In this episode I share about the latest in my personal life and personal life aha moments Topics like positivity Themes in the collective atm Fires in our town Battling self doubt and self trust 18 years of RESISTANCE And the re-anchoring of DREAMS Aaaand an re-opening to my 8 week program THE VESSEL: https://gobeyondthereef.com/thevessel Lets connect: IG: www.instagram.com/uilanitevaga/ Email: https://bit.ly/3NuhF02 Episodes...
Published 11/16/22
Let’s call it. There are moments where this self healing journey is EXHAUSTING. Remember the days when you were cool being told “what to do” and accepting anotherʻs template of who you were supposed to be because it gave you a sense of security? "Like ok, I know what to expect." But thats not you anymore. You started to wake up and the Not KNOWING has guided you to “the work”. but lately, the work feel like A LOT. In this episode, special guest Tahiti Kulia: https://tahitikulia.com/...
Published 11/08/22
Hey Hey! Can you believe its been 2 whole years of this show?! Wow, Im just incredibly thankful to every person who has ever tuned in and so excited for all the juicy-ness that has yet to take place! Big news first! My BRAND NEW WEBSITE iS LIVE!! https://gobeyondthereef.com/ On todays episode: I share how I view Business as a "spiritual" practice- meaning how it expands us as individuals What gentle can business mean what it was like to start BEFORE I was ready the devotion of 2022 to my...
Published 11/02/22
HEADPHONES ON- kinda episode The feminine is RISING. She is rising in you. Perhaps I can give you tools and support, wing woman support in this remembering how that feels in your body because that's what the feminine is. It's about SPIRIT into the matter That being said. You are a modern woman. A modern goddess and FINDING TIME for feminine embodiment practices is a HUGE hurdle So I get it when you hear me say Pleasure and you say," Pfffft. Girl, I barely have time to work out!" I get that...
Published 10/26/22
Waiiiit… Isn't it GOOD to Be a GOOD GIRL? I've been talking about this for while now and I decided I wanted to do a deeper dive today because this part of ourselves was engrained in so many of us. Being GOOD was what my entire existence was measured up to. Good girl, good woman, good wife, good mother, and yet why not GOOD enough? Let's take a look at the template of GOOD. How that shows up and ask ourselves, is it time to Retire herrrrr? Connect with me on IG:...
Published 10/13/22
Make those SMART Goals. (btw That was made BY men, for men.) And I lived by this for so long. Achieving goals was like checking off my to-dos. But when the goals began to be about Looking successful rather than being in Alignment with my authentic nature, NO goal, brought the fulfillment I thought it would. This one is for all my driven Wahine. Grateful for you. Here for you. We get to RE Define our version of success from here on out xx Join me in a 2-hour LIVE Masterclass on 10/5/22: "A...
Published 10/05/22
It's time for a social media cleanse! Not where you delete it all ( unless you want to cuz that's cool too) But where you investigate your energetic field online Yes, it's a great place to connect, share, express, and build, but if there are NO RULES, there are NO RULES and that can give way for an all-access pass that maybe you don't wanna give. In today's episode I share how we can share our truth without feeling the need to get people on board with us so we can feel better about what we...
Published 09/27/22
Were you raised to believe to be Angry is Bad, or in my case "of the devil"? Todayʻs episode I talk about leaning into Sacred RAGE. Not Rage where we hurt, but where we burn away the SHAME that helps us HEAL. I share vulnerably my downloads about the word Patriarchy and what leaving a Strict religion has made me see. I talk about the damaging effects that shame and submissiveness have had on my life. How having an embodiment process allows us to Process on a deeper level. Allowing in...
Published 09/23/22
Today we're talking about why it's time to release all the pent-up emotion! Did you just wanna Skip this because I said EMOTION? I know. That used to be me. I used to be a super high achiever who would just FORCE my way through I remember telling my kids to QUIET down! Quit that tantrum not realizing that they were Boxing and bottling that up and it would explode later in the later parts of their life than similarly I've gone through that experience myself and I'm here to challenge you guys...
Published 09/15/22
When it comes to abundance, being in the flow, and living in gratitude… you are either here For it or you are not. The universe doesn't do "half in/half out". It is a Decision. What do you need to CUT out, and cut through in order to step into what already belongs to you? Today I share 5 UNexpected ways you could be blocking yourself from more abundance, 5 questions (and a mini bonus) to ask yourself if it is your desire to be in the vibration of Abundance and OVERflow AND the official...
Published 09/13/22
"I donʻt believe we are meant to hold on to our experiences, the hard ones, or the good ones for that matter. Weʻre meant to encourage each other, lift each other, support each other, share, and love one another... My heart and my prayer for you is that these words would offer you some kind of encouragement and would give you HOPE to choose life still, even if the worst thing happens to you..." - Shauna Dukes, author of EVEN IF, A Holistic Approach to Grief and Living a Joy-filled Life with...
Published 09/07/22
including a quote by one of my favorite books a Radical Awakening from Dr Shefali : You cannot be good, only great not great, GREATER, not greater, EXCELLENT Not excellent, only perfect Not perfect, only a war against the self… The idea of MORE is truly a sickness that has plagued us for far to long... What about Less, space... even a VOID? what does that bring up for you? In today's episode, I share some manaʻo around the Be more and do more mentality ... Who are we if not the identity of...
