Cultivating Kindness With Karen You do not need to understand Feng Shui to gain a clearer understanding about your thoughts in this episode. Another title could be 'All Clutter Must Go'. Do you have an abundance of thoughts that are disorganized, causing chaos and disrupting your energy? Just like it is very important to clean out your junk drawer and closets every now and then, it is also important to take inventory of your thoughts and clean them out as well. Just like holding onto clothes...
Published 05/01/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen People say there is always a gift in resistance. Do you believe that to be true? It likely depends on your beliefs and personal experience. To find the gift in resistance may take some digging of many people. Are you willing to do some digging? The universe is definitely sending a lot of energies to everyone to see who is in resistance and who is open to allowing change. Change is one of the cornerstones of healing. Are you ready to find out why? Join Karen...
Published 04/24/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Interesting question to be asking yourself on a regular basis. How much is enough? How do you know if you love yourself enough? Love can be a tricky word and energy. Love carries so many different interpretations and ways of looking at it. If you do love yourself enough what does that do for you? How about the opposite; what are the potential difficulties with not believing you love yourself enough? In this episode, Karen Leslie, will talk about how to...
Published 04/17/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Are you a worrier? Do you worry about yourself, the world, or other people? Everyone experiences the energy of worry from time to time. For some it is an energy that is around, and in your thoughts, a lot. Many people believe that to worry about someone means you care about them. Does that feel true for you? When worry energy is resisted by someone, the person who is worried may respond by saying "I am not worried, I care about you". There are so many...
Published 04/10/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Everyone struggles in different ways and at different times with discomfort. Yes, you hear all the time to find comfort in your discomfort. You also know that finding that space of comfort for you can be illusive, or even unknown. So how is it helpful to be told to be comfortable in being uncomfortable? Great question! Finding your comfort in any situation is very personal. Yes, there are some standard tips, but how to use them for your situation may be very...
Published 04/03/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen How do you see yourself? What is your self-image that you have for yourself? Did you know that this self-image could be inherited? Yes, that is correct, there is a good likelihood that you have inherited your self-image! You may have little to, not part, in its creation. What an obscure thought! Even the term 'self-image' implies that you are the creator of this. If you are at all curious about how your self-image has been created, then be sure to join...
Published 03/27/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Do you have a hero? As a child I bet you had a superhero. Now that you are older who is your hero? For some people this question is too big and may create some tension or anxiety in your body. For others, you will have a name, or an image, pop up right away. Having a hero is not just for children. It is important for everyone to have someone they look up to. Someone who inspires you can bring so much to you in your own world no matter how different those...
Published 03/20/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen All relationships can be tricky; with yourself, another person and in business as well. You all know what red flags and green flags mean. You know the concept of red for stop or warning and green for go ahead safely. The difficulties start to show up when you begin to blur the lines or colours. Thinking thoughts like 'this is more of an orange flag, not really red'. Or, 'I know there is potential underneath this temporary red flag' can be inviting trouble. You...
Published 03/13/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Yes, you are human, and sometimes you humans can find it difficult to say "sorry". At other times you will attach an apology to the fact that you are human and say 'sorry, I am human'. This can drastically change the energy of an apology. What is it that changes immediately for the majority of you who use this phrase? Are you even aware of the shift? For some people, yes, many of you are very aware and the choice of these words is intentional. For others you...
Published 03/06/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen The story of who you are is often written by others. Each day is filled with so many habits and social masks that keep you from writing your own story. Following your intuition and being in the flow of the day can eventually dry up and joy and creation become difficult. To write your own story feel like a mystery. To start to write it now feels too much. Within each person is the desire to know who they are. To look past the habits and masks requires honesty,...
Published 02/28/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Have you ever said to someone "I'm still here"? Was this said to reassure them or give them some comfort? This was a standard line for Karen Leslie for years. However, each time Karen said "I'm still here" it was to reassure herself. This reassurance was empowering and then one day all that changed. So what is the difference between saying "I'm still here" and "I am here"? To Karen Leslie Energetic Transformational Healer and Educator there is a huge...
Published 02/21/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen What is an unconscious jailer? Great question! Could you be one? Could you be unaware, or unconscious, of something that is holding you stuck, or withing walls that you are not able to see? And, how can anyone have an unconscious jailer? Definitely not words many people use to describe a situation or period of time. Yet, this is a situation that most people find themselves in. Many are here for years, if not decades. The key is to be open to asking if you are...
Published 02/14/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Lead with your strengths is often given as advice to help encourage people. The other side to this statement is to hide your faults. What are the results of suggesting it is a good idea to be hiding your faults? What happens when hiding your faults becomes a priority? It is easy to see the upside to leading with your strengths and it is not wrong to do so. Who doesn't wish to put their best foot forward? When the mind becomes fixated on this way of thinking...
