Ian and Tim sat down with Ted Nyman (ex-CTO of Github, CEO of Cased) to chat about how it feels like to be part of the early days of Github, how did it made its way from a little known project to what it became today. We also discussed about Ted's new startup Cased and how it's transforming Devops as well.
Published 10/14/24
Ian and Tim saw down with Akshay Shah (CTO of Buf) to talk about how his experience at Uber where the company decided to go 'schema-first' to address the challenges of a microservices architecture and loosely structured data. Akshay also shares his 'spicy hot take' on the limitations of the big data and data science hype, and the need for more converged, end-to-end data platforms.
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Dane (SVP of Emerging Tech and Incubation at Cloudflare) to chat about Cloudflare's journey of incubating emerging infra areas like security and AI, and how it becomes products Cloudflare customers can use at scale.
Published 08/19/24
Ian and Tim sat down with David (founder of Arcjet and Console.dev), where David is building a new company that's bringing security to the frontend stack, so developers can provide security from day one and at the edge. Come listen to how this trend is starting and what is David believing that would happen for security in the future!
Published 08/05/24
Ian and Tim sat down with the cofounders of CedarDB (https://cedardb.com/) that's building a all-in-one database that merges both OLAP and OLTP into one. Listen to our chat to hear how they got started from the academics and now jumping into making this database to take on all workloads.
Published 07/22/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Ron (CEO of Flox, Nix foundation chair) to talk about the origins of Nix (functional package manager for Unix-like systems) and the adoption story so far, what are Flox doing to bring adoption to the masses.
Published 07/08/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Michele (CEO of EvolutionQ, founder of Institute for Quantum Computing) that has been building quantum safe security products for enterprises to adopt, to talk about where Quantum Computing is today and how close we are to see the tipping point where majority enterprises will care and adopt solutions.
Published 06/10/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Darren who is the cofounder of Acorn Labs that's building open source infrastructure to build AI applications. We chatted about their first project which is GPTScript, allows developers to use english language mixed with programming languages and templates to generate apps in a more structured way. Join us to listen about how the team brought their experience from working on Kubernetes during the Rancher days, and what their outlook and spicy take about the future...
Published 05/13/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Damon Fletcher (CEO of Millwork Analytics), after running as a CFO at DataRobot and Tableau for many years, decided to start a startup as he sees how infrastructure cost is no longer a feature but a product that he sees organizations need to run their business successfully in the future.
Published 04/29/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Ovais Tariq from Tigris Data, that's building a new S3 that's globally distributed by default, etc. Listen in if you are intrigued about why we need a new S3, and what would the world look like if we see everything built on object storage!
Published 04/15/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Chang She from LanceDB to talk about what's happening on the vector db world, and how Lance started from a file format into a tensor data lake.
Published 04/01/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Chris Riccomini (ex-Distinguished eng at Wepay, co-creator of Apache Samza) to talk about the spicy takes he has been sharing on his blog Materialized View and even further takes in the future of what the data system world will look like!
Published 03/19/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Alvaro (CEO of Orb) about how he dived into the Billing problem as a engineer, and now building a company Orb that's powering a developer facing infra for Billing. Come join our discussions to talk about how Billing has evolved, why it's a infra problem, and how having a infra powers billing and everything around it for companies to move much faster than before.
Published 01/30/24
Tim and Ian sat down to talk about what we learned in 2023 and our reflection on Infrastructure companies and projects as a whole! Come sit down and chat with us :) Feel free to post yours on X and tag us @tnachen and @ianlivingstone!
Published 01/08/24
Ian and Tim sat down with Andy Grove (creator Datafusion, Apache Arrow PMC chair) to talk about his original mission to build the Big Data ecosystem in Rust, and how that has evolved until now.
Published 12/18/23
Ian and Tim sat down with Erik (CEO of Modal Labs) that's gaining wide adoption of the serverless platform built for data teams. Come sit down and listen with us how the journey started, and what's Erik hot spicy future take on the serverless infra.
Published 12/04/23
Ian and Tim sat down with Omar Khattab about the research project DSPy, that's changing how users interact with LLMs from creating prompts to have a programming framework that searches and optimizes the best prompts for the task. Come listen about the thought process around DSPy and how it can fundamentally changes how we interact with LLMs and AI models as a whole!
Published 11/06/23
Ian and Tim invited the cofounders of Warpstream (Serverless Kafka built on S3) to talk about the tradeoffs of building a new Streaming product that is designed from ground up to work on top of Cloud storage like S3, and also what the future implications mean.
Published 10/23/23
Ian and Tim are back to interview another YAIGer Shishir G. Patil, who is a PhD at Berkeley that worked on the popular LLM research + project Gorilla, that allows LLMs to call APIs automatically. We dive into how Gorilla works and what is the future implications it brings to the infra / developer space.
Published 10/09/23
Ian (Snyk) and Tim (Essence VC) sat down with Mike (CEO of Smallstep) to talk about how software security will change, as we see more security problems becomes infrastructure problems. How does the industry potentially change if we think about security problems from the infra angle? What's the hurdle and benefits? Listen in to learn more!
Published 09/04/23
YAIG Maxis Ian Livingstone (Snyk) and Timothy Chen (Essence VC) are back this time with another maxi Guido Appenzeller (ex-VMWare & Intel Group CTO) to debate about how AI will change (replace) developers in the near future. There are more questions generated than answers, but dive in with us to talk about some of the possible things that can happen!
Published 08/21/23
Transactions is what makes critical applications with state works in production, and it has been decades of research and iterations of having developers leveraging the tools that exists to implement transactions in their applications. Ian and I are sitting down with Yoko (investor from a16z) and Tony (CTO from Inngest) to chat about the new Modern Transactional Stack (https://a16z.com/2023/04/14/the-modern-transactional-stack/), and how it's looking to shape up the industry in the near...
Published 07/31/23
Ian and I sat down with Stephen Balaban (CEO / founder from Lambda labs), to talk about how Stephen started Lambda Labs inspired by Japanese Anime, into a Computer Vision API, and finally a GPU hosted cloud. We also introduced a new section called the "Spicy Future", and we got spicy :) Come listen to how we noodled on how we will get closer to AGI and what will happen when it does.
Published 07/17/23
The Modern Data Stack swept in the industry last few years, and even though it's still in the buzz, it seems more daunting than empowering. Ian and Tim sat down to chat with Josh Wills (ex-Director of Data at Slack / Cloudera) to talk about all things data, his dbt + duckdb package that he wants no more open source contributions. Sit down and relax with this one, but we're sure you'll pick up something here with our YAIGers.
Published 07/03/23