In this Podcast Renee Lertzman talks about 'this moment we are in now', collective awakening and how to respond emotionally without shame or judgement with Caroline Hickman. They talk about the vulnerability faced in ‘speaking’, fears about being openly angry, and falling in love. Renee discusses themes explored in her recent Ted talk, windows of tolerance, attunement, climate anxiety in relation to action, and why it's so hard when things are so urgent. And she swears - just...
Published 03/13/20
Published 03/13/20
Tree Staunton, Clinical Director of BCPC talks with Caroline Hickman about our current climate and biodiversity crisis, and the important role that psychotherapists may have in facing these difficult truths, and supporting a self -reflective dialogue about our relationship to the world around us as well as our responsibility for it. Asking many questions and not necessarily providing all the answers, they discuss many issues and dilemmas for practice especially how we can nourish a level of...
Published 02/15/20
In this podcast Sally Weintrobe, psychoanalyst and editor of Engaging with Climate Change, is in conversation with Caroline Hickman about the natural relationship which children have with animals. They feel close to them and fascinated by them. Sally sees our prevailing culture of un-care as working to break links between humans and animals and to invite us to treat animals (and the animal we are) as “distanced others”. How are we facing the Sixth Mass Extinction? Can children help adults...
Published 02/15/20
Clover Hogan is a 20-year-old climate activist, researcher on eco-anxiety, and the founder of Force of Nature.  In this Podcast, Clover Hogan talks with Caroline Hickman about how depth psychology transformed her approach to her activism, the role of holding despair and optimism in the same breath, and her path to igniting agency in a diversity of audiences - from Wall Street bankers, to 11-year-old students in the classroom. 
Published 02/11/20
Two Extinction Rebellion activists reflect with Wendy Hollway of CPA on their experiences with Extinction Rebellion from 2018 through  wellbeing roles in the Uprisings in London and active engagement in  XR locally. They speak of deep experiences and learnings from focusing on growing the group's regenerative culture. Structures that build awareness and support emotional processing, so necessary for engaging with the reality of climate and ecological crises, have the potential to bring...
Published 01/28/20
Climate psychology gives us a method of listening to peoples' experience of climate change which can inform how we talk to friends, family and colleagues, how counsellors/therapists could listen to peoples’ worries and how researchers could investigate it.  Paul Hoggett in conversation with Verity Sharp and Caroline Hickman. Paul, with Adrian Tait founded the Climate Psychology Alliance in 2012. In this podcast he draws upon his experience of being a social scientist and psychotherapist to...
Published 11/19/19
Verity Sharp & Caroline Hickman try to wrap their heads and hearts around eco-anxiety for the second time following their first discussion in BBC Radio 4's "Costing The Earth" in April 2019. They may have to talk again in a few weeks. It’s all changing so fast.
Published 10/13/19
Many of us were inspired to see children marching in the Youth Climate Strike on 20th September, including in war-torn areas where they were putting their lives at risk in order to  to speak out.It’s hard to avoid the thought that the children are the adults, whilst the grown-ups are like children.On the other side, taking attention away from the children are the nay-sayers. Could it be that those adults who criticise cannot process their own feelings and have to get rid of the protesting...
Published 10/05/19
A conversation about “myth” and its relevance to the climate emergency between Jo Blake, who works across the disciplines of storytelling, theatre and dance and Sarah Deco, art therapist, group analyst, story teller, with a long connection to the Climate Psychology Alliance. How can working with the nuanced nature of myth and story be emotionally nourishing for us on a planet where destructive binary narratives of endless growth and separation from nature hold sway?
Published 09/28/19
It is easy to forget that the majority of Environmental destruction has taken place within just one human lifetime... So imagine: what might be achieved in the next? Overwhelm, grief and terror are the first emotions which come to mind when young Environmentalist Martha Stringer discusses the future. And yet, through discussion with psychotherapist Caroline Hickman, she recognises the huge potential for unity, imagination and shared meaning which the Climate Crisis brings.  In the first part...
Published 09/17/19
It is easy to forget that the majority of Environmental destruction has taken place within just one human lifetime... So imagine: what might be achieved in the next? Overwhelm, grief and terror are the first emotions which come to mind when young Environmentalist Martha Stringer discusses the future. And yet, through discussion with psychotherapist Caroline Hickman, she recognises the huge potential for unity, imagination and shared meaning which the Climate Crisis brings.  In this episode,...
Published 09/17/19
Asking existential questions has always been a defining part of what it is to be young, but how does it feel to be a young adult at this time of Climate breakdown ?Sophia Thornton describes her experiences as a 19 year old activist looking for answers and fighting for a future, in conversation with Caroline Hickman (CPA, Psychotherapist) 
Published 09/15/19
Art has a huge role to play in helping us connect emotionally and imaginary with the enormity of climate change. In this episode, marine artist Sonia Shomalzadeh talks to Caroline Hickman about the power and vision of her ephemeral art, including life size sand drawings of whales and charcoal sharks for fashion shows.
Published 08/02/19
How far is it appropriate to engage children and young people in talking about the frightening situation we are in with regards to the climate and the biodiversity crisis? Psychotherapist Caroline Hickman has worked with children for many years and, in conversation with Verity Sharp, shares her experience about ways we can think about addressing this all-important question
Published 08/02/19
CPA and the earth lost an important figure with the death of Polly Higgins, environmental lawyer. In this conversation Tree Staunton speaks with Caroline Hickman about her connection to Polly’s work, to herself and what she represented. It's a heartfelt conversation about love and what happens when someone with a grounded legal training falls in love with multifaceted nature.
Published 06/18/19
Caroline Hickman (CPA) and Verity Sharp wondering – why is it so hard to think about the climate and biodiversity crisis? Talking about ‘staying with the trouble’, caterpillar soup, going unconscious, falling apart and carrying on, magic, holding the tension of opposites, milk buying, what to cook for tea, irrationality, 
Published 06/18/19