Theological depth is important in every ministry context. In this episode, Jordan Francis shares about urban youth ministry and how theological depth applies to inner-city youth. This is a valuable conversation for all youth workers to hear and benefit from.
Jordan Francis is the founder of Reframe Youth and is a Christian Therapist in Phoenix.
Discussion Questions:
Could you describe what makes urban youth ministry different from youth ministry in suburban or rural communities?
How would theological depth, in particular, look different in urban ministry?
Can you give a few examples of ways churches in the inner-city can equip their volunteers to engage youth in theological conversations?
What are some common reasons urban youth workers might downplay or underestimate the value of theological depth?
Do you have any recommendations about ways YPT could serve urban churches and youth workers?
Can you highlight one ministry or youth worker who you think is doing a really great job at this… what are they doing that’s instructive for the rest of us to learn through them?
Learn more about Reframe Youth at, Youtube, and on Facebook
Learn more about the Urban Youth Workers Institute
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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
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