Have you ever tried to express concern about something in your relationship, only to be met with your thoughts, feelings, and needs dismissed – but the explanations used by the other person somehow cause you to doubt the validity of your concerns? This is gaslighting at some of it’s “finest”. In today’s episode, Sarah and her guest take a closer look at this experience as he shares his story. Would you like to share your story, get Sarah’s brain on what you’ve experienced, and be able to more...
Published 06/21/22
Have you ever found yourself in the situation with your intimate partner where you feel like you’re not experiencing the type of connection and intimacy you were expecting… in fact, you get to the point where you are basically begging for intimacy, only to be told that either you want too much, OR, that you’re at fault in some way that they are withholding?  There’s a term for that, and in today’s episode Sarah shares that term, and unpacks what’s happening as she and her guest discuss how...
Published 06/14/22
However you identify, can you relate to the principles in these song lyrics? I'm just a girl in the world - That's all that you'll let me be…(You know the words!)… No Doubt, Just a Girl. In today’s episode, Sarah and her guest Lauren talk about how a vacation at the beach with her family of origin brought some childhood gaslighting to the surface. You won’t want to miss the real-time “A-ha” moment she had while they were recording! If you’d like to shoot the shit with Sarah, like she does...
Published 06/07/22
In today’s special episode, Sarah decided to go solo and take on the topic of gaslighting in politics. If you have a topic like todays, or perhaps a question or situation that you’d like Sarah to unpack in an episode, please head over to sarahmoralescoaching.com and submit your question/topic! Word of the day: Diversion: Collins English Dictionary defines diversion as an action or event that attracts your attention away from what you are doing or concentrating on. You may also hear people use...
Published 05/31/22
Have you ever felt like you’re constantly putting out fires in your relationship while the other person stands and watches? How does this happen, and what part does gaslighting play in this dynamic?  Sarah unpacks that in today’s episode as she and her guest discuss how this played out in his intimate partnership. Sarah is on mission to help as many people as she can find clarity, peace, and empowerment.  The more she does this podcast, the more this is becoming her greatest passion.  She’d...
Published 05/24/22
Have you ever had the experience of struggling with a label that someone has put on you?  Here’s a few for you: co-dependent; too much; too sensitive; intimidating; bitchy; too needy… or maybe, sometimes you’ve found labels to be helpful… here are a few: survivor; creative, empathetic.  How do labels and gaslighting connect?  How do I know if I’m carrying around labels that are a result of gaslighting?  This is what Sarah and her guest talk about in today’s episode. Sarah wants you.. yes,...
Published 05/17/22
Does your gaslighter HAVE to also be a narcissist in order for you to be experiencing gaslighting? Is it an automatic connection, OR, are there other possibilities?  Can people gaslight, and NOT be a narcissist… is it possible that they may not even be high in narcissistic tendencies?  In today’s episode, Sarah unpacks her copyrighted Gaslighting Scale to help answer these oh-so-important questions. Sarah wanted to share the importance of working with professionals who can help you sort out...
Published 05/10/22
Most of us have some sort of understanding of what trauma is.  And also, far too many of us understand betrayal… but did you know that there is this whole thing called betrayal trauma? For those who have experienced it, finding those two words together is a game changer. In today’s episode, Sarah and her guest will discuss how gaslighting is pretty much ALWAYS a part of the betrayal trauma experience. Sarah is on mission to create a community – partially here, through this podcast, but also...
Published 05/03/22
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have a coaching session?  Or to get a gaslighting specialist take the situation you’re dealing with, unpack it for you in the moment, and help you identify that elusive, “Why does this keep happening?” or “Why can’t I seem to break the hold this has on me?” Today Sarah has a brave soul who volunteered to share her story in a little bit of a different format… that is, Sarah basically does a coaching session with her, and you, dear listeners, get to...
Published 04/26/22
Does trying to name what IS and ISN’T gaslighting feel difficult and confusing? When you read the various definitions, and then try to apply it to your situation, do you feel lost or unsure of how to relate it back to your experience? In today’s episode, Sarah shares her definition of gaslighting, and points out a few key things that will help you have a better grasp on what gaslighting is, and when it’s happening. At the time of this recording, Sarah just launched her new workshop.  If you...
Published 04/19/22
In Sarah’s first full episode, she shared with y’all the story of her journey to healing and becoming a gaslighting specialist. Today, she wanted to share the story of her transformation; of stepping fully into her power and magic as she invites you to join her new community. Click https://www.sarahmoralescoaching.com/copy-of-podcast (HERE) to read more about the Deconstructing Gaslighting™ Seekers Community! Today’s guests are Annie and Lauren, whom you met in Sarah’s first two, full...
Published 04/12/22
Do you ever feel like there’s an imbalance in your relationship… like you’re not able (or allowed) to show up in the way you want to? In today’s episode, Sarah deconstruct how the Mr. or Mrs. Perfect role can gaslight you into settling for less than you deserve. At the time of this recording, Sarah’s about to launch a new format for her workshop that is going to make it so much more accessible! Check it out at here website: https://www.sarahmoralescoaching.com/ (here)! The guest today is...
