“This is a really good podcast but it needs more gay and/or lesbian. I see a lot of straight. I dare you guys to text me at +1 (509) 934-5978( btw I’m a girl )”
okigiveupat nicknames via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“More gay and lesbian stories are needed. There are more straight stories than lgbtq+ stories. Misleading when you’re specifically looking for lgbtq+ content”
Wanderer 78 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
Why d
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Why do u have to tort
Why do u have to tortu
Why do u have to tortur
Why do u have to torture
Why do u have to torture...”Read full review »
Kendall Moncrief via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·