The coterie investigated the recreation centre as the possible ritual site of the cult of Lilith. Doris saw in her mind’s eye the disturbing and violent rituals that had recently been performed within and deduced that Horatio Sundrop might be the Right Hand, Val warned the sheriff against implicating Horatio without hard evidence, and Everett sent Evangeline away before she could witness a gruesome scene. What menacing surprises have the cultists left behind? Featuring our Storyteller Ryan...
Published 12/19/23
Following the demise of the cultist during interrogation, Val and Evangeline stepped out to clear their heads. Doris sought out Michael Arden’s expertise, and—in a surprise connection with Ben’s spirit—they learned that Ben’s sire must be very powerful and were led to the ritual site, a dilapidated community recreation centre that Everett heard had frightened even the Loyalists. What grisly scene is the coterie about to walk into, and will they do so without backup? Featuring our Storyteller...
Published 12/12/23
After the coterie’s captive was given an IV drip to heal, and Everett’s interrogation failed, Doris mesmerized him into confessing that he had been embraced by the Children of Lilith, but did not know their plan. Evangeline discovered that the new kindred were likely addicts, and as Val staked him again to pause their questioning, they immediately realized that he had resisted healing, such was his devotion to the cult. Has the trail gone cold? Featuring our Storyteller Ryan LaPlante...
Published 12/05/23
After Jocelyn St. James dropped a cultist at Everett’s feet and threatened the sheriff, the coterie visited Madre to secure her help in bringing down whomever is embracing new Brujah. Everett and Doris then strategized how best to question their captive, Val and Evangeline learned that William Walker is one of the five scheduled to join the Pyramid 2.0 tomorrow, and they all reconvened at the station. What new threat will their interrogation reveal? Featuring our Storyteller Ryan LaPlante...
Published 11/28/23
After the coterie indulged Evangeline enough to satisfy her beast, they made some disturbing discoveries about the recent victims from the firefight with the Loyalists. Everett discovered they were citizens from areas near to New Haven, Doris determined they were all recently-embraced Brujah, and Val thought that the letter ‘L’ branded on them was reminiscent of the Children of Lilith. Why has Matthew Theobald sent Everett’s estranged childe to help them? Featuring our Storyteller Ryan...
Published 11/21/23
At the station, Doris deduced that the Malkavians have been receiving more blood than the current rationing allows, Evangeline noticed that the labels on the confiscated packs were forgeries, Val made assurances that Will wouldn’t be a threat to Teddy, and Everett got a call about a firefight on the outskirts of New Haven. The Loyalists put the attackers down quickly, but a few escaped into the town. What does it mean that the attackers were recently-embraced Brujah? Featuring our Storyteller...
Published 11/14/23
The coterie made a final attempt to acquire a tainted blood pack. Val and Teddy came up with a plan to move Will to house arrest, Evangeline convinced a Malkavian to willingly hand over their ration, Doris determined that the blood was normal but realized the Malkavians are receiving more rations than they should be, and Everett heard from the Loyalists about suspicious activity outside the city limits. What larger machinations are at play in New Haven? Featuring our Storyteller Ryan LaPlante...
Published 11/07/23
Published 10/31/23
Published 10/24/23
Published 10/17/23
Published 09/26/23
Published 09/19/23
Published 09/12/23
Published 09/05/23
Published 08/15/23
Published 08/08/23
Published 08/01/23
Published 07/25/23
Published 07/18/23
Published 07/11/23
Published 07/04/23
Published 06/27/23