In our final episode of Season 2 we deconstruct the concept of slavery in the Bible concerning how it compares to chattel slavery in America and how Christian leaders and preachers have incorporated the Bible in their arguments for and against slavery. Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and historian Jenny White (Harvard M.A. in Museum Studies) as we begin to deconstruct slavery in the Bible together by asking the tough questions and providing resources to get you...
Published 05/16/23
“Should I read my Bible during deconstruction?” This week your host Liz Mall shares her thoughts and experiences concerning this commonly asked question. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dtmpod/support
Published 05/09/23
In this week’s episode we discuss a confusing passage found in 2 Numbers 2:23-24 where the prophet Elisha curses a group of boys who just insulted him for being bald, which is followed by two bears emerging and mauling 42 of the youths. This passage brings up issues concerning translation errors and modern interpretative lenses imposed on an ancient text, as well as touching on the controversial topic of divine vengeance. Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and...
Published 05/02/23
Today we discuss a troublesome Bible passage found in Genesis 22 where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering, and Abraham nearly carries out the command. While Isaac is spared at the last moment, this passage raises a lot of moral and theological questions, as well as questions about Abraham’s mental health and relationship to God.   Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and historian Jenny White (Harvard M.A. in Museum Studies) as we ask the tough...
Published 04/25/23
This week, we take a break for our usual deconstruction series as Liz Mall shares her views on why deconstruction is so important for Christianity and NOT the enemy of the Evangelical church—unless the church insists on making it the enemy. Liz Mall has her Masters in Christian Apologetics and shares a vision for a new way of using apologetics to engage well in the faith deconstruction space, as well as exposing ways Evangelical biases are keeping the church from responsibly and lovingly...
Published 04/11/23
How does the concept of hell impact our minds and mental health, and how do our minds and mental health impact our view of hell? Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and historian Jenny White (Harvard M.A. in Museum Studies) as we begin to deconstruct the psychology of hell together by asking the tough questions and providing resources to get you started on your own journey of digging below the surface of this difficult Bible concept. Check out our show notes and resources...
Published 04/04/23
For many who deconstruct, the Christian concept of hell is a big problem. In this three part series, we will deconstruct the concept of hell alongside you! For today’s episode, we discuss how people from different worldviews systemize ideas about judgement, evil, and cosmic justice. We look at views from atheists (naturalism), world religions, Judaism and early Christianity, and then we dive into historical ways Christians have explained who goes to hell and why they will. Join us, Liz...
Published 03/28/23
For many who deconstruct their Evangelical faith, the topic of hell is a hot button topic—for good reason. The historical, logical, and moral issues surrounding the topic of hell are important for any Christian to dissect, whether they are deconstructing or not. For today’s episode, we discuss words and phrases that are commonly translated as “hell” in the Bible or are closely associated with the concept of hell. We also look at three common Christian views of hell: infernalism,...
Published 03/21/23
In 1 Corinthians 15:29, a confusing and often ignored Bible passage refers to baptizing dead bodies. Is this a passage Christians conveniently ignore? Does it have implications for baptism? Does baptism itself have implications of a cosmic fear of hell? Join Jenny White and Elizabeth Mall as we deconstruct this odd Bible passage. Check out our show notes and resources at https://www.dropbox.com/s/34ddyikxua2wl1h/Baptism%20of%20the%20Dead_OUTLINE%20and%20NOTES.docx?dl=0
Published 03/14/23
In 1 Corinthians 11 we read Paul telling women to cover their heads as well as giving commentary on marriage and gender. While many churches are intent on taking Paul’s commands seriously, the command on head covering is usually ignored. Why? And what are we to make of the rest of Paul’s thoughts on gender, women, and marriage in this controversial chapter? Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and historian Jenny White (Harvard M.A. in Museum Studies) as we begin to...
Published 03/07/23
Some would consider accounts of genocide in the Old Testament to be the greatest hurdle to the Bible’s (and Christianity’s) validity. It raises big theological questions about Biblical inerrancy, the character of God, and the morality of mass killings. But has the key to correctly interpreting these passages been lost due to our misunderstanding of ancient literary and journalistic conventions? Or do these violent passages truly reveal a vindictive, blood thirsty god no different than the...
Published 02/28/23
The account of Sodom and Gomorrah is often dubbed as a “clobber passage” by the LGBT community, as it is commonly cited as a clear example of the Bible condemning homosexual practices. But is the point of Genesis 18-19 really to illustrate that God doesn’t approve of homosexual behavior, as so many of us have been taught our whole lives? Or have we missed some important details along the way? Join us, Liz Mall (Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics) and historian Jenny White (Harvard M.A. in...
