In this weeks episode Caz and I discuss what it is like to be friends with someone who is a HSP. This gives such raw, vulnerable and loving insight into HPS and what we have learned as friends who work very closely together. It offers a special view point from Caz’s perfective as someone who is not HSP and how she went through her own journey to understand this – we have no doubt it will help many relationships in all their forms.
Published 09/24/24
Published 09/24/24
In this episode I open the conversation on neurodiversity specifically talking from my own experiences as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and someone on the autism spectrum. I particularly focus on HSP as this has been a huge area of my life that I have struggled with immensely and am now also parenting an HSP child. In this episode I break down what an HSP is – in the most simple way that I can – given the complex and beautiful nature of neurodiversity this will be a topic we revisit many t...
Published 09/17/24
Sophie and Damien are the proud owners of Strength Block here in Auckland, NZ. Strength training is one of the most important forms of exercise that we can do but it can be very daunting especially for women. Join us for a frank, real and highly informative interview with this passionate husband and wife team.
Published 09/10/24
Mary is a global DEIB & people executive, keynote speaker & ambassador for Lifeline NZ.Join us for a frank, raw and crucial conversation on gender, inclusion, diversity and equity. In particular, how to tackle this as a parent and how to open discussions that can be both life changing and life saving in a world which is demanding more in this space - from our young people themselves.
Published 09/03/24
One day the world will have reshaped and changed to not need such days with labels that only drive exclusion. Until then we will keep having the conversations to help support those that feel a mix of emotions on these days - both Caz and I have different ups and downs on Father's Day so we share what we are doing this year....and more of what we hope our books will help to bridge.
Published 08/27/24
There's been lots going on so Caz and I decided to give you all a big update episode - we talk everything from Caz's wellbeing journey and body comp changes, to books, ink and some good laughs re Santa's balls which are coming too!
Published 08/20/24
Yorana is an expert in this field specialising in the recruitment and coaching of women in helping them to land a job. As a mother herself she also understands juggling the balls - this is a much needed follow on expert interview to our Independent Women mini-series even if you are not looking at working but just building your confidence overall.
Published 08/13/24
In light of recent events Caz and I come together in this raw & honest podcast. We talk about the daming impact gossip can have, some of the harder parts of separation and also just what friendship in some of my darkest days has meant.
Published 08/06/24
This week Caz and I answer a listener question about togs! Are g-string swim bottoms ok to be worn by a swim instructor at a kids swimming school? You'll get our view on the topic and a bit of an education on all things tog bottoms!
Published 07/30/24
This episode is part 2 of our money and financial education independent womenseries. In this interview Caz and I share our top tips on preparing cover letters, CVsand interviews. This is relevant regardless of where you are in the work force (or not)as keeping up with these skills are important – we never know when we might needthem and being prepared can make all the difference.
Published 07/23/24
Caz and I are back with our independent women series – this week we cover a veryhard and personal topic – money & financial education. We believe that this is acrucial topic to deep dive into – regardless of if you are working or not working, regardless of your family structure. This might be a little confronting so do make sureyou are in a good space to listen.
Published 07/16/24
Caitlin Taylor is a personal stylist and style coach with nearly 20 years of experience. She is a total powerhouse who I have had the privilege of working with - essential as I became a public figure – Caitlin styled me for my best selling book The Nourished Baby. As a mother herself to three gorgeous girls Caitlin is a much needed voice for women as we struggle in a world that tells us to be everything but ourselves – a must listen for all!
Published 07/09/24
We have spoken in an earlier episode on how much an accountability structure has changed our lives. In this episode Caz so vulnerably shares where she was stuck with her food and activity and what she did and took on to get herself out of the rut she was in.
Published 07/02/24
It will be impossible to listen to this fun episode with Caz and I without laughing! To break up some heavy topics we come at you with 10 funny questions (which we made up) and you will get to know us a little better in the process! Want to know our top sex advice? That’s a question!!
Published 06/25/24
I have lost track of how many have asked me to review this popular ‘diet’. I break down some of the pros and cons to fasting as a whole – and do deep dive into this particular fast – buckle in for this one as I have a LOT to say.
Published 06/18/24
Today marks one year of the podcast! A whopping 52 episodes that have dropped every week! Join Caz and I for an episode that you will get so much from (along with much needed laughs) – we share three things that have literally changed our lives recently!
Published 06/11/24
This is a huge topic and one I am frequently asked about! In this episode I give the full comprehensive low down on toddler milk, dairy, plant based milks, calcium, formula, what to do with your child over the age of one and much more! This is a great one to share with friends who are also struggling in this area to make the best informed decision for their little one.
Published 06/04/24
This week we are joined by Jo Roberston a trained Sex & Betrayal Therapist, with a Masters in Science & Medicine, a hugely watched Ted Talk and mother to 3 boys! Jo shares her wealth of knowledge on how to talk to children about consent, sex, porn and so much more - a must listen for all parents!
Published 05/28/24
PCOS Case StudyIn this episode I talk you through a PCOS case study - packed full of the science behind poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and how this impacts us metabolically AND a case study diet from a mum also trying to make changes in her diet but not sure where to start.
Published 05/21/24
I have been sharing my healing journey and therapy work here on the podcast. In this episode I share openly with you some of the key learnings I have got from therapy recently - including how we talk to ourselves which you will find helpful in your wellbeing work.
Published 05/14/24
It is Mother's Day on Sunday in the Southern Hemisphere - the second hardest day of the year for me (Christmas is the hardest). I typically dread Mother's Day. This episode gives a voice to this day for those that struggle (irrespective of gender, and how society defines a Mother) and to share the place of peace that is possible and hope, always hope.
Published 05/07/24
This week we have another three great caller questions! 1. Metabolism - what can I do to increase it? 2. PCOS - can you explain what it is and how does it effect food?3. Toddler feeding - how can I make my toddler try new foods?
Published 04/30/24
This week I answer three great caller questions: Cooking: How do I tackle feeding my baby when cooking is something I dislike? Exercise: How do I find the time to exercise and fit it in? Mum Guilt: Juggling it all and trying to not have a mental breakdown - how do I do it?
Published 04/23/24
Caz and I bring you the first of a mini series we are doing called our "independent women series". Regardless of your stage of life, relationship, family structure, learning to do things yourself is important! We are the first to say that you want to be prepared for things to change and learning new skills (or old ones in a different way!) can be helpful. Plus as you know Caz and I are a bit 'ying & yang' when it comes to certain life/admin/household tasks - so enjoy a laugh as well. 
Published 04/16/24