Published 04/05/22
Have you ever felt in your relationship like you go from, “I can do no wrong” to “I can’t do a damn thing right”? There are a number of reasons why you may experience this. In today’s episode, Sarah deconstructs how gaslighting plays a part in one such reason: the experience of “Hoovering”. At the time of this recording, Sarah’s in the middle of launching some exciting new things. She’d be pumped for you to check them out on my website, https://www.sarahmoralescoaching.com/ (here)....
Published 03/29/22
Have you ever found yourself questioning the ideas, opinions, or beliefs of those around you - whether that be your family, your church, your community, or even society at large – but not feel it’s OKAY to question them? In today’s episode, Sarah deconstructs how that could be due to gaslighting. Our guest today is the Queen of Intimacy, Jenni Rochelle! (https://jennirochelle.com/ (jennirochelle.com); Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejennirochelle/ (@thejennirochelle); Beauty After...
Published 03/22/22
Did you know that we can unknowingly gaslight OURSELVES? Why do we do that? How might that show up in our lives? In today’s episode, Sarah and her guest will deconstruct one of the ways people gaslight themselves, as we talk about an example from her life. If you’re learning from the things Sarah is doing in this podcast, Sarah would like to invite you to attend her FREE workshop. Find out more details, like when the next workshop will be, on her website...
Published 03/15/22
Have you ever found yourself playing the “If/then” game? Like, “If I could only (do this better), then they wouldn’t get so upset with me”? That can be due to experiencing gaslighting, and Sarah is here to deconstruct that for you so that you don’t fall into it anymore! If you’re listening for the first time, Sarah works with people in a variety of ways to understand gaslighting, shift the power, and heal from the effects gaslighting has had on them. If you’d like to learn more, please...
Published 03/08/22
Narcissism. Manipulation. Toxic behavior. Dark Triad. Gaslighting… all buzz words – do you ever wonder if there’s a difference, and if so, what IS the difference? In today’s episode Sarah deconstruct her guest, Nicole’s FOO in a way that will address these questions. If you’d like to learn more about these types of things, you are invited to attend Sarah’s FREE workshop. Read all about when the next one starts and get the details https://www.sarahmoralescoaching.com/e1-workshop (here). ...
Published 03/01/22
Are all people who gaslight also narcissists? Have you ever wondered if it’s not that one-dimensional? In today’s episode, Sarah deconstructs her guest’s experience in a way that will help answer these questions. My guest today is Cat Etherington. Cat is a certified professional life coach and integrative counselling practitioner. She currently serves as Director of Recovery for Naked Truth Project, an international nonprofit offering support to individuals and couples impacted by...
Published 02/22/22
Have you ever had someone just completely ignore you, or cut off communication with you, for seemingly no reason? And when that happened, were you like today’s guest, Haley – did you ask yourself what YOU did wrong to cause that response? Today Sarah unpacks the pattern of Haley’s relationship with her ex to explain why we often put up with this type of behavior for FAR TOO LONG! If you’re ready to deconstruct the gaslighting in your life so that you can live awake and free, Sarah wants...
Published 02/15/22
“How do I heal from gaslighting?” In today’s episode, Sarah and her guest Emily talk about the journey of connecting with her knowing, and how that translates to being able to stand her ground in the face of a gaslighting attempt. Do you want to learn how to stand your ground, too? Check out the https://www.sarahmoralescoaching.com/e2-apply (12-week program) Sarah created specifically for this reason! (There’s also an option for a...
Published 02/08/22
Have you ever said, “I used to be (so confident; more fun; more relaxed, etc)?”. In today’s episode, Sarah deconstructs how the gaslighting tactic of UNDERMINING is often the culprit for this experience as she unpacks the main dynamics in her guest Kayla’s relationship with her ex. Word of the day: Undermine – when it comes to gaslighting, undermining is a technique often used to cause the other person to lose connection with and trust in themselves. When we no longer know who we are,...
Published 02/01/22
Have you ever felt like you’re the one to blame for all the problems in the relationship? Why is that? What is that called? In today’s episode, Sarah deconstructs a gaslighting experience, highlighting the D.A.R.V.O. method. Join Sarah and her guest, Lauren, as they talk about Lauren’s relationship with her ex. They’ll get specific about a trip to the mountains, and how that epitomized so many gaslighting experiences in Lauren’s relationship with her ex. . Word of the day: D.A.R.V.O.,...
Published 01/25/22
In this episode, Sarah shares her passion for this podcast, the meaning and significance behind the concept of “Deconstructing”, AND WHY is it a crucial part of getting free and healing from gaslighting. Listen in as Sarah and her guest, Lauren, talk about Lauren’s experiences of Deconstructing Gaslighting, and how it can be helpful in transforming your life. You’ll smile as you hear Lauren’s giggles throughout, raise a “ME TOO”, as Lauren talks about how gaslighting caused debilitating...
Published 01/18/22
In this episode, Sarah introduces herself by sharing her experiences throughout her friendship, courtship, and 19 year marriage to her ex-husband (Where she got her "street cred" to become a gaslighting specialist). She shares some of the stories of how she experienced gaslighting, the "red flags" she didn't understand, and how she views them now - after studying gaslighting for the past nine years. Listen in, as she and her friend Annie have an intimate, raw, sassy, and inspiring...
Published 01/11/22
Gaslighting Specialist Sarah Morales introduces her podcast, Deconstructing Gaslighting™
Published 12/30/21