“Midwife Cath’s sleep advice is as old as she is AKA neglect. Western society’s obsession with independence in babies is damaging. Studies show the increased cortisol levels in babies with any sort of (as Cath recommends) cry it out or controlled crying (she calls it passive settling… it’s called sleep training) and how it remains high for hours and hours. Babies are NOT independent and need responsive parenting. Letting a baby cry is distressing for baby and parents. Hence why she suggests one of the parents physically leave the house while the other ‘settles’ - red flag! Anything around care for your baby that makes you feel so distressed that you have to LEAVE THE HOUSE… That’s totally messed up. Further, feeding to sleep is biologically normal and breastmilk as hormones in it that HELP baby to get to sleep and it also aids in the mother to get to sleep. Responsive parenting doesn’t end at 6 months. She literally says in one episode, prior to 6 months babies sleep 45 minute cycles and then, in another episode, says in a response to a listener question, that babies are capable of Sleeping 12 hours through the night at 6-7 months?! Is this a joke??????? Completely incorrect and biologically NOT going to happen. You can’t sleep train, sleep is developmental. That is a huge and unrealistic jump. Not even adults do that, and we’re expecting our new babies to do this????? Our sleep cycles wake us up every few hours (even if we don’t remember it). Kids won’t sleep through until 2-3 years old. If they do, it’s because you’ve taught them that no one is going to answer their cries and they learn to stop as it’s futile. Co sleeping can be done safely and is the best way to help families get the most sleep, read up on Dr James McKenna. ZERO STARS.”
Brooke.x22 via Apple Podcasts ·
Australia ·