Yosemite National Park: Every spring, both visitors and locals look forward to the opening of the Tioga Road, a high-elevation pass that crosses Yosemite National Park. Get a glimpse of what it takes to clear snow from a section of the highway known for dangerous avalanches.
Yosemite National Park: Bienvenidos a Yosemite! A special welcome video for the Hispanic community living within a day's drive of Yosemite.
Published 03/14/13
Yosemite National Park: Floods in Yosemite Valley aren't uncommon during spring runoff, when the Merced River swells with melted snow and overflows into meadows. This video shows the effects of flooding in Yosemite.
Published 03/14/13
Yosemite National Park: Watch this 15-minute video for an orientation to visiting Yosemite National Park.
Published 03/14/13