Crossing the Desert is the UAE's first reality show, where the central narrative follows an entrepreneur arriving in Dubai with the goal of launching a business. Each episode presents unique challenges and tests, creating a dynamic and unpredictable storyline. We ourselves do not know how our first season will end, because this is the real story of our host, and we experience it alongside him and our listeners!
As our host navigates the journey of making decisions for his own business, he also engages with ambitious entrepreneurs who have already succeeded in Dubai with their small...
“Every mom in Dubai knows him”—that’s how entrepreneur Galina introduced Isaac to Pavel. Pavel is the founder of Skill Kid, a school offering English classes and educational events for children. He came up with an approach that makes his school stand out from the rest.
In this episode, inspired...
Published 11/28/24
Our guest’s business idea became so popular that she patented its name. Now, no one else in the Emirates can call a quick repair service “Quick Fix.”
In this episode, Isaac talks with Hamda, founder of the interior design studio Dress My Room. She started by turning her sister’s talent for...
Published 11/14/24