The threat of recession is enduring, and the data shows a clear polarisation in consumer spending. Some are switching to lower cost alternatives while others are joining waiting lists for Swiss watches. Brands should resist the urge to panic and consider how they move forward with their consumer base. In this bonus episode Ian and Rajvi discuss how to switch our mindset from consumer to investor to set ourselves up for success during an economic downturn. To download related research and case...
Published 11/02/22
The pressure to cut costs and regrow margins is fierce, but are boards being penny wise and pound foolish? Find out how to put yourself in the best position to take positive action for business results. Rajvi Kantaria (JCDecaux) joins award-winning Analyst, Ian Whittaker, to discuss why Advertisers and Marketers are facing one of the most complex macro-economic landscapes of our time. They discuss 5 megatrends in advertising and highlight opportunities for serious marketers to demonstrate...
Published 11/02/22