Is the feedback sandwich your preferred way of delivering feedback? But are your colleagues resistant to your constructive criticism? And do you dread those conversations?
Don't worry - I've got stacks of research, neuroscience, and tips here because... it's time to put the feedback sandwich in...
Published 07/05/23
In this latest podcast in the Be Neuroinclusive series, we'll delve into the symptoms of stress and mental load, emotional disconnect, and introduce the concept of ADHD tax.
I'll share practical tips on identifying masking, reducing stress and overwhelm, and improving emotional granularity....
Published 07/05/23
Online meetings can be tough for neurotypes who experience sensory overload and social anxiety. That's why it's absolutely crucial for leaders to be aware of the potential negative impact they can have on all attendees and take proactive steps to create a more inclusive and accommodating...
Published 07/05/23