Published 05/15/20
The chakras, wheels of energy within the body, affect our emotions, hormones, and well-being. Through positive affirmation, this chakra scanning meditation allows you to bring the chakras into better balance for overall peace and harmony.
Published 04/05/19
Published 04/05/19
Our bodies are the sacred vessels that carry our souls, and we are capable of feeling our body on a much deeper level than we normally try to do. Through this vipassana-inspired body scanning meditation, you'll begin to find union between body, mind, and spirit, for greater harmony within your being.
Published 04/05/19
Sometimes, it’s useful to boost your imagination and creative powers the old-fashioned way, through visualization. If you’re stuck with your writing, using visualization in meditation can help switch on more novel and unique lines of thinking in your brain. This meditation turns on the ajna (third eye) chakra to help you see beyond reality and into your imagination. Let your story take shape in whatever way it chooses to manifest itself.
Published 12/02/18
Of our five senses, the sense of “hearing” is rarely the one that dominates when we’re in the writing flow. By flipping the “on” switch for that sense and focusing our meditative concentration (dharana) on the sound of music, we give our analytical minds a rest and let our emotional minds take over. This can help greatly in becoming a more empathetic fiction writer, or a more empathetic person in general.
Published 12/02/18
Energy and blood pool and stagnate in our bodies when we sit still for too long. In the same way, our thoughts can also stagnate in our minds when we are without movement. This meditation gets the body mindfully moving around the room to awaken new ideas and perspectives. The key is to be MINDFUL—to remain present with the movement, and with your breath.
Published 12/02/18
Think of your writer’s block as an actual BLOCK: a square, a box, a cube. In nature, there are no right angles. And yet, we sit ourselves in box-shaped rooms, in cubical buildings, staring at square computer screens, and wonder why we can’t write creatively. To “think outside the box,” you must sit outside the box. This meditation takes you outside and into nature to help enhance your observational skills, connect you to the big picture, and give your creativity a boost. Hint: if the weather...
Published 12/02/18
Forgiveness is one of our most powerful tools for self-healing. Use this meditation any time you feel yourself irritated, angry, or victimized in a situation. When you hold onto anger or a grudge, those emotions only harm YOU, rather than the person with whom you are angry. In this way, forgiveness is not really about the other person, but more about ourselves and how we react to challenges. This meditation allows you to change the narrative about the situation in your mind, so that true...
Published 12/02/18
Find lasting peace and comfort using the power of dharana on visualization, imagining yourself in a perfect sacred space to calm your body and mind. This meditation uses belly breathing and lengthened exhales to to access the body's "resting" parasympathetic nervous system response. Allow yourself to sink into a lasting place of peace.
Published 11/06/18
Using classic metta (loving kindness) meditation techniques, this episode is the perfect meditation to help send love and healing to anyone you know who is suffering, and to bring greater peace to the entire world. The next time you promise to send "thoughts and prayers" to someone in a time of need, do this meditation to supercharge the positive energy you send and bring them lasting relief.
Published 11/06/18
Through understanding of the pancha koshas, this meditation allows you to go beyond the external labels society has placed on you--beyond the layers of skin, bone, energy, thought, and emotion--to access your soul. Your appearance, your repetitive thought patterns, and your emotional tendencies DO NOT define you. You are so much more than that. Find trust in yourself by connecting to the vast, eternal spirit inside of you.
Published 11/06/18
Heal and relax your body, mind, and spirit through the power of self-love with this Yogatrotter Guided Meditation. Find acceptance and forgiveness of yourself, and build confidence and courage by learning how to love yourself, just as you are. This episode combines classic metta meditation with Hawaiian Hoʻoponopono meditation for ultimate healing power. We are all seeking more love in our lives; the trick is to look for it inside of yourself.
Published 11/06/18