This week’s word is rojong. An Indonesian word that means mutual cooperation. What a lovely idea! And, of course, there's more to it than that. Let's hear what this word has to say for itself!
Published 07/15/24
This week’s word is orenda. A Haudenosaunee word that means ‘the power of voiced and focused will’. It’s quite literally the opposite of fate or kismet. Let's hear what else it has to say for itself!
Published 07/08/24
This week’s word is tartle. A Scottish word that means to ‘postpone or hesitate’. Let's hear what it has to say for itself...
Published 07/01/24
This week’s word is mbuki-mvuki. A Bantu word meaning ‘to shuck off your clothes and dance madly’. Does it sound familiar to you at all? Let's listen to what it has to say for itself...
Published 06/24/24
This week’s word is Zeitgeist. A German word stemming from the 19th century meaning ‘the spirit of the time’. The prevailing mood of a certain period. But there's so much more to it than that. Let's see what it has to say for itself!
Published 06/17/24
This week’s word is ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian word that comes from ho'o ("to make") and pono ("right"). Solving a problem or issue by talking it out. But it's so much more than that, let's hear what it has to say for itself, shall we?
Published 06/10/24
Welcome back to Word of the Week! Let's dive into a new way to view language.
Published 06/03/24