Clearing the Path: Eliminating Toxic Relationships for a Better Life When your button pusher walks toward you, do you pretend not to see them? Okay, maybe it's just me! Before cancer, I had a handful of toxic people in my life. I didn't spend a lot of time with them, but when I did see them, I could feel my anxiety rising even before we got together! When today's podcast guest, Dr. Jantz, mentioned that he wanted to do a podcast about the impact of toxic people on our health, I was all...
Published 10/17/24
Published 10/17/24
Take a Chill Pill. Oh Lord, help me to relax and push the pause button. Today's guest, Dr. Natalie Greenberg from The Center for New Medicine, explained how important it is for my health to hit the pause button. She also mentioned that when life gets overwhelming, It's crucial to pause and take a deep breath before reacting to any situation. Her words spoke to me. I tend to be an "over-responder." I might get irritated with someone before I have all the information about a situation. I might...
Published 10/10/24
We often see cancer as a purely physical issue, but within holistic healing, today’s guest believes that the healing is deeply spiritual.  I’m thrilled about today's podcast episode featuring the remarkable Dr. Katie Deming. As an oncologist, former healthcare leader, inventor, author, and podcast host, Dr. Deming has a wealth of knowledge to offer. My recent exploration led me to her captivating TEDx talk, leaving me in awe of her insights. Known as the "Conscious Oncologist," Dr. Deming has...
Published 10/03/24
I prefer Simplicity. But of course, when I see a recipe or hear about a simple health tip, I often wonder if it will work. That's why today's podcast impacted me. Dr. Stephen Hussey, author of Understanding the Heart, loves to focus on simple tips to improve health. He had a heart attack at the age of 34 while he was writing his book about heart health. As you can imagine, that certainly got his attention! We talked about the ways he's changed his life today after that heart attack. What did...
Published 09/26/24
Want a peek at the top three questions I get asked every week? What do you do differently after having cancer? How has your eating changed? How have you changed? I've changed dramatically since my cancer diagnosis in 2020. Before my diagnosis, I thought I was "nailing" my health. I worked out hard, ate lots of salads, and monitored my weight. Here's what I wasn't "nailing" rest, sleep, stress management, forgiveness, and community. These are crazy concepts to hear from a certified...
Published 09/19/24
Born without legs, Jenn Bricker-Bauer defied the odds to become a world-renowned aerialist, competitive gymnast, and published author. As we discuss her amazing story, we'll explore her triumphs and the hurdles she faced with unparalleled strength.  Join me in this captivating conversation and discover the boundless possibilities that exist when one embraces the power of the human spirit. Visit whydidigetcancer.com for full show notes. ____ Wave Block DID YOU KNOW: Kids' skulls absorb 10x...
Published 09/12/24
Could a simple change in diet hold the key to transforming pediatric cancer care? Today, we have a truly special guest, Season Johnson, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner dedicated to working with pediatric patients. I discovered Season on Instagram and was immediately drawn to her compelling story and expertise.  Season’s own son was diagnosed with cancer at a young age, and her family’s journey through this experience has shaped her mission to help others navigate the...
Published 09/05/24
What are EDCs and why should you care about them?  Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are a group of compounds that, despite being unnoticeable, have the potential to disrupt the delicate balance of our endocrine system. These seemingly harmless substances are part of our daily lives, from the products we use to the food we consume. EDCs lurk in unexpected places, impacting hormonal functions and, consequently, our overall well-being. I’ve invited environmental toxins and green living...
Published 08/22/24
I have to admit, I was a bit confused when I first heard today's topic—grounding. Sure, I walk on grass and dip my toes in lakes, but I didn’t quite grasp the full picture.  Luckily, our guest, Dr. Henry Ealy, is here to enlighten us. He’s a naturopathic physician with a background in engineering, making him the perfect guide to explore grounding’s deeper benefits. Dr. Ealy explains how we spend most of our day insulated from Mother Earth, missing out on the benefits of connecting with nature...
Published 08/15/24
Are you looking to reduce your cancer risk or currently battling cancer? This episode is packed with inspiration and practical advice! Join me, Deborah Herlax Enos, a certified nutritionist and nationally known healthy living expert, as I share my journey as a recent breast cancer thriver. As the host of the popular podcast "Why Did I Get Cancer?", I'm excited to offer valuable insights and inspiration. Despite living a healthy lifestyle—running half marathons, practicing hot yoga, eating...
Published 08/01/24
I don't eat five burgers a week (although that sounds dreamy), but I enjoy animal protein daily. Three things are of utmost importance to me: Quality Profitable ranches and happy animals Sustainability After speaking with ButcherBox founder Mike Salguero, I know that BB checks all of these boxes. ButcherBox visits the farms and fisheries to ensure quality. They know the farmers and fishermen and pay them fairly. They contract with small farms and fisheries to ensure smaller harvests and,...
Published 07/25/24
In this second edition of Cancer Crime Stories, we explore the disturbing and often overlooked history of Downwinders — communities across the United States profoundly impacted by decades of nuclear testing.  Through conversations with filmmaker Mark Shapiro and passionate advocate Mary Dickson, we unravel harrowing stories of individuals whose lives were forever altered by radioactive fallout. We'll learn about the secretive and dangerous nature of nuclear tests, the severe health effects on...
