לשמוע אל הרינה ואל התפילהslichot, slichos, shirat david, high holidays, shlomo katz, shirat david, efrat
Published 09/29/24
Published 09/29/24
When looking into the Slichot prayers, one notices that very little has to do with asking for forgiveness, as much as asking for redemption. slichot, mashiach, redemption, shlomo katz, shirat david, efrat
Published 09/27/24
When it comes to tshuva, the observant Jew whose tshuva isn't about starting to keep kosher or shabbos has a much more difficult task at hand.Rav Setinzaltz addresses the difficulty as well as the beauty of what awaits this type of person. torah, tshuva, repentance, shlomo katz, chabad, elul, rosh hashana, jew, shirat david, efrat
Published 09/19/24
הרב עדין שטיינזלץישיבת תקועאלול, תשנ׳טלדוד ה' אורי וישעיהגדרה עצמיתראשית נשאלת השאלה היכן נכתב המזמור? על מנת להבין את עיקרי הדברים, עלינו לחקור מאיזו נקודת מוצא נכתב המזמור, באיזה מצב ובאיזו שעה. על פי פשוטם של דברים מדובר בסיטואציה של חשש מאויבים, ערב מלחמה, "בקרוב עלי מרעים", "אם תחנה עלי מחנה", וכיוצא בזה ומתמיהה העובדה כי דוקא במצב זה עומד דוד ומצהיר – "בזאת אני בוטח" מה פירוש 'בזאת'? מהו הדבר אשר ממנו שואב דוד את כוחותיו, את היכולת להתמודד עם אויביו וצרותיו?כאמור, מדובר באדם הנמצא ערב...
Published 09/12/24
What place does learning have in the month of Elul, a month where the prayers and beseeching is generally highlighted? rebbe, elul, torah, shlomo katz, shirat david
Published 09/11/24
Based on the 27th chapter of Tehilim, a chapter we begin reciting daily during this time, Rav Steinzaltz ob'm provides us with a new understanding of the tshuva we engage with in this time. tshuva, elul, torah, steinsaltz, chassidut, yamim noraim, shlomo katz, shirat david, efrat
Published 09/05/24
Rav Kook's opening Elul remarks are for any heart that is open to learning how to cleave to what matters in this world. rav kook, elul, shlomo katz, torah, eretz yisrael, judea, shirat david, efrat
Published 09/04/24
Through a teaching from R' Asher Weiss, a deeper understanding of Slichot cracks open the heart and prepares us to usher in the new year in the most authentic manner.
Published 09/06/23
In light of the birthdays of both the Ba'al Shem tov and the Alter Rebbe, the 18th of Elul brings light, vitality and direction toward finishing off the year with simcha, strength and authenticity.
Published 09/06/23
While we generally tend to try and improve our deeds and actions during Elul, we sometimes tend to forget a key element of it all. Doing tshuvah for feeling that life itself is a given. When we start from this angle, our asking for חיים when the new year approaches takes on a whole new meaning. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
Based on a teaching from Rav Biderman, we learn how to enter the gift called Elul. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
When it comes to entering the avoda of this time, one of the basic pieces of advice which R' Ya'akov Meir Shechter shared based on Rebbe Nachman's Torah is that it is safest to actually stop thinking, and start talking. It seems simple, and it is. Simple doesn't mean easy, but it is most definitely worthwhile.
Published 08/24/23
Based on a teaching from Reb Ya'akov Meir Shechter, we began marching toward the inner work of Elul. The question we approached was a simple one. With all the insanity going on in the world, how am I to understand that my small movements toward a world of Tshuvah really make a difference in my life and int the world? To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
Tonight is the 86th yahrtzeit of the great light, Rav Avraham Yttzchak Hakohen Kook. We learned a letter Rav kook had written during Elul of 1933. It's quite mind-boggling how Rav Kook knew that we would need to inhale these words today, in 2021. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
Why wasn't David Hamelech’s forgiveness revealed in his life time? Why didn’t the doors of the holy of holies open for his son, Shlomo Hamelech? A magical night with the Bnei Machshava Tova Chabura of Efrat To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
A short idea on the beauty of the 18th of Elul, the birthday of both the Ba'al Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here  
Published 08/24/23
When learning of the setting where the tefila of Ledavid Hashem Ori Veyishi was composed, one can easily enter the world of Elul. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
A short intro into the powerful days we all stand in awe before, the days of will. Based on a teaching from Reb Ya'akov Meir Shechter To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
A teaching from Reb Asher Weiss shlita, on the powerful moment during Slichos, where we bypass the angels. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
Before last night's learning, we allowed the niggunim of Elul to enter the heart. An old unknown Reb Shlomo tune, Diasora, Breslov, Ben Zion & Noach Solomon. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click her
Published 08/24/23
These thirty days of Elul can be quite intimidating. We start off this awesome period with a bracha, that the concept of 'time' should be inviting and not limiting. Here is a wonderful story about the Noam Elimelech and his careful approach to time in the month of Elul. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
After many months of not learning together, we gathered in our garden this morning for a festive Seudat Rosh Chodesh, some jamming, and some beautiful Torah from Reb Ya'akov Meir Shechter on Elul Shiur from Rav Shlomo Katz on the topic of the Avodah of the month of Elul To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
Tshuvah means to return, but where is the location fo this place we are trying to return to?Shiur from Rav Shlomo Katz on the topic of the Avodah of the month of Elul. To sponsor a daily/weekly Shiur click hereTo make a donation to the Shirat David Foundation click hereTo subscribe to the mailing list click here
Published 08/24/23
אורות התשובה פרק יד לז "כשאדם רוצה להיות דוקא צדיק גמור, קשה לו להיות בעל תשובה. על כן ראוי לו לאדם שתמיד ישים אל לבו את השאיפה להיות בעל תשובה שקוע ברעיון התשובה ושואף להתגשמותה המעשית, ואז תוכל תשובתו להרים אותו למעלה, עד מדת צדיקים גמורים, ולמעלה מזה.” ליקוטי מוהרן ו א מי שרוצה לשוב להשם יתברך, צריך לחגור מותניו שיתחזק עצמו בדרכי השם יתברך תמיד, בין בעלייה, בין בירידה.שהם בחינת: "אם אסק שמים שם אתה ואציע שאול הנך". היינו, בין שיזכה לאיזה עלייה, לאיזה מדרגה גדולה או קטנה, אעפ"כ אל יעמוד שם...
Published 08/24/23