Wrapping up an incredible month of football with the Final of Euro 2020: England v Italy
Published 07/12/21
EURO2020の準決勝が終わり、ついに決勝の対戦カードが決定しました!// The semi-finals are complete and the two finalists have been confirmed!
Published 07/08/21
ユーロ2020は準々決勝が終わり、いよいよベスト4が出揃いました!// The Quarter Finals are done and we're into the business end of the tournament!
Published 07/05/21
It's been an incredible couple of days of action at Euro 2020. Amazing goals, goalkeeping howlers and two of the most amazing matches of football you'll ever see.
Published 07/01/21
ユーロ2020はベスト16の熱い試合が繰り広げられています。強豪国が消えてしまう一方で、戦力的に見劣りするチームも粘りを見せてくれています。トモとトミーが、決勝トーナメントの試合を振り返ります。// We're halfway through the Round of 16 and we've lost one big team and had one big upset already! Tomo and Tommy chat through the results from the past few days.
Published 06/28/21
The group stage is done and we have the full picture of the knockout rounds now. Tomo and Tommy share their thoughts and predictions and chat about some of the action from the past few days.
Published 06/25/21
Euro2020は全51試合の26試合を終え、大会の折り返し地点です。// We're officially halfway through the tournament and this is where things really start to heat up.
Published 06/21/21
The action has continued over the last few days and there have been some big matches — and some disappointing ones too!
Published 06/19/21
すべてのチームが一試合目を終え、どのチームがノックアウトステージに進めるのか? どのチームが厳しいか?少し見えてきたかな?// It's been another busy couple of days in the tournament, and Matchday 1 is finished already! Tonight, the second round of fixtures get started, and we'll really get an idea for who will be going through to the knockout stages, and who will be going home.
Published 06/16/21
ポッドキャスト番組「サッカーと英語」ではEuro2020を特集しています! 大会は3日目を終え、ハイレベルのゲーム内容が連日続いています。 そんな中、非常にショッキングな出来事が起きてしまいました。// Euro 2020 has kicked off and 3 nights into the tournament already so much has happened - some good and some very tragic.
Published 06/14/21
ポッドキャストの中の人のトモ(日本語)とトミー(英語)がEuro2020に向けて準備中。1ヶ月間の大会期間中、人々の記憶に残るゴールや名勝負が生まれるでしょう。とにかく寝不足な日々がすぐそこに迫っています。 Tomo and Tommy are all set for a massive month of European Football. Unbelievable goals, classic matches, and some sleepless nights await.
Published 06/08/21