“Consider me UNSUBSCRIBED! The info on the pharmaceutical industry is totally cherry picked. As for the opioid crisses which is real, there is no mention of JACO and their role. For hospitals to meet credential requirements pain management was part of the criteria for qualification, trust me you wouldn’t want to be a patient in a non credentialed hospital. It became standard of care to ask patients to rate their pain and make the pain go away, unfortunately this in hind sight caused patients to be introduced a med that could be addictive and cause problems. Addiction is a medical disease, but the intent was not to get people addicted. As well obesity is a disease, don’t know a doctor in the world or drug company that says take ozempic and eat twinkies. It’s always a team approach. I do think that the telemedicine companies that advertise for these type of med is wrong. I could go on but you get the point…btw lookup the SUNSHINE ACT. You will see that perks to physicians have been eliminated or significantly decreased over the past 15+ years.”
Rudd 44 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·