A balm to my fevered existence
I know very little about hockey and care even less about it. But these ladies’ blogs have been oases in many a garbage time for me and their podcast is no different. Listening to them cackle about topics they love like the main characters in 9 TO 5 when they get high at Dolly Parton’s house is honestly such a joy and soothes my soul on a primal level. (I hope they one day bring that same spirit back to the 1D AS podcast.) Keep it up.
BoozleBam932 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/01/18
More reviews of You Can't Do That
Oh my god. This is the greatest podcast ever. On my ride home from work today I literally went from openly weeping (listening to the ladies describe the Caps' reactions to beating Tampa) to laughing hysterically (when someone said that Nate Schmidt looks like if they made Spongebob human) in...Read full review »
Jeremy Kanter via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/05/18
This podcast is the ultimate hockey experience. Why “watch a game” when you can instead luxuriate in the sensation of lounging on your sofa while four exquisitely-voiced witches instruct you in the deepest truths of the sport? From tough topics like racism and xenophobia to equally tough topics...Read full review »
sciencebones via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/09/18
I love listening to You Can't Do That. This podcast gives me everything I want from sports (Hockey in particular): The Drama within the Hockey World, discussions of dreamboats, and delightful humor and conversation. I don't pay attention to actual hockey, I just listen to this podcast,...Read full review »
Bekstek via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/08/18
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