“White House Chronicle” is a news and current affairs show known for its originality, crisp thinking, humor and panache. The show, hosted by veteran Washington journalists Llewellyn King and Linda Gasparello, is interested in what is impacting the way we live and work now – including science, technology, medicine, energy, environment, books – and contributing to policy. It is eclectic – that is the “White House Chronicle” way.
Peter Morici thinks that AI gives Americans good reason to be optimistic. Morici, columnist, economist and emeritus business professor at the University of Maryland, looks at AI in an almost fatherly way. As AI grows up, there is going to be bad behavior, but we should watch for it not stifle the...
Published 11/15/24
A cover story in The Economist shows why America is the envy of the world. Host Llewellyn King, Co-host Adam Clayton Powell III and Producer Linda Gasparello discuss that enviable position as the election enters its final stretch.
Published 11/08/24