastor Paul has an independent counseling ministry with over 16 years of experience in individual, marital and family counseling, as well as...
Published 05/08/16
Friday Night Joy continues with series Stay the Course!!! This message is part 2 of Preach the Gospel and Preach the Cross!!  Mar 16:15 KJV - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.   When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and Friends" -...
Published 05/07/16
Join Prophet Carla R. Johnson , Rev. Ray Rose Advocate Julie Johnson and Advocate Delores McLeod today at 7pm EST live on the air as we bring awareness to sexual abuse, share our testimony of survival and how we took back our power to be made whole in Christ Jesus. To God be the Glory! *link in bio*  When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" -...
Published 05/07/16
Apostle Shirley J. Jones is the Senior Pastor of Rehoboth Family Life Center, located in Upper Marlboro, Md. The Lord has given her the charge to make disciples; help them identify their spiritual gifts and set up platforms of opportunities that their gifts may be exercised; and then release them into their divine destiny. She pushes them forward that the world may be saved by those birthed out in the Spirit. Apostle Jones has declared that she should be about her Father’s business and...
Published 05/06/16
WINGS OF THE SPIRIT hosted by Rev. Pat Randall Reverend Kenneth M. Smith, Jr., founder and pastor of King and Savior Ministries, is a committed servant of God.  In 2012, having been filled with a strong desire to reach the lost, King and Savior Ministries was birthed in his home by him and his wife, Evangelist Sabrina Smith.  There is an anointing upon their ministry that reveals God’s desire for those who love Him to walk in victory.  His love of God and dependence upon the Holy Spirit are...
Published 02/18/16
Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Pastor Paul Morgan, founder of Chosen Generation Ministries in Richmond, VA. Chosen Generation is not church as usual. Pastor Paul’s approach is very interactive. He guides and encourages the congregation to participate in a 2-way open dialogue; which allows openness and transparency about their Christian walk. He fosters a safe and nonjudgmental atmosphere of mutual ministry and...
Published 02/18/16
INFO COMMENTS  Revelations 15:3-4 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying:“Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!  Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!  Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name?  For You alone are holy.  For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgments have been manifested. Evangelist Lewis Mcllwain began his official ministry call at New Home Ministries and gave his...
Published 02/18/16
When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and Friends" - Fridays @ 7:00 pm; "Stronger Together with Sister Valerie Miller and Rev. Ray" - Sundays @ 7:00 pm, "The Alabaster Box with Prophet Carla R Johnson"-Every 4th Saturdays @ 7:00pm: "Challenged To Change with Pastor Paul Morgan" -Wednesday @...
Published 02/18/16
INFO COMMENTS DECLARING THE FINISHED WITH REV. PAT RANDALL Isaiah 43:18-21 (ESV) - Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  If our minds and our hands are closed because we are holding onto the past we will never receive the new that God has for us.  Refuse to remain stuck, stagnant, not advancing or developing, not flowing, not active, not changing, or progressing.  We are designed to...
Published 02/18/16
Ms. Veronica Alston is Founder and Executive Director of Ruth’s Miracle Group Home Foundation. She exemplifies the characteristics of a woman who has served her community to improve the quality of life for women and girls in Southern Maryland and beyond. Her passionate devotion is to provide shelter for homeless women in transition from domestic violence; in recovery for drug and alcohol abuse; and completed incarceration and on parole for non-violent offenses. Ms. Alston has enhanced her...
Published 01/30/16
The FRESH program builds upon the foundation of LOVE and FAITH, a love for the "returning citizens" who we represent and the youth we help to transition from adolescence to manhood. When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; : "Challenged To Change with Pastor Paul Morgan" - Wednesdays @ 7pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and...
Published 01/30/16
Special Guest Dr. Decker Tapscott,,Founder and Senior Pastor of Faith Christian Church and International Outreach Center in Warrenton, VA joins Apostle Shirley Jones on LifeLine. Message Title: "BE"   Time to get in position to "BE" what we have been purposed for in the earth.   www.gotfaithnow.com   www.rehobothfamilylifecenter.org SPONSOR:  “To Encourage You” Greeting Cards  www.ToEncourageYou.com ...
Published 01/11/16
When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and Friends" - Fridays @ 7:00 pm; "Bread of Life with Rev. Ray" - Sundays @ 7:00 pm, "The Alabaster Box with Prophet Carla R Johnson"-Every 4th Saturdays @ 7:00pm: "Challenged To Change with Pastor Paul Morgan" -Wednesday @ 7pm; "Lifeline with Apostle...
Published 12/19/15
Declaring The Finished Work (DTFW) is A noonday hour of prayer, exhortation and declaration in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus. The mission is to encourage and strengthen the Believer through the Word of God to walk fearlessly in Christ, rest in His goodness and know the length, breadth, height and depth of the Father's love for us….He will never leave us nor forsake us and the work He began in us He will perfectly complete...And to seek and save the lost. When Christians Speak Talk Radio...
Published 11/16/15
Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday Night Joy with Rev. Ray and Friends" - Fridays @ 7:00 pm; "Bread of Life with Rev. Ray" - Sundays @ 7:00 pm, "The Alabaster Box with Prophet Carla R Johnson"-Every 4th Saturdays @ 7:00pm: "Challenged To Change with Pastor Paul Morgan" -Wednesday @ 7pm; "Lifeline with Apostle Shirley...
Published 11/16/15
Friday Night Joy with Rev Ray God is Searching  for His True Intercessors! Isa 59:16 KJV - [16] And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.   John - Chapter 17 Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts -“"His Abounding Grace Broadcast" with Minister Vanester Williams - Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm; "Declaring The Finished Work with Rev. Pat Randall" - Thursdays @ 12:00 Noon; "Friday...
Published 11/16/15
LIFELINE:  We are in a dispensation of time where we must realize that we need to live out of the mouth and presence of God. When Jesus was confronted by Satan in the wilderness over in Matthew 4, He did not say or do anything cute but gave him the word- " it is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God". So during the Lifeline broadcast, let us purpose to search out the Word of God  and get before Him to speak to us that we may truly...
Published 11/16/15
Rev Kim Newman is married to Rev Nate Newman Special Guest:  Rev. Kim Newman has served in numerous community outreach events fulfilling her heart’s desire to serve God through serving others. She is currently serving as a minister, youth leader and intercessor at her church,Tree of Life Christian Ministries, Clinton,MD. Rev. Kim has a passion for families and believes they are the foundation of the Body of Christ.  She has a heart to serve, strengthen and build up mothers and the...
Published 11/16/15
Elder Cross is the father of four, born in Brooklyn, NY, and works for the City of Winston-Salem.  He was ordained in June 2003. He is currently on the ministerial staff of Calvary Hill Church of Greater Deliverance in Winston-Salem, NC under Bishop Claude Turner.  His favorite scripture:  Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (KJV). When Christians Speak Talk Radio Broadcasts – “LifeLine -...
Published 11/16/15
Susan Williams has been with KaratBars since October 2014 a little over a year. She have shared this opportunity with family, friends and Co-workers. She totally believe in raising the Financial IQ of our community. Susan also believe in Gods word where it is said my people perish for lack of knowledge.She believe if we take out the time to explain how the economy works with the fiat currency dollar losing all its purchasing power and Gold has either stayed steady or appreciated in value....
Published 11/16/15