Zero Hours is an anthology series from Long Story Short Productions, where every story is a different take on the end of the world - or at least something that feels like the end of the world. Each episode is organized around a kind of apocalypse, whether the cataclysm is planetary or personal, and each episode is also set in succeeding centuries, with 99-year intervals separating them. Zero Hours begins in the past, catches up to the present, and eventually overtakes it. Some installments are darkly comedic, others grimly contemplative, and others still thrillingly contentious. But they...
Hello Dear Listeners!
We are returning to this apocalyptic feed for a very special, very exciting announcement! The creators of Zero Hours have just released a brand-new audio fiction fantasy series called Unseen.
The premise behind the show is simple: in a world where magic is real but...
Published 11/02/20
Hello Friends!
Quick special announcement! Gabriel Urbina, Sarah Shachat, and Zach Valenti, the team behind Zero Hours, are back! And they're making a new audio fiction show! It's called Unseen, and it's an urban fantasy series!
They're fundraising for the show on Kickstarter right now, and...
Published 08/11/20