Ex1 Lily: Theautumnal equinox reminds me of how life is a balancing act between work andrelaxation. Chris:Exactly. Just like the day and night, we need to find our own balance. 莉莉:秋分让我想到生活就像在工作和休息之间的平衡行动。 克里斯:没错。就像白天和黑夜一样,我们也需要找到自己的平衡。 Ex2 Taylor: Lately,it’s been a balancing act managing my job and family. Jordan: Iknow the feeling! The equinox is a good reminder to strive for harmony in bothareas. 泰勒:最近我一直在工作和家庭之间努力平衡。 乔丹:我懂!秋分提醒我们要在两者之间寻求和谐。
Published 09/23/24
Example 1: Amy:Did you hear about that internet celebrity who got caught selling fakeproducts? 你听说那个网红因为卖假货被抓了吗? Tom:Yeah, it’s a total fall from grace. Everyone used to trust them, but now theirreputation is in ruins. 是啊,彻底塌房了。大家以前都很信任他们,现在他们的名声全毁了。 Example 2: Ben:I can’tbelieve how quickly that famous actor's image collapsed. 简直不敢相信那个明星的形象崩得这么快。 Sarah:It’scrazy. One minute they're adored by millions, the next they’ve completely fallen from grace. 太扯了。前一秒他们还被百万粉丝追捧,下一秒就彻底塌房了。
Published 09/21/24
Example 1: Katie: Did you see the recent news about that big tech company facing privacyissues? 你看到最近关于那家大型科技公司隐私问题的新闻了吗? Mark:Yeah, but I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure more details willcome out soon. 看到了,但我觉得那只是冰山一角。肯定还有更多细节会被揭露出来。 Example 2: Josh:That rapper’s scandal is getting crazier by the day. 那个说唱歌手的丑闻一天比一天疯狂。 Lily:You know it’s only the tip of the iceberg. There's probably a lot more we don'tknow yet. 你知道那只是冰山一角。可能还有很多我们不知道的事情
Published 09/19/24
Example 1Sophie: The Olympic Games were so inspiring this year! Those athletes really gave it their all. 今年的奥运会好励志啊!运动员们都拼尽全力了。Alex: I know, right? Watching them going the extra mile really motivates me to put more effort into my own goals. 就是说,看TA们不遗余力的样子让我更有劲去实现我的目标了。Example 2:Nina: Did you notice how the gold medalists were always the ones who seemed to go the extra mile? 你发现了嘛冠军都好拼啊Leo: Yeah, it’s like they had that extra bit of determination that set them apart from the...
Published 08/24/24
Up in the air - 悬而未决、不确定、未知 对话1 Emily: Have you heard anything about our project deadline? 关于咱们项目的截止日期,你有听说什么吗 James: Not really. Everything is still up in the air since the manager hasn’t made a decision yet. 没有,啥都没定呢,因为经理还在考虑 对话2Emma: Have you finalized your vacation plans yet?你的度假计划敲定了吗?Jake: Not yet. Everything is still up in the air because we're waiting to see if we can get time off from work.还没有。啥都还没定,因为我们在等着看能否请到假。
Published 07/21/24
Run of the mill - 很普通,没什么特别的 对话1 Jake: Hey, how was the new restaurant you tried last night? Jake: 嘿 你昨晚去吃的那家餐厅咋样? Emma: Honestly, it was pretty run of the mill. The food was okay, butnothing special. Emma: 说实话很一般。吃的还行,但却是没啥特别的。 对话2(用在名词前要加连字符) Eric: Did you see the new movie that cameout last weekend? Eric: 上周末新上的电影你看了吗? Mark: Yeah, I did. It was a pretty run-of-the-mill film. The plot was predictable, and the acting was just okay. Mark: 我看了,挺一般的。情节老套,演技也就那样。
Published 07/09/24
Alice: Tom! Have you heard about the new project our team isworking on? 爱丽丝:汤姆!听说咱们团队有新项目上马了吗? Tom: Not yet, Alice.What do they have in store for us this time? 汤姆:没呢,爱丽丝。这次他们给咱们准备了啥新鲜玩意儿?  Alice: Well, I justspoke to the manager, and it seems like we have a lot of exciting challengesahead. It's going to involve some cutting-edge technology. 爱丽丝:我刚和经理聊过,看样子咱们要迎接一堆刺激的挑战了,而且项目里还会用到一些前沿技术。  Tom: That soundsintriguing! I'm curious to see what they have planned for our...
Published 07/06/24