How many times have you prioritised your work, a project or any other stressful life event over yourself? I’m willing to bet quite a few times – if not every time. Over the last few months, we’ve been turning our house into an Airbnb so there’s a LOT that needed to be done which could easily have completely overwhelmed my whole life! So, in today’s episode, I’m sharing how I’ve managed to get through it all without sacrificing my health and wellness. In this episode, I’m chatting about:U...
Published 09/23/24
Published 09/23/24
At one point, I was so sick of being asked if I’d tried yoga that I got a sticker for my mobility scooter that said “Yes, I have tried yoga. No, it didn’t work”. If I had known then that some types of yoga aren’t even physical, maybe I might not have got it! Today’s guest is my friend Sayeeda Alam, who is a dedicated yoga teacher and Ayurvedic lifestyle advisor passionate about holistic well-being. She considers herself 95% healed from CFS and believes in the power of offering tailored practi...
Published 09/09/24
Men can often find it much harder to open up and be vulnerable with others than women do, but have you ever considered how this could impact them when they find themselves struggling with a chronic illness? Diving into this topic and so much more with me is Mike Watts, the co-founder of an online educational company with his wife, Kate Northrup, whose mission is to help women create a better relationship with money, sex and power. Mike also shares his experience with being hit by a car and ho...
Published 08/26/24
In this first ever guest episode, I’m joined by Dr Aisling Quiery, an NHS GP with a background in addictions work who also works as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Maturation Coach, and psychedelic guide at Imperial College London. Through her additional training beyond a medical degree, her lived experience of anxiety and long Covid, as well as using psychedelics as a healing medicine in the jungle with Dr Gabor Maté, Aisling is uniquely placed to discuss the limitations of modern medi...
Published 08/12/24
I’ve got a bumper episode for you today and it will definitely be one you’ll want to grab your notebook for! If you’ve had a question about the nervous system or regulation - I probably answer it here. I’m giving you an overview of the nervous system and polyvagal theory, diving into some regulation techniques for each state, as well as discussing what dysregulation actually looks like and how you can start to expand your window of tolerance. If you’re at the beginning of your healing journey...
Published 07/29/24
Trying to recover from ME/CFS when you have no idea what works is not an easy thing to do - I’ve been there! Whether it’s acupuncture, the Perrin technique, veganism, pilates or therapy, I’ve tried it all. In today’s episode, I’m diving into what worked for me! This is the second part of two “my story” episodes (do go and check out part one first!) where I’m sharing much more about the recovery side of things and how I discovered that what was working was nervous system regulation.In this epi...
Published 07/15/24
I’m so glad you’ve clicked on the first episode of the “Calm Your Nervous System” podcast! I really don’t hold back while sharing my story in this one, and I just know you’re likely to see yourself in my story. Whether it’s missing my GCSE mocks, abusive relationships (slight trigger warning for this episode for sexual trauma, though no details are shared), workplace discrimination or when I was told to sit on the floor at a Beyoncé concert (yep…🙄), I’m letting you in on my ME/CFS journey. An...
Published 06/28/24