Amidst the tense atmosphere at the temple's entrance, Cain confronts Wei Jin and Michael with a shocking revelation: he's infected with Lucifer's potent disease, The Rot, showcasing the severity of the threat they all face. Despite their immortal nature, which typically renders them immune to such earthly afflictions, Cain's weakened state and the visible signs of infection signal an unprecedented crisis. Cain's demand for healing, leveraging his newfound powers from a shared ascension,...
Published 03/29/24
Published 03/29/24
In the shadow of the Himalayas, angels Michael and Gabriel witness Cain, a figure of immense power, approach, altering the very elements around him. This encounter reveals Cain's search for answers regarding Sam's delayed ascension, hinting at a complex celestial chess game with high stakes involving Lucifer, who has unleashed a devastating plague threatening all life. Cain's quest is driven by the limitations of his own formidable abilities against Lucifer's growing power, underscored by...
Published 03/29/24
In an extraordinary encounter, Sam meets Ismael, an enigmatic being of light who reveals he has been with Sam through his life's darkest moments, unseen but profoundly impactful. Ismael explains that Sam's trials were necessary for his growth, akin to the violent creation of the moon being crucial for life on Earth. This journey of hardship and loneliness was designed to prepare Sam to become a god, capable of altering the universe's fabric. The climax reveals that Malice, Sam's lifelong...
Published 03/29/24
In the climactic showdown within the Furnaces, Sam confronts Malice amidst a devastated cityscape, a vivid recreation of his darkest memories. The air is saturated with the agony of burning souls as Malice summons dark forces in a grotesque display of power. Undaunted, Sam, transcending his past fears, challenges the beast with a seismic roar that symbolizes his newfound strength. Their battle, a maelstrom of destructive and divine forces, culminates with Sam asserting his dominance, ready...
Published 03/25/24
In the surreal aftermath of a devastating energy explosion, Victor is transported to an endless white void, facing the harrowing sight of a crucified and battered Sam, hinting at deeper battles within. The appearance of a suave, manipulative version of Sam, offering a knife to kill the beaten Sam in exchange for his wife's freedom, reveals a twisted maze of moral and existential dilemmas. This encounter is shattered by the intervention of a familiar, benevolent Sam, exposing the situation...
Published 03/24/24
Sophia's desperate quest to find young Sam within a bewildering maze takes a dramatic turn when she's cast down by a shockwave from a distant battle, landing in darkness profound. Here, amidst shadows that mirror his fears, Sam reveals his unique ability to manipulate light, a power born from his struggles with abusive parents. Their cruel intervention propels Sam to unleash a devastating force, obliterating his tormentors in a moment of raw vengeance that forever alters his destiny. This...
Published 03/24/24
Within the volatile confines of Sam's psyche, Wei Jin, alongside Victor and Sophia, delves into an urgent mission to fortify Sam against the resurrected malice of Lucifer, revealing the intricate tapestry of fear, power, and redemption that binds them. Sophia's maternal resolve shines as she navigates the nightmarish depths to protect Sam's innocence, while Victor's firsthand witness to Sam's formidable powers reshapes his understanding of the once-feared entity. The intense confrontation...
Published 03/23/24
As Gabriel and Michael sense the resurgence of a formidable ancient evil, the temple becomes a nexus of celestial and mortal convergence, poised against the looming threat of Lucifer's return. The revelation of Cain's unsettling alliance and the endowment of pivotal roles to Victor and his family weave them intricately into a divine blueprint spanning millennia, tasked with aiding Sam's tumultuous ascent to godhood. The mysterious distribution of Ismael's messages through orbs of light,...
Published 03/23/24
Sophia's plunge into the depths of Sam's psyche unveils a turbulent world teeming with personal demons and unresolved trauma, offering a stark contrast to her own life's experiences of nurturing and maternal care. Her encounter with a young, tormented Sam, juxtaposed against the malevolent presence masquerading as his father, crystallizes her understanding of the complex duality within Sam—where innocence battles the darkness. Sophia's resolve, tested by physical confrontation and emotional...
Published 03/23/24
Sophia's journey into the depths of Sam's subconscious, guided by Wei Jin, transcends a mere physical descent into the unknown; it becomes a transformative expedition that challenges her perceptions of divinity, morality, and her own role within this celestial narrative. Amidst the harrowing sights of a personal hell, her encounter with the dual essence of Sam—both as the benevolent and the malevolent—unveils the complex duality of godhood that defies traditional understanding. This...
Published 03/23/24
Sophia's confrontation with Gabriel at the temple's threshold underscores her unwavering determination for transparency, leading them to a pivotal encounter with Wei Jin and a divine revelation that defies Sophia's lifelong beliefs. The miraculous demonstration of spiritual luminescence through her daughters not only reveals their innate purity and potential but also serves as a transformative moment for Sophia, reshaping her understanding of divinity and her family's role in a celestial...
Published 03/23/24
Victor's reunion with his family in a small Tibetan town unfolds with a blend of anticipation and shock, leading to a poignant moment when his wife, Sophia, initially mistaking him for a demon, highlights the depth of her anguish and the lengths to which they have been led by celestial machinations. Guided by the angel Gabriel and confronted by Michael, Victor navigates through revelations of ancient divinity and the role his family is to play in the saga of a new god, Sam Rittenhouse, who...
