Welcome to the Addicted to Healthy podcast
Your one-stop destination for all things health and a kickass life.
I’m Laurence, a certified nutritional practitioner and PCOS Fighter & health coach & your host of the addicted to healthy podcast
This is your show to learn from me and other inspiring experts on how to address your health naturally and uplevel in all areas of your life to live a kickass life. This podcast is about being addicted to bettering yourself and your life and being in love with the life you are living. It means living your truth and finding the things that light you up, no matter what that looks like. This podcast will encompass all things that I believe contribute to holistic health: nutrition, lifestyle, relationships, money, career, spirituality, physical activity, mindset, health, environment, creativity, etc.
Meet Mindi
Mindi Huebner is a certified Health and Life Coach and has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. Equipping women to show up for themselves - body, mind and soul, and take control of their energy to create more income and a greater impact is what sets her heart on fire. She is an author, speaker, coach and mentor. When she's not listening to a podcast or out for a walk, you'll find her scouring Pinterest for the ultimate high nutrient brownie - a girls gotta live, right?!
Today’s episode
Why is our society becoming more dependent on stimulants and feeling exhausted through the day?
How are our beliefs driving our habits?
Overcoming addiction to stimulants
What is causing us to always be tired?
How to increase energy using holistic strategies
The influence of our thoughts on our physical energy and how to hack them
Total Energy Transformation
Thank you for listening to today’s episode!
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