In a dramatic turn of events on Ko-An, Tennin and Muriel confront the god Ra, unleashing destruction. Muriel sacrifices herself to save the city's inhabitants, spreading her life force among them before falling in battle. As Tennin grieves, the Sha-Ruen, empowered by Muriel's gift, unite in a ritual to resurrect her. Miraculously, Muriel rises, transformed and more powerful, marking a pivotal moment in their rebellion against Apophis and showcasing the power of unity and sacrifice. Hosted...
Published 03/19/24
In a climactic battle to save planet Ko-An, Tennin and Muriel engage the god Ra, who threatens total destruction. Muriel, weakened by dispersing powerful white energy to save the populace, and Tennin face Ra in a fierce confrontation. Muriel's sacrifice to bring Ra down results in her death and Ra's defeat, leaving Tennin and the Sha-Ruen victorious but mourning Muriel's loss. This victory marks a poignant moment of sacrifice and the heavy cost of fighting for freedom against...
Published 03/19/24
In a decisive battle on planet Ko-An, Tennin and Muriel face the powerful god Ra, who threatens to disintegrate everything with a decay power. Amidst this dire situation, Muriel discovers an inner source of powerful white energy, given by their god, capable of mimicking any attack used against them. This discovery leads to an intense confrontation where Muriel's newfound abilities become crucial in turning the tide. They aim to save Ko-An's inhabitants by spreading this protective energy,...
Published 03/19/24
Over a century, Tennin, Muriel, and their allies liberated numerous worlds from Apophis, gaining notoriety but also suffering heavy losses. Seeking an army, they aimed to recruit the Sha-Ruen of Ko-An, a technologically advanced and resilient race recently subjugated by Apophis. Their plan to win the Sha-Ruen's support involved liberating Ko-An, starting with defeating a powerful god named Ra who had slaughtered millions. Despite the challenge, they managed to engage Ra, discovering their...
Published 03/19/24
Tennin and Muriel encounter resistance upon arriving at a mountain crafted by intelligent life, guarded by heavily armed angels. Mistaken for threats due to their unique white wings, a misunderstanding leads to a conflict showcasing their newfound resilience against energy weapons. They meet Serevis, a key figure guarding Illidium, essential for skip drives. Despite initial disbelief, Serevis is intrigued by their mission and Rasad's prophecy, ultimately deciding to join their adventure to...
Published 03/19/24
Rasad reveals the ancient origins and decline of angels, explaining their powers and vulnerabilities, particularly against gods like Apophis. He plans to leverage Tennin and Muriel's unique white energy, derived from hope, to challenge Apophis. The duo embarks on a mission to gather resources and allies, demonstrating their willingness to confront formidable forces and fulfill a prophecy that could shift the balance of power in the galaxy. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for...
Published 03/19/24
After a harrowing escape facilitated by the god Ismael, Tennin and Muriel land on an unknown planet, only to be captured by a group of angels. They discover these angels have been awaiting their arrival, fulfilling a prophecy. As they prepare for a ritual to regain their wings, implying a near-death experience, tensions rise among the angels, some doubting the prophecy. Ismael's unexpected arrival and intervention confirm the angels' destiny to embark on a millennium-long battle against...
Published 03/19/24
Emerging from a grueling three-year cryo sleep, Tennin and Muriel awaken aboard a ship with no recollection of time passed, only to land on an unknown red planet. Confronted by an ambush of cloaked figures upon exploration, they learn the planet is inhabited by angels who've defied the god Apophis, including Tennin and Muriel's destined ally, Rasad. Rasad reveals a shocking truth: to regain their wings, symbolic of their freedom and power, they must undergo a perilous process that...
Published 03/19/24
Muriel, newly awakened and transformed into an angel, and Tennin, a seasoned but defiant angel, find themselves fleeing through a vast ship originally a moon, now a massive carrier powered by the god Apophis. As they attempt to escape, Tennin shares the dark truth of Apophis's power, derived from enslaving gods of conquered worlds. Their flight leads them to a confrontation with other angels and eventually gods, but they are aided by Ismael, a powerful god with mysterious intentions. Ismael's...
Published 03/19/24
A woman awakens in a mysterious lab, confined and disoriented, without memories or a sense of identity. After undergoing a painful transformation involving an injection that floods her with knowledge and causes excruciating pain, she discovers she has been reborn as an angel, complete with energy wings. Tennin, another angel with a history of defiance, rescues her, giving her the name Muriel. They quickly find themselves on the run from other angels intent on killing them for Tennin's past...
Published 03/19/24
In an intense turn of events, Malice's overwhelming power is finally countered by Wei Jin, a master of combat with profound control and authority, brought in as backup by Michael. Despite Malice's ferocity, Wei Jin showcases superior skill and strategy, rendering Malice unconscious. However, the victory is short-lived as Cain intervenes, decapitating Sam to contain Malice's threat temporarily, suggesting a strategic retreat to prepare Sam for better control of his powers. This action sets a...
Published 03/19/24
In a devastating confrontation, Malice's power is unleashed in full force, outclassing military efforts and causing widespread destruction. Victor's attempt to reason with Malice ends in violence, showcasing Malice's intention to bring about cataclysmic damage. Despite the military's heavy weaponry, Malice withstands their assault, responding with lethal force that decimates the soldiers and infrastructure. The narrative highlights Malice's insatiable desire for chaos and destruction, marking...
