Father Wounds most often occur when our father is either emotionally or physically absent, super critical or mentally/physically abusive. This may lead to both anxiety and confusion in the son or daughter and cause issues with how they relate to men. A father’s influence also has a big effect on the understanding of masculinity in both genders. This subject is deeply personal for presenter Simon North, who tells of journey exploring his own father wounds and how it became the basis for...
Published 08/03/24
Awakening, Egypt’s secrets, extraterrestrial technology, sacred geometry and a unique healing art are all at the heart of this fascinating episode. Star Magic Healing’s Jerry Sergeant is a transformational frequency healer who’s life was turned on its head after a car crash triggered a spiritual awakening experience. He talks informatively about his experiences and how he was guided to create a healing art. He recounts his own transformational journey inside the King’s Chamber at the Giza...
Published 06/18/24
Published 06/18/24
Authors and Tantric Practice Teachers Dr Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver have helped thousands of couples and singles create lasting intimacy and fulfilment in their life and relationships. So, I invited them to join me for a discussion about sexual energy and sexual enlightenment. We take a whole new look at the energy created during intimacy and ways to use it to open consciousness. This includes looking at the importance of ‘conscious breath’ in this context - there is a short...
Published 05/10/24
Sinead Duffy is a non-prescriptive Consciousness Coach working with essential oils in an exciting and innovative way. Our interview covers many interesting areas connected to plant consciousness and how to access it for healing. She explains how and why plant essences work so well with humans through instant interaction with the limbic brain - the part which handles emotions. She explains how essential oils work both vibrationally and bio-chemically but also goes into the fascinating way...
Published 06/28/23
A secular meditation sign posting listeners to a special place in the heart, where you can feel safe and secure. Simon introduces this episode with a personal story about overcoming his survival issues and explains why people often feel unsafe in the world today. From the moment of separation at birth, we are constantly looking for a safe place. When this is no longer provided for us by our parents or if there is a family trauma that interferes with the nurturing process we actively seek a...
Published 05/14/23
Low mood, excessive worrying, anxiety and depression are the result of our Survival Issues getting the better of us. The majority of Survival Issues are stored in the Root Chakra and Second Chakra and this guided meditation shows you how to work on clearing them using the power of universal love. The meditation asks you to welcome feelings of low mood, worry, anxiety and depression as old friends, which is a healing technique designed to change the way your mind attaches itself to Survival...
Published 04/15/23
This episode is dedicated to giving you a new perspective of the meaning of love. It takes us away from seeing love as a personal possession and into an understanding of love as a universal form. Listening will move you into an intimate conversation with your heart where you will find the light of Divine energy residing within. Simon's blog explains more Understanding Love
Published 02/10/23
Author and researcher Dr Dawson Church recently published a ground-breaking book about meditation called 'Bliss Brain'  making him the ideal guest to talk about meditation. We launched in the big question from the start. Is meditation a spiritual practice or simply brain training? Dawson had much to say in answering this core question. We then talked about what happens to the brain during meditation and Dawson outlined his unique stack of seven mind and body techniques found in his popular...
Published 01/16/23
The magical and somewhat mysterious Yew tree is known to help support us through the grieving journey. Simon talks about this healing aspect of Yew and its ancient connection to the creation cycle.  Yew is also synonymous with Winter Solstice as it acts a a still-point in the forest, very much like the celestial pause the sun appears to make around the shortest day of the year. Recorded live in ancient woodland for authenticity, meaning it includes all the natural and unnatural sounds found...
Published 11/17/22
An in-depth exploration of energy medicine with author and practitioner Ellen Meredith as her new book 'Your Body Will Show You The Way: Energy Medicine for Personal and Global Change' is published. Having worked with over 10,000 clients, Ellen is vastly experienced and therefore well-placed to write a book on energy healing.  She takes the view all of us can have an impact on our own healing. Her book offers readers unique tools to activate your inner guidance system and use it to gain a...
Published 10/21/22
Simon explains why Autumn is the traditional time of the year to connect to your ancestors and why this is a helpful practice. Created to coincide with outdoor ceremonies, this episode takes you on a journey to your internal ancestral land. It includes practical tools and a guided meditation explaining how to use your navel to make a profound ancestral connection. The intention is for listeners to build it into a practice of creating an altar space for ancestors and using it to ask for...
Published 10/13/22
Gaia is the living consciousness of planet Earth and this meditation will help you develop a deep sense of your intrinsic Gaia-self. It will help you to create for yourself a heartfelt sense of Gaia and bring an honouring of the Earth's energy into your self-care practice. “Having a strong sense of Gaia as a part of your energy system is vital for both Grounding and Earthing your emotional charge. This special meditation will help you release anxiety and feeling depleted leaving you...
