01 To have in store for 为咱准备啥了
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Alice: Tom! Have you heard about the new project our team isworking on? 爱丽丝:汤姆!听说咱们团队有新项目上马了吗? Tom: Not yet, Alice.What do they have in store for us this time? 汤姆:没呢,爱丽丝。这次他们给咱们准备了啥新鲜玩意儿?  Alice: Well, I justspoke to the manager, and it seems like we have a lot of exciting challengesahead. It's going to involve some cutting-edge technology. 爱丽丝:我刚和经理聊过,看样子咱们要迎接一堆刺激的挑战了,而且项目里还会用到一些前沿技术。  Tom: That soundsintriguing! I'm curious to see what they have planned for our rolesspecifically. 汤姆:听起来挺带劲儿!我很想知道他们打算怎么安排我们的具体工作。  Alice: Me too! Fromwhat I gather, they're planning some advanced training sessions to prepare usfor the tasks ahead. 爱丽丝:我也很好奇!据我所知,他们会安排一些高级培训课程,好让咱们为接下来的任务做好准备。 Tom: Great! It lookslike we have a lot of learning and growth opportunities coming our way. I can'twait to get started! 汤姆:太棒了!看来咱们又有不少学习和提升自我的好机会了。我都等不及要开始了!
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