Published 07/11/24
Rectal cancer is on the rise and it’s high time we shine a light on it.  Because let’s face it, our health — and even our bathroom habits, deserve our attention. Yes, we’re talking about poop! But before you hit pause or start squirming in your seat, let me tell you why you need to stick around.  Joining us today is Marisa Peters, a true warrior who battled and survived rectal cancer. Not only is she a survivor, but she’s also a passionate advocate of women’s health. Motivated by her...
Published 06/27/24
I always love looking back on what I’ve learned and the first part of 2024 hasn’t disappointed. I’ve had some incredible guests on the show this year and I’ve taken the time to distill some powerful insights from our conversations. Today I want to re-share my top takeaways of the year so far. First up, we have some incredible clips from Dr. Josh Axe, a world-renowned naturopath, leadership author, and speaker. Dr. Axe experienced a debilitating medical accident that left him unable to walk...
Published 06/06/24
Did you know that eating organs can be good for you? PLEASE KEEP READING! Trust me, I get it. When people mentioned eating organ meat, I had flashbacks to my childhood and my grandma making liver and onions. Believe me when I say it wasn't a positive experience. Humans have eaten organ meats since prehistoric times, and they're rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids – including some that aren't commonly found in plant foods. Today's podcast guest is James Barry, celebrity chef to George...
Published 05/30/24
Today, we're talking about a topic that might make you squirm in your seat—parasites and worms! These creepy crawlies can hitch into our bodies through contaminated water, food, and less-than-sanitary conditions and wreak havoc. Now, I'll be the first to admit that when my guest Kim Rogers, also known as “The Worm Queen” of TikTok, reached out to me, I hesitated. Who wants to know about the creatures lurking inside us, right? But knowledge is power and if understanding more about parasites...
Published 05/23/24
I learned much from today's podcast with mold expert Bridgit Danner. I've never given much thought about mold and the impact it could have on chronic disease or even cancer! When Bridgit explained that chemical warfare is often made from a mold, she got my attention! If mold is strong enough to be used in a bomb, what kind of havoc can it create in my body? Listen to today's episode to learn more about this fascinating topic.   Information About Today’s Guest, Bridgit...
Published 05/16/24
In today’s episode, we are joined by my naturopathic oncologist, Dr. Laura James. As you listen to our discussion, it's essential to acknowledge the whirlwind that accompanies a cancer diagnosis. For many, including myself, the speed at which treatment unfolds can be both a blessing and a challenge. The urgency of medical intervention, coupled with the support of excellent health insurance and the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 era, can lead to a swift entry into what is commonly...
Published 05/09/24
Today, we have a very special guest who just celebrated her 21 year anniversary living and thriving with stage four cancer.  You may recognize Kris Carr from The Oprah Winfrey Show or as the New York Times Bestselling Author of I’m Not a Mourning Person. As a cancer survivor myself, I admit to being a longtime admirer (and stalker!) of Kris's work, even before my own diagnosis. Having followed Kris as an Oprah Super Soul 100 member, Kris revealed to me, and countless others, how she gained...
Published 05/02/24
This podcast made me both sad and MAD. I interviewed Glyphosate Girl, Kelly Ryerson about the damage glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) does to our environment and our bodies. Kelly Ryerson has spent years in the trenches explaining to anyone who would listen why this chemical is so dangerous. It’s such an easy default to just use a heavy load of chemicals to kill weeks. Did you know that there are simple alternatives to using such a large amount of chemicals in farming? Kelly also...
Published 04/25/24
I admit that after thirty years in this field, I assume that most of my "health decisions" are correct. Yet, whenever I record a podcast, I discover more things I'm doing wrong! GRRRRR…. At this point, I have two options: Get frustrated at everything "I've yet to do…" OR Understand that knowledge is power, and one day at a time, incorporate new habits that can help lower disease risk. Of course, I'm choosing choice number 2! The small changes I make will eventually create a more significant...
Published 04/18/24
This episode strays away from our usual path of interviews with oncologists and health experts. Today, we’re going into the world of crime and consequence. I'm honored to be joined by Kate Moore, the brilliant mind behind "The Radium Girls." This book, a personal favorite of mine, not only captivated me but also disturbed me to the core.  Today's conversation isn't about your typical crime drama. It's about a crime that unfolded silently, hidden within the glow of radium, a substance once...
Published 04/11/24
This is a topic I don’t know much about, so I was looking forward to interviewing Cancer Prevention Coach and nurse, Krista. Krista’s focus is on genetic testing because she’s tested positive for a strong breast cancer gene, and she believes it’s the same gene that caused her mother’s breast cancer. I’ve always wondered: if a close relative had cancer does that mean I will get it too? What can you do to prevent cancer if it’s a big part of your family history? How “close” does the relative...
Published 04/04/24
Conversations about health and healing often go above and beyond conventional medical treatments. Many holistic methods have been employed to supplement traditional treatment protocols and I had the privilege to talk with Liz Curran, co-director of the Radical Remission Project, about this very topic.  Witnessing her sister's battle with aggressive breast cancer ignited Liz’s passion to empower individuals in their healing. As a Certified Radical Remission health coach, educator, and speaker,...
Published 03/28/24