Published 02/21/23
What can you expect in Season 2 of DTM the podcast? This season we are joined by Jenny White, a recent Harvard graduate and M.A. in Museum Studies. We will be unpacking the history, archaeology, and theology around some of the Bible’s most difficult passages.
Published 02/09/23
I wanted to introduce you to a gem I found online! Makcum Novikov can be found at @makcum.novikov on Instagram. He talks about growing up Evangelical, leaving Christianity entirely after discovering he was gay as a child, and eventually finding his way back to his Christian roots but within an entirely different framework. We discuss whether or not Christians should be political, how he decided what to keep and what to discard from his former faith, and how to survive awkward holiday...
Published 12/13/22
In our final episode this season, listen to your host’s own story of deconstruction and her current spirituality, as well as what she found to be Christianity’s most compelling arguments. We also share what to expect in season 2 of DTM. Elizabeth references The Resurrection of Jesus by Michael Licona.
Published 11/15/22
Amanda Smith is my guest today, and we discuss her experience living in the middle of deconstruction, what she needs (and doesn’t need!) from the church right now, and how her journey was deeply impacted by sexism and sexual harassment in the church. She mentions the book, “Out of Sorts” by Sarah Bessey and “A Woman Called” by
Published 11/01/22
My guest Nathaniel Schweinberg returns this week and presents his top 5 Bible objections. We discuss why they are important, how they impacted his deconstruction journey, and the Christian responses to each one. Resources Nathaniel mentions and/or recommends: Holy Koolaid’s “Christianity’s Fatal Flaw” Religion for Breakfast Pete Enns’ book ‘How the Bible Actually Works’ Resources Elizabeth mentions and/or recommends: Jonathan Morrow “Questioning the Bible” Robert Wright “The Evolution of...
Published 10/25/22
Nathaniel shares why injustice in America led to him reevaluating everything he believed to be true about God. We explore the question, “Can God be real, good, just, and all-powerful and still allow evil and suffering?” Nathaniel references YouTube Channels Holy Koolaid and Religion for Breakfast.
Published 10/18/22
My guest Kenny White (not to be confused with his wife Jenny from earlier this season!) discusses being part of a church plant gone horribly wrong and why the structure of non-denominational Evangelical churches so often harms its members, focuses on the wrong aspects of Christianity, and eventually fails.
Published 10/11/22
My guest Stephanie discusses growing up Evangelical and seeking to follow hard after Jesus even after trauma and unanswered questions. Eventually though, the political landscape of America caused her to turn her attention towards whether or not her faith was based in truth.
Published 10/04/22
Jenny White discusses purity culture from a Christian perspective, including the topics of modesty, abstinence before marriage, and Christian men objectifying women. She discusses ways we might move forward as Christians from the damaging effects purity culture has left on our society. Jenny references Sheila Wray Gregoire who wrote “The Great Sex Rescue,” “A Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex,” and “A Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex.” She also references Marg Mowczko whose work can be found at...
Published 09/27/22
My guest Jenny worked at an evangelical church and experienced spiritual manipulation and abuse. She discusses how someone can tell it’s time to leave their church and what it’s like for her now as an Eastern Orthodox Christian.
Published 09/20/22
Rachel Harrold was happy with her Evangelical faith and not looking to deconstruct in the least, but deconstruction snuck up on her. She shares her journey to Catholicism and some beautiful lessons she’s learned along the way. She mentions “Mama Bear Apologetics” by Hillary Morgan Ferrer and “Evangelical is Not Enough” by Thomas Howard.
Published 09/13/22
Maria Stewart is my guest today, and we dive into the background of purity culture and why it’s so damaging in the church today, as well as why we so often misunderstand and misapply the Bible. Maria mentions the podcast “Unbelievable” and the books “How (Not) to Read the Bible” by Dan Kimball and “Pure” by Linda Kay Klein
Published 09/06/22
Today, my guest Dillon Stewart describes his spiritual background growing up in the Church of Christ, his thoughts on hell and science vs. religion, and what happens when religion becomes our basis of identity. Resources and quotes mentioned in today’s episode: Richard Dawkins Demonstrates Laryngeal Nerve of a Giraffe https://youtu.be/cO1a1Ek-HD0 “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being...
Published 08/30/22