The only hockey analytics needed (Question Mark?)
As a caps fan and ex-NOVA resident existing in Kentucky/Ohio who was also on tumblr into her adult years, this podcast makes me feel seen, heard, and generally way less isolated. Eva, Kelly, and Rave are the best versions of my last 3 brain cells. Also my mom (arlington middle school teacher) listened while sitting on 95 with me and she loves y’all too.
sm_ohio via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/05/21
More reviews of You Can't Do That
This podcast is the ultimate hockey experience. Why “watch a game” when you can instead luxuriate in the sensation of lounging on your sofa while four exquisitely-voiced witches instruct you in the deepest truths of the sport? From tough topics like racism and xenophobia to equally tough topics...Read full review »
sciencebones via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/09/18
Y'all are the people I wish I could go to games with! Listening in will suffice, though. My weird reactions to sports and hockey in particular are not reciprocated so it's nice to know I'm not the only one acting this way. Also! This college athlete/poli sci major is looking to...Read full review »
Iris SA via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/17/18
this podcast makes me want to understand hockey but mostly it allows me to engage in my favorite thing which is people talking enthusiastically and knowledgeably about the specific things they like and feeding off of the emotions/general sparkle-in-eye investment in things I know nothing about!...Read full review »
carolinewitz via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/28/18
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