Published 08/31/22
Best NOT to have keiki (kids) around in this episode When was the last time you felt LIT UP? When was the last time you were asked how you were doing and you DIDNʻt say, "oh you know, BUSY" I know we ALL have so much going on, so many roles to fufill..so its important for us to be healthy. We know this. But what is the step up? What if you not only made healthy your goal but also VITALITY? In todayʻs episode I share 3 ways to increase our Vitality this Week! simple and JUICY ways.... so lets...
Published 08/25/22
"Just fix your mindset.""The problem is your mindset.""If you think differently, then you will do differently."So many different versions of this we have either had told to us or told to someone else... and to a certain degree it might be true, but in today's episode, I share WHY all this mindset work could be doing more harm than good IF you are leaving out the real driver... your subconscious mind which I have come to learn is actually the BODY. Take what you want, leave the rest, but if...
Published 08/17/22
“RUN Towards the thing that you fear most…” BEFORE the RUN, I wanna talk on what has kept me (and possibly some of you) BOUND for so long.In this episode I am Sharing ONE of my awakenings and answering the question:Does Uʻilani still believe in God?Am I now a walking conflict or was it the teachings?Unshackling from the belief system of church I grew up inThe Damage of Conditional worth and belongingEarning my card to participateWhat is greater NOW than the fear of “will I be accepted”I pray...
Published 08/11/22
*headphones on kinda episode Todayʻs episode is not about sex. Its about sensuality and sexuality and our ability to be at HOME within our bodies. To prioritize feeling GOOD and tap into the most natural pathway to life force energy we possess. Many of us never learned to prioritize our sensuality I hope after this episode, you will. xxIʻd love to hear from you & connect more:Instagram: @uilanitevagaEmail: @gobeyondthereefJoin The Sisterhood: https://www.facebook.com/groups/413247756494703J
Published 08/02/22
If you are a business owner, a thought leader, a mother, and it is on your heart to Help others, you already know you must be able to guide. Guide in a way that others will see and FEEL the value in what it is you have to offer.What IF you could stop the niche pressure and drama and create more EASE?What if you could lead in such a way that felt true for you, safe for them?What if you could call in what you want FASTER?There is. and its not in how much content you create, or if you are "on...
Published 07/29/22
Your Voice is Valueble. Your MAGIC is needed, especially Now. But so many of us downplay our gifts, stifle our message and just say, ah, I have other things to do...Todays episode lets lean into our discomfort with Speaking and Expressing because what if YOUR voice was the key for truly helping another wahine?with her relationships.with her self lovewith her healingwith her abundanceI know you have a Heart to help others, my question is if they cant HEAR you, find you, Feel you, how then can...
Published 07/19/22
The stories we grew up listening to, watching have shaped who we are and what we believe.. but are we asleep to the messages?Do they serve our highest good?Or are they just accepted by us because we want to be accepted in our culture and society as women.Todays episode:I share my favorite movie and why i donʻt want to call it my favorite anymore.what question we can ask ourselves when we are READY to break the pattern of giving love and and "always getting hurt"I hope this serves you sis as...
Published 07/13/22
In this episode:Letʻs talk Recession. How the news does a great job of keeping us glued to the screen and almost frozen instead of making MORE money. How long does a recession lastare we in one now?what can you do to prepare?FREE bonus for my incredible listenersBeing OPEN to abundance Hope this serves you sis, Uʻilani Get In Touch:Grab your FREE Fast Cash Crash Course + 1k in 30 days pdf https://bit.ly/3asUt3bInstagram: @uilanitevagaJoin The Driven Island Wahine Sisterhood:...
Published 07/07/22
Setting a routine is about setting yourself up for success before "the world" starts asking of you, pulling at you, needing things from you. Loved that you asked, Im here for more requests especially if it serves YOU that listen in. Mahalo! xx, UʻilaniGet In Touch:Want to Work together 1:1? https://bit.ly/3xJLFh4Instagram: @uilanitevagaJoin The Driven Island Wahine Sisterhood: https://www.facebook.com/groups/413247756494703J
Published 07/06/22
In this episode:This question you want to ask over and over again especially when you expand your offerings, create something new, are putting yourself out there. If you have brilliant ideas, an incredible product or service I share today:-your job as a business owner/ content creator-putting away feelings of scarcity and replacing it with OWNERSHIP-re visiting your higher/favorite self-crafting with more EASE and calling in the “right” peoplexx, UʻilaniGet In Touch:Want to Work together 1:1?...
Published 06/28/22
Do you obsess over what you put in your mouth for fear you won’t “hit your goals”?Are you often trying to change your body because SURELY then you will have the success you know you are meant for?What would it look like if you learned a new way, a more loving approach to something we do everyday…EATING!On this episode TEISA BROWN of @brngirl method shares her journey from GOAL weight to EX MACRO coachdecolonizing healthimproving our relationship with foodincrease body love + acceptanceIm so...
Published 06/23/22
Hi my sis! Short episode today calling attention to a phrase we may be saying unconsciously, even if light heartedly... could be keeping us from opportunities to come home to ourselves. Inviting us to look at what we have learned to accept as NORMAL and what seems strange because perhaps it had to go underground. Hope this episode helps you to re-wild your own connection practices... because much of our wahine arts had to go underground, lets not Bypass it with our words. xx Get In...
Published 06/16/22
On this episode :5 major loops entrepreneurs get stuck inMaking Room for new growth requires AwarenessHow fear shows up in your Bodyour Fears are a huge disservice to humanityWhat is this commitment to disconnection?5 Antidotes to these BlocksGet In Touch:Email: [email protected]: @uilanitevagaJoin my (FREE) Success Summer Camp: https://www.facebook.com/groups/413247756494703
Published 06/14/22