Published 02/07/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Ever feel like you are walking on eggshells? That uncomfortable feeling of being unsure about what to say or do. There are so many reasons why you can feel like you are walking on eggshells. Quite often it is very tiring and draining; yet we find ourselves doing it often. What propels people into this way of thinking and behaving? What are the perceived benefits of being on eggshells? There must be a reason many people do this, right? Join Karen Leslie...
Published 01/31/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Have you every paused to think about this question? Depending on the line of work you are in, or your living situation, you may go back and forth between control and creation. Do you know when you are using creation or control? For many people there may not seem to be much of a difference. Especially if your days are run on autopilot. With all of the changes in our world, new energies to deal with and our own desires for your life, it is so important to be...
Published 01/24/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Change is hard! How many times have you heard this statement? How many times have you said this to someone else? Change is constant and many of your personal experiences will confirm to you that it is hard. The reasons you believe change is hard goes beyond your experiences. It goes beyond you hearing this statement your whole life. This statement, that you may see as a fact, is actually hardwired into you. Yup!! So, if it is hardwired does that mean it cannot...
Published 01/17/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen As we enter a New Year many people set intentions of change. You may wish to grow your prosperity or personal strength. You may be looking to move up in your chosen career. Most intentions are to help you grow and move up towards a greater sense of self and achievement. In order to achieve these goals/intentions you must be sure to look at yourself and what is required from you. This can include your shadow side or parts of you that you have worked hard at...
Published 01/10/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen The Universe has your back! This is a statement that is heard often and believed by many. This implies the Universe will lead you and also gives many people a great deal of comfort. If the Universe is leading are you following it? Is this working for you? Many of you will answer 'yes'. If it is working for you could it be that the Universe is actually following your lead? Are you the true leader in this relationship? Join Energetic Transformational Healer...
Published 01/03/24
Cultivating Kindness With Karen You may be looking at everything around you using your physical eyes. However your "looking" is often coloured by the beliefs of others. They may be your eyes but your brain filters in other people's perceptions. How we see the world around us is greatly shaped by our family, friends, the media and so much more. The joy, or lack of joy, we experience is influenced by others. The hardships we encounter are also seen through the eyes of those who share their...
Published 12/27/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Quality of life is usually something that grows over time. What we choose to do daily becomes easier and our sense of satisfaction, or rewards, becomes more apparent. Even the very small habit can contribute to the rewards at the end of the day. As we learn more about what we enjoy, what things we would like to have in our life, we can begin to take actions to achieving them. So what is happening when what we are desiring is not showing up? What are your daily...
Published 12/20/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen You have heard all of these lines before: 'the universe has your back', 'the world is full of abundance' and 'anything is possible'. People talk about unlimited possibilities all the time. Yet, does it feel like these unlimited possibilities are not truly available for everyone? There truly is an abundance of everything. So the question remains: how do you access this? Is there a secret step or formula? How come them and not me? These questions, and more, will...
Published 12/13/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen What were your favourite childhood games, or roles, to play? In adulthood most people will dismiss all things "child-like" believing their childhood play is irrelevant now. The truth is that this way of thinking is backwards; your childhood roles have shaped your adulthood in many ways. Play has tremendous value and if you can remember the games you played; and more specifically the roles you played, you have the opportunity to see aspects of your original...
Published 12/06/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Likely no one has suggested to you that you allow your life to be guided by fun. More likely you have been told to let practical and pragmatic choice be your guide. To have the energy of fun be your guide would be fool hardy and reckless. The energy of fun is not silly, reckless or a bad idea. The key is how you connect and what your intentions are. Fun can be your guide in pleasure, day-to-day activities and even business. Are you open to giving it a try?...
Published 11/29/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Have you ever walked past a mirror, or a reflection in a window, and had that flash thought "is that me?" or "do I actually look like that?". Did you surprise yourself with your reflection? This is actually quite common. How you see yourself changes over time. These changes can surprise you in both positive and not so happy ways. These changes may feel like they just appeared with no warning. In truth these changes have been occurring for a period of time. The...
Published 11/22/23
Cultivating Kindness With Karen Everyone uses labels. Labels give definition, description, understanding and comfort. The key question is: What is behind the label to begin with? What was that split second thought behind the word that is the label? What labels do you have for yourself, or others - smart, handsome, tall, goofy, arrogant, talkative, energetic? Have you ever looked at how these labels were put into place? Who was the person who said they were correct or a good fit? Join...
Published 11/15/23