Published 03/19/24
Sam's death unleashes Malice, his dark alter ego, endowed with terrifying power and wrath. Michael, witnessing Malice's resurrection, is overwhelmed by the sheer malevolence and destructive potential that now eclipses even legendary beings like Ra. Malice's emergence is marked by a devastating display of force, annihilating soldiers effortlessly and collapsing a building, signaling his intent to wreak havoc on the city. This pivotal moment showcases Malice's intent to reshape the world in the...
Published 03/19/24
Sam's confrontation with his past and the manifestation of his inner demon, Malice, in a vivid, hellish landscape, underscores a harrowing journey through abuse and vengeance. Reliving his traumatic childhood, he witnesses the moment Malice promises to enact revenge on his abusers, leading to a drastic act of retribution that forever changes Sam. This sequence highlights the struggle between Sam's desire for justice and the destructive path Malice leads him on, encapsulating themes of pain,...
Published 03/19/24
In a moment of profound despair and fury, Sam confronts the embodiment of his torment, Malice, in a hellish landscape marked by destruction and suffering. Despite his newfound strength, Sam's attempt to combat Malice results in him being trapped in a symbolic box, echoing his childhood traumas. Malice reveals they are one, created from Sam's anger and need for protection. This realization occurs amidst a backdrop of chaos, emphasizing the internal battle Sam faces between his own rage and the...
Published 03/19/24
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Sam's attempt to protect Julia amidst a confrontation with armed men leads to tragedy. Despite his newfound abilities and efforts to shield her, Julia is fatally wounded. Overwhelmed by grief and guilt, Sam's despair is profound as he faces the irreversible loss of his love. This pivotal moment underscores the dangerous consequences of his powers and sets the stage for further turmoil. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Published 03/19/24
In a tense rooftop meeting between Michael and Cain, Michael seeks Cain's assistance in managing Sam's uncontrollable power, fearing that Sam, now more powerful than Ismael was at his stage, could destroy the planet. Cain, who has grown significantly in power himself and benefits from the chaos Sam causes, is indifferent to Michael's pleas. He expresses frustration with Ismael's absence and his own burdens, indicating he will act according to his interests. Michael warns Cain of potential...
Published 03/19/24
Sam relishes the transformative experience of a hot shower in a luxurious hotel suite, provided by Michael. This respite from the chaos of his newfound abilities allows him to feel rejuvenated, noticing significant physical changes and healing. Amidst the comfort, Sam grapples with the realities of his actions and the implications of his powers, leading to contemplation about his future and the necessity to leave the city. However, his love for Julia remains a strong anchor, compelling him to...
Published 03/19/24
At Gruffalo's, a dive bar known for its burgers and beer, Sam and Michael discuss the nature of angels and their roles in ancient history. Michael reveals that angels were initially guardians for Ra, the Egyptian sun god, but their purpose evolved over time, especially as Ra became increasingly powerful and malevolent. The story includes a significant conflict involving Ra, resulting in only a few angels surviving. Michael also shares insights into Ismael's origins, connecting him to biblical...
Published 03/19/24
In a tense meeting, Dr. Wallace is pressed by military and Cain corporation officials for information on Sam Rittenhouse, the individual behind a destructive rampage. Despite confidentiality concerns, Wallace reveals Sam's severe psychological issues, including a violent alter ego named Malice. Cain, revealing vested interests due to Sam's attack on his property and theft of crucial research, insists on understanding and stopping Sam. The military plans to investigate further, focusing on...
Published 03/19/24
Sam struggles with the aftermath of his violent actions and seeks answers from Michael, who reveals that Sam's transformation is due to a bond with a unique flower, initiating his path to godhood. This process, meant to replace God, accelerates Sam's abilities but also links him to Malice, a malevolent presence. Faced with his new reality, Sam grapples with the moral implications of his power and the daunting journey ahead, including eleven more ascensions. Amidst this revelation, he...
Published 03/19/24
In a whirlwind of emotions and newfound abilities, Sam, overwhelmed by the power within him and haunted by a sinister internal voice named Malice, desperately seeks escape and understanding. In an action-packed turn of events, he leverages his extraordinary speed and strength to evade capture, causing unintended harm and facing the heavy burden of his actions. Amidst this chaos, Michael, an angelic presence, intervenes, offering both a momentary respite and cryptic guidance. Together, they...
Published 03/19/24
Sam, now grappling with his newfound and uncontrollable powers, inadvertently causes the deaths of five security guards in a bid to escape a building. Overwhelmed by guilt and the realization of his actions, he's confronted by the voice of Malice, a sinister presence from his past, urging him to embrace his destructive potential. Amidst an escalating confrontation with law enforcement, Sam's struggle with his identity deepens, marked by an intense chase that sees him utilizing his powers in...
Published 03/19/24
In a dramatic turn of events, Sam grapples with the reality of his newfound powers and the consequences of his actions. Faced with locked doors on a rooftop and the arrival of heavily armed guards, his attempt to escape spirals into a violent confrontation. In mere seconds, Sam's defensive actions lead to the unintended deaths of five guards, a moment that deeply shocks him and highlights the lethal extent of his abilities. This pivotal scene underscores the weight of responsibility and...
Published 03/19/24
Sam, grappling with the shocking revelation of his destructive actions and newfound powers, finds himself in a state of denial and confusion. Michael, claiming to be an angel, confronts Sam with the harsh reality of his actions, attributing them to a powerful and mystical flower that resurrected Sam with enhanced abilities. Despite Michael's attempts to explain the situation and Sam's potential, Sam struggles to accept his role in the carnage and his evolution into a being far beyond human....
Published 03/19/24