Yoga Sutra 2.46: Posture of the body, as also the posture of the mind, should be firm and pleasant.
45th Sutra Chapter 2
The posture of the body, as also the posture of the mind, or attitude to life, should be firm and pleasant.
Through the Asans, as we develop the requisite strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, ease and comfort in the physical body, so do the same get developed in the mind, psychologically and emotionally.
As the body gets toned,
the mind gets tuned.
sthira-sukham-āsanam ॥46॥
sthira = steady, stable
sukham = happiness
âsanam = posture
54th Sutra Chapter 2
When consciousness gets centered within by uncoupling from external objects, the senses do likewise;
this is called withdrawal of the senses, Pratyahara.
Pratyahara, or withdrawal of the senses and moving them inwards,
away from external stimuli, is equated with a turtle...
Published 06/11/23
53rd Sutra Chapter 2
And, the mind attains the ability to concentrate, to focus its attention.
Pranayama is not only an instrument to steady and purify the mind to experience the prakash of the buddhi, the dawn of wisdom, as detailed in the last Sutra, but also the gateway to concentration,...
Published 04/02/23