One of the main reasons a youth pastor’s relationship with their senior pastor can suffer is from unmet expectations. In this conversation, we talk with Cody Busby (Mike’s pastor) in order to encourage and support healthy senior/youth pastor relationships.
Discussion Features:
Share with us a little about your experience as a youth pastor… what do you miss most about serving in youth ministry and how do you think that’s shaped the way you lead as a senior pastor?
What are some of the biggest differences between leading as a youth pastor and leading as the senior pastor?
I’m not sure what your relationship was like with your senior pastor, but now that you’ve been a senior pastor for 18 years, what do you wish you could go back and tell youth pastor Cody?
Big picture, what are some expectations that senior pastors have of youth pastors? This isn’t a list of what they SHOULD expect… but an honest reflection of what you’ve heard that would be good for youth pastors to know.
What are your thoughts about “leading up?” as this way for subordinates to seek to lead their leaders? In what ways is this simply “leading together” and in what ways can this be a red flag that maybe it’s time to leave?
If you could identify a few areas where you think youth pastors need to focus in order to improve or strengthen their relationship with the senior pastor?
A final word on what you’d like to share with youth pastors who may have a less-than-great relationship with their pastor?
Cody Busby is the senior pastor of South Shore Baptist Church in Hingham, MA. He has his D.Min. in expository preaching from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a proud member of the South Shore Curling Club.
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