Simon Sharpe and host Richard Delevan unpack key themes from Five Times Faster, focusing on the central question: why are we moving so slowly, and how can we accelerate decarbonisation? Sharpe shares how his time as a climate diplomat—particularly during the UK’s presidency of COP26—crystallized his understanding that we need to think faster and act faster if we are to keep the 1.5-degree target within reach. It’s not just about hitting the right targets, but about focusing on actions that...
Published 09/19/24
UK Government's Bold Climate Goals: Renewable Energy and Policy Review In this episode of Wicked Problems, host Richard Delavan discusses British energy policy and climate strategy with notable guests Adam Bell, Director of Policy at Stonehaven UK, and Trevor Hutchings, CEO of the Renewable Energy Association (REA). They explore the UK government's ambitious plans for ramping up renewable energy, infrastructure investments, and the strategic choices surrounding emerging technology and...
Published 07/30/24
Navigating Sustainability in Travel and Politics In this episode of Wicked Problems, host Richard Delevan discusses the intersection of politics, travel, and sustainability. Delayed by recent significant events, the episode reflects on potential political shifts with Kamala Harris possibly picking a new VP nominee and the implications of such a move. Richard interviews Justin Reid from TripAdvisor about sustainable travel trends and consumer behavior, discussing the balance between enjoying...
Published 07/22/24
Attempted Assassination at Trump Rally: A Reporter’s Eyewitness Account This video script details a harrowing recount of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. The narrative follows Greg Walton, a foreign correspondent for Agence France-Presse, providing a firsthand account of the chaotic and tragic event. Walton describes the moment shots were fired, the crowd's reaction, and the subsequent confusion and blame directed toward the media. The...
Published 07/15/24
Subscribe at wickedproblems.earth to get us ad-free! In this episode of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations, host Richard Delevan sits down with Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe, to delve into the transformative potential and current challenges of solar power in Europe. The conversation spans the explosive growth of solar installations, the strategic goals of SolarPower Europe, and the imperative need for a flexibility revolution in energy systems. Solar Power Growth...
Published 07/15/24
Guests:Adam Bell, Director of Policy at StonehavenMegan Kenyon, Policy Correspondent at The New StatesmanSugandha Srivastav, British Academy Fellow and Lecturer in Environmental Economics at the Smith School, Oxford UniversityOne week after Labour’s sweeping victory, we ask three of the smartest observers of UK climate and climate tech policy about early moves like the hiring of Chris Stark, the removal of the offshore wind ban, and picking a fight with NIMBYs - some of whom may turn out to...
Published 07/12/24
As Running Tide folds and Microsoft and Google scramble to figure out how to make up for rising emissions from AI and data centres, what’s next for the carbon removals market? Recovering lawyer John Lin and Dr. Amber Janda, co-founders of Tau Carbon, join us to discuss. They discuss their journey from academics and different career paths to establishing a company focused on carbon removal using innovative biomass storage solutions. The conversation explores the inspiration behind their...
Published 07/10/24
For an ad-free version, sign up at wickedproblems.earth In this Election Night special, we delve into the UK's political landscape surrounding the recent general election and its implications for climate action. The discussion highlights David Cameron's earlier attempts to position the Conservative Party as leaders in climate action, the feasibility of the UK's 2050 net zero emissions target, and Labour's policy proposals including GB Energy and potential carbon taxes. Featuring perspectives...
Published 07/05/24
In this episode of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations, host Richard Delevan discusses global climate litigation trends with Kate Higham, Policy Fellow at the Grantham Institute and head of the Climate Laws of the World Project. Get Global trends in climate change litigation: 2024 snapshot - Grantham Institute. They explore the efficacy and future of climate litigation against governments and corporations, the justice concerns between the Global North and South, and potential...
Published 07/03/24
In today's episode we have two insightful interviews that explore the frontiers of clean energy and the political landscapes shaping its future. Sign up for our UK election night livestream on 4th July at 9pm UK time with a great panel including Sarah Mackintosh, Rupert Read, Prashant Rao, Ben Cooke and more. Part 1: Hal Hodson, Americas Editor of The EconomistHal Hodson discusses his recent deep dive into solar energy, exploring the rapid advancements and exponential growth in the sector....
Published 07/01/24
This episode of Wicked Problems features a profound discussion featuring Dr. Tadzio Müller - an influential German climate activist who writes at Peaceful Sabotage - on recent elections, the failure of previous climate activism strategies, the psychological dynamics of society's rejection of climate action, and the need to reinvent activism to empower communities amidst impending climate disasters. Tadzio and Richard Delevan cover a range of topics from the hunger strikes of climate activists...
Published 06/28/24
Richard Delevan reports from London Climate Week 2024. Starting at the Groucho Club, he brings listeners to the flagship event at the ExCel, showcasing the vibrancy of the climate tech sector. He highlights interviews with key industry leaders including Duncan Reid of Reset Connect, Sarah Mackintosh of Clean Tech UK, and Lukky Ahmed, CEO of ClimateX, who discusses their recent $18 million funding round. Wicked Problems is member-supported. To receive new posts and support my work, consider...
