07 a balancing act 秋分来啦 你找到工作生活平衡了吗
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Ex1 Lily: Theautumnal equinox reminds me of how life is a balancing act between work andrelaxation. Chris:Exactly. Just like the day and night, we need to find our own balance. 莉莉:秋分让我想到生活就像在工作和休息之间的平衡行动。 克里斯:没错。就像白天和黑夜一样,我们也需要找到自己的平衡。 Ex2 Taylor: Lately,it’s been a balancing act managing my job and family. Jordan: Iknow the feeling! The equinox is a good reminder to strive for harmony in bothareas. 泰勒:最近我一直在工作和家庭之间努力平衡。 乔丹:我懂!秋分提醒我们要在两者之间寻求和谐。
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