Published 01/11/22
Nepal's ancient history, a closer look at our past. In this episode, we'll talk with Matrika PD Lamsal, an author, advocate, and teacher, about history of Nepal. This episode is jam-packed with facts and information; we hope you'll stick around to the end and give us your feedback.
Published 01/11/22
What goes beyond cisgender; a deeper look at pansexuality Meet Deepsh Shrestha, a pansexual queer rights activist and one of the co-founders of a queer youth organization. We discuss what Pansexuality is, what it means, and what it's like to date in a world without gender preferences in this candid and no-holds-barred episode. Join us as Deepsh debunks some pansexual myths and stereotypes. Stay tuned, because this episode is a real eye opener that will leave all of you lovely listeners with a...
Published 10/20/21
Ever heard of fox sisters? “I'm obsessed with giving the audience something they don't see coming.” and this is exactly what YALA Podcast stands for. Ever believed in ghosts? think again, because anyone walking through a dark and creepy empty road at night will definitely believe in it, especially with the rustles of leaves and whatnot. Lets Dive into spirituality in this episode, with all those that believe in ghosts and that don't but still get scared when alone at midnight. Lets talk about...
Published 09/21/21
A lot of people listen to podcasts because they want to learn something and be entertained along the way. This is exactly what the YALA Podcast is all about, EXPLORE THE UNEXPLORED where we dive into the questions that have been always shelved, the curiosity about things that we have always heard but never spoken about and all the topics we could only ever wish were talked about. We present to you, 'EXPLORE THE UNEXPLORED' where we together with you explore the world that's still hidden from...
Published 08/16/21