In this shared episode, Mike and John Perritt (from Reformed Youth Ministries) take turns asking each other questions and sharing about their respective ministries and discuss resources for youth workers to know about.
Reformed Youth Ministries exists to serve the Church in its efforts to reach and equip youth for Christ. Through its three avenues of ministry (Conferences, Training, Resources), everything RYM does is oriented to help churches as they seek to raise up the next generation of the Church with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
John Perritt's Books
RYM's Track Series
Mike McGarry's Books
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YPT has published an ebook that's a free download for subscribers. Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry collects ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch the heartbeat of Youth Pastor Theologian is written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Sooner or later, every youth pastor learns that their youth ministry is only as strong as their volunteers. If that’s true then how do we identify, recruit, train, and support faithful volunteer leaders to serve our students?
Why are volunteers so important?
What should we look for...
Published 11/25/24
Youth culture can feel like a foreign language, especially with how rapidly it changes. How can youth workers understand the culture of our students… and why is that important anyways?
Why is it important for youth workers to understand youth culture?
How would you describe the default...
Published 11/19/24