Published 09/29/22
Elder is among the most ancient trees of the United Kingdom, having been traced back 1.5 million years. She brings unparalleled wisdom and aspects of transformation and protection to our consciousness. This recording in the forest was made a few days before Autumn Equinox so it can be used in conjunction with your ceremonies and rituals. Simon talks about the mythology of Elder and what the tree means to him personally. This is followed by a 10-minute period without narration for your own...
Published 09/22/22
A Grounding Cord is your vital energetic connection with the Earth and this meditation helps you to reconnect to it. Just like electrical devices need an Earth connection to order to function, the same is true for the human energy field. Often in modern life this essential pathway into the ground beneath our feet is weak, damaged or completely lost. When this happens we can feel disconnected from the world, lonely or isolated as emotional charge starts to build and has safely nowhere to...
Published 05/29/22
The first of five evergreens in the series, Holly embodies love and passion. Its mythological quality of connection to immortality also brings in the aspect of unconditional love. Although strongly associated with winter, Holly arrives in the Ogham calendar in May reflecting its connection to the path of the sun through the wheel of the year. Holly grows in a very protective way, both for itself with its prickly lower leaves and by entwining itself close to other trees. This characteristic...
Published 05/24/22
In the fifth episode in this Tree Meditation Series, Simon goes to Ladywell a sacred grove of trees beside an ancient well in West Oxfordshire. He tells us about a personal journey he made with Oak in 2020 when the world was seemingly falling apart and explains how its symbolic qualities of strength and endurance helped him to change his life. Meditation with Oak is recommended when you face a difficult decision or need support in making hard life choices. This episode was recorded on a...
Published 05/13/22
Complementing the Tree Meditation Series is this 11 minute grounding meditation to help you send emotional charge into the Earth. Recorded underneath a beautiful old Oak tree in an ancient woodland in the Chiltern Hills, England.
Published 04/14/22
Welcome to number 4 in the Tree Meditation Series, a journey into the realm of the Fairy Queen and the magical Hawthorn tree. Simon begins this episode by introducing the mythology of Hawthorn and its association with the May Queen and the pagan Beltain festival. He then talks about what healing aspects Hawthorn brings us when we sit beneath its blossom laden branches. A 10 --minute meditation space with beautiful sounds of nature follows. This episode was recored live beside the River...
Published 04/11/22
Number 3 in the Tree Meditation Series is different, as this time we are connecting to our hearts and sending out love and healing energy to the Ash trees. Ash is under threat due to Ash Die-Back fungal disease and older trees are being culled leaving the orphan younger trees without their parents to feed vital nutrients through the wood wide web. Together with a group of healers and compassionate people we have created a healing beacon in the forest specifically for healing the Ash...
Published 03/31/22
The second episode in my Tree Meditation series is all about the essence of the Willow tree. Aligned with both water and the Moon, Willow helps us to see things in a new light and restore our emotional balance.  Recorded outside on the banks of the River Thames near Cookham, this journey with Willow features a brief synopsis of her qualities and how she helps us when we work with her Yin energy. Following the description of Willow there is a meditation approximately 10 mins long for you...
Published 03/17/22
Here is the first in a new series of podcasts inviting you to deepen your connection with trees and their energy.  We start with the Alder tree and journey into its magical qualities of protection, affinity with the element of water and gateway to the realm of the Fae. The episode concludes with a 10-minute guided meditation recorded in the rain sitting under a mature Alder tree beside Hedsor Water on the River Thames near Cookham.
Published 02/18/22
I am a VortexHealing practitioner and wanted to give people an insight into this powerful form of Devine energy healing, so rather than talking to myself I went to interview the person that inspired me, Simon Tandree of Embodied Stillness.  What follows is an insightful and fascinating chat about what you can expect when you come for a treatment. We also look behind the curtain as Simon explains what it's like for him channeling VortexHealing. I am sure you can appreciate it is a rare thing...
Published 10/13/21
Continuing the conversation with shamanic healer and practitioner Hayley Trezise, we talk about the core concept of The Circle of Reality and personal sovereignty. Hayley reveals more about the ongoing work she does on herself to enable her to be a practitioner.  We finish off discussing group work, where you can learn shamanic journeying and deepen your connection with the spirit world, five day retreats and her sacred movement classes. Latest information about her work is found on...
Published 08/10/21
Shamanic practitioner Hayley Trezise talks about her work with the spirits and explains how it is used for healing. The conversation covers shamanic journeying and how she uses it to ask questions and get answers for healing work with her clients. She also talks about her path into spirit-led work. To find out more about her or to book a session or go on a shamanic retreat please go to her website. Here are some links to the things she referred to in the podcast: Duncan Wordley School of...
Published 07/25/21