Published 03/23/24
Sam's harrowing odyssey through a maze that is both a physical labyrinth and a metaphorical prison of despair climaxes with a profound transformation, spurred by his relentless pursuit of escape and self-redemption. Trapped in a cycle of failure and haunted by the memory of his inability to save Julia, his loved one, Sam discovers the dark manipulations at play, challenging his perception of guilt and opening the door to newfound abilities. This pivotal revelation, coupled with a vision of...
Published 03/23/24
In a climactic battle on a mystical lake, Sam and Malice unleash their godlike powers in a titanic struggle, each fueled by deep-seated hatred and a desire for dominance. Their fight, marked by elemental ferocity, reaches a stalemate, unveiling their equal might. Through this confrontation, Malice reveals a wish to annihilate humanity for its flaws, a notion Sam initially entertains due to his own bitter experiences. However, reminiscing about the genuine connections with his friends Frank...
Published 03/22/24
Within a daunting maze, Sam's encounter with Malice becomes a crucible for transformation, evolving him from vulnerability to divine wrath. A manipulated memory of near-drowning by his father, used by Malice to exploit Sam's fears, turns into a battleground for control. Recognizing the illusion, Sam masters the ability to shift water, marking his ascent to godhood. Their clash escalates with Sam unleashing a massive wave, countered by Malice's ability to shift sound, deflecting the attack....
Published 03/22/24
Embarking on a perplexing journey within a vast maze, Sam transitions from confusion to enlightenment as he uncovers his divine abilities. Prompted by an encounter in a barren courtyard and guided by Wei Jin's enigmatic counsel, Sam taps into The Source, revealing a vibrant, energetic dimension that reshapes his understanding of reality. Through this newfound vision, Sam learns the art of Shifting, beginning with solid matter. Faced with the challenge of deflecting hurtling boulders, Sam...
Published 03/21/24
Victor's resolve to return to his family leads him on a perilous descent from the Tibetan mountains, driven by a deep longing to reunite with his loved ones after being whisked away in the aftermath of a battle against Malice. Despite the monks' warnings, his military prowess fuels his confidence. However, his journey is abruptly halted by Michael, the celestial being who initially brought him to Tibet. Michael, seeking to ease the tension with a flask of aged scotch, reveals that Victor's...
Published 03/21/24
In an ancient temple, Wei Jin meditates beside the nascent deity Sam, a serene scene interrupted by Michael, a celestial observer burdened by the weight of omniscience yet plagued by uncertainty. Michael's frustration over decades of passive observation and Wei Jin's unyielding meditation crescendos into a confrontation revealing Wei Jin's intent to mentally prepare Sam for a looming, undefined challenge. Amidst Michael's despair over his inability to affect change and his fear of the...
Published 03/21/24
In this gripping chapter, Sam finds himself navigating the harrowing depths of his own psyche, confronted by the stark realization that his inner demon, Malice, has been more than a mere antagonist in his life. The narrative takes us through Sam's ethereal journey in a void, a place devoid of physical laws, symbolizing his introspection and isolation. This journey leads him to confront the essence of his relationship with Malice, revealing the complexity of their bond and the consequences...
Published 03/21/24
In the tumultuous aftermath of Sam's emergence as a new deity, the world grapples with the dual scourges of "The Rage" and "The Rot," pandemics with devastating effects on humanity's mental and physical well-being. The Rage incites extreme aggression and dementia, while The Rot corrodes the body internally, spreading the diseases at an alarming rate. Originating from the city of Sam's godly ascent, these diseases are speculated to be linked with the malevolent entity Malice. Amidst this...
Published 03/20/24
Trapped and drifting in space with no Illidium fuel and damaged engines, Tennin and Muriel, along with their group, face dire circumstances. They decide to enter cryo-sleep, aiming for a distant system by using the last of their energy to propel the ship. This desperate measure requires them to sleep for approximately 400 years, coinciding with when they expect to meet Ismael again. As they prepare for long-term stasis, unresolved questions linger, including Tennin's past identity, hinting at...
Published 03/19/24
Following a fierce battle against Apophis's forces and significant losses, Tennin, Muriel, and the remaining rebels face a dire situation as they're pulled towards Apophis's moon, with most ships destroyed. Choosing to fight rather than succumb to space's vacuum, they make a desperate attempt to hijack a ship from Apophis's carrier. Despite their efforts and a successful escape using the ship's skip drive, Apophis demonstrates his formidable power, indicating the rebels' escape does not go...
Published 03/19/24
Over five centuries, Tennin and Muriel lead a fierce rebellion against Apophis, liberating worlds and subduing gods. Their struggle intensifies as they confront Apophis directly, facing their most challenging battle yet. Amid significant losses and the destruction of their base, they find themselves drawn into Apophis's grasp, setting the stage for a confrontation that could change the fate of the galaxy. Apophis's overwhelming power is evident as he subdues a formidable god, further...
Published 03/19/24
Over five centuries, Tennin, Muriel, and their allies face many battles against Apophis's forces, gaining and losing territory. Their base and Illidium source are lost in an attack, leaving them with limited skipping capabilities. They're drawn into a system by Apophis, facing imminent destruction as their ships are forcibly pulled towards his carrier. Amidst this dire situation, Apophis focuses on conquering more worlds, demonstrating his vast power. The rebels prepare for a confrontation,...
Published 03/19/24