Published 06/26/24
Navigating the Future of Europe's Energy Transition: A Conversation with Christian Ruby In this episode of 'Wicked Problems, Climate Tech Conversations,' host Richard Delevan talks with Kristian Ruby, Secretary General of Eurelectric. They discuss the challenges and opportunities in Europe's energy transition, highlighting the need for investment in grid infrastructure and the balance between environmental protection and climate goals. Ruby shares insights on the impact of recent geopolitical...
Published 06/24/24
Richard Delevan sits down with Colin Mahoney, founder of Mahoney Communications Group, to explore the burgeoning climate tech scene in New York City. From policy-driven growth to the key players driving innovation, Colin provides an insider's perspective on what makes NYC a unique hub for climate technology. They also delve into the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, the role of private capital, and the importance of adaptation technologies. New York City as a Climate Tech...
Published 06/21/24
Richard Delevan sits down with Edward Matthew, Director of Campaigns at E3G, to discuss the crucial role of climate policy in the upcoming UK election. They delve into the manifestos of various political parties, exploring their commitments (or lack thereof) to climate action, and what this could mean for the future of the UK and the planet. Wicked Problems is member-supported. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Key Topics: * The current...
Published 06/20/24
Running Tide is the first big name in Carbon Removals (CDR) to collapse. Maeve Allsup chases the story. And we talk to the organiser of the flagship event of London Climate Action Week. Guests: * Maeve Allsup, Journalist at Latitude Media (Follow Maeve’s reporting) * Duncan Reid, CEO and Co-Founder of Reset Connect, a flagship event at London Climate Action Week (get tickets) Quotes: * Maeve Allsup: "If the tech is viable, we need to know because somebody else in the industry can pick it up...
Published 06/19/24
In this episode of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations, host Richard Delevan sits down with Jeff Chamberlain, CEO of Volta.vc, to discuss the future of electric vehicles and long-duration energy storage. Jeff shares insights from his extensive career in the energy sector, highlighting the importance of combining technical and financial lenses in investment, the evolution of battery technology, and the challenges and opportunities in the current market landscape. The conversation...
Published 06/17/24
In this episode of 'Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations' host Richard Delevan navigates through the political and scientific landscape shaping climate tech and what’s at stake in this election summer. He discusses the upcoming UK general election and its implications on energy policy, featuring panelists Ben Kilbey of BOLDVOODOO, Allister Thomas of True North, and we interview Dr. Noah Walker Crawford of the Grantham Institute. Topics include the impact of political changes on...
Published 06/14/24
In this episode of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations, host Richard Delevan welcomes Tim McDonnell, the Climate and Energy Editor at Semafor, speaking from Kyiv, Ukraine. Tim shares his experiences and insights on covering a global beat, covering critical issues of climate and energy, amidst the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 1 Reporting from Kyiv: Tim discusses the challenges and realities of reporting on energy and climate issues from Kyiv, highlighting the severe...
Published 06/12/24
In this insightful episode of Wicked Problems, Richard Delevan interviews David Shukman, a seasoned journalist with a 38-year career at the BBC. They talk climate reporting, the challenges faced by the media in covering climate, and the changes in public perception and policy over. David shares personal anecdotes from his career, reflects on climate techn, and his transition to new roles in climate communication. Key Topics Discussed Career Reflections: David’s early journalism days at...
Published 06/10/24
A little over a week ago, Vermont enacted the first law requiring carbon polluters to pay to clean up the damage caused by climate change, putting the money into a fund for adaptation and resilience measures. We bring back Dana Drugmand of One Earth Now and Loes van Dijk of Climate Court to talk about the implications the law might have globally, its prospects for surviving the attacks on the attribution science underlying it - which we detailed last week, and other climate litigation around...
Published 06/09/24
In this World Oceans Day special edition of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations, host Richard Delevan dives deep into the pervasive issue of ocean plastic pollution. Joined by Will Pearson, founder of Ocean Bottle, they discuss the alarming increase in plastic production, the environmental and health impacts of microplastics, and the innovative solutions that Ocean Bottle is pioneering to tackle this global crisis. Key Topics Covered: * Interview with Will Pearson: * Background on...
Published 06/08/24
In this milestone 50th episode, Richard Delevan interviews Akshat Rathi about his book "Climate Capitalism," discussing the intersections of technology, policy, and systemic change needed to combat climate change. Akshat shares personal stories, insights from his research, and his views on the future of capitalism in addressing environmental issues. This episode combines deep analysis with light-hearted moments, offering listeners both education and entertainment. Key Topics: Theories of...
Published 06/04/24
In our 49th episode, Richard Delevan is back with a stellar lineup featuring our long-awaited interview with solar analyst Jenny Chase from Bloomberg NEF, about the second edition of Solar Power Finance without the Jargon, as well as her views on geese, grids, and scifi. And with European Parliament elections just days away, we speak to two climate tech journalists in Ireland for insights about how events might play out for industries seeking some policy certainty. John Reynolds, a freelance...
Published 05/31/24