Let's do an old-fashioned anxiety question and answer session!
This week Josh and Drew are answering questions sent in by members of the Disordered podcast community. Listen in for answers to the following questions:
Are we supposed to challenge our beliefs in recovery?
What about dizziness?
How do you do recovery when real life happens?
My health anxiety is "different". Can I use going to the doctor as an exposure?
I'm very anxious when reminded of a past event that I'm not proud of. Any tips?
How can I do more so I can be more recovered and not feel anxiety?
How can be compassionate toward ourselves ... and really mean it?
Of course we also have a few "did it anyways" in this episode to inspire and encourage. Thank you to everyone that sends in questions, shares victories both big and small, or just listens to the podcast every week. Your presence and participation are always greatly appreciated!
Struggling with worry and rumination that you feel you can't stop or control? Check out Worry and Rumination Explained, a two hour pre-recorded workshop produced by Josh and Drew. The workshop takes a deep dive into the mechanics of worrying and ruminating, offering some helpful ways to approach the seemingly unsolvable problem of trying to solve seemingly unsolveable problems.
Want to ask us questions, share your wins, or get more information about Josh, Drew, and the Disordered podcast?
Visit us on the web at