My BETTER THAN BOTOX masterclass is in this episode.  Want the video version? Click here: www.thewellteam.com/betterthanbotox Don't want the painful and expensive injections and fillers but still want to look your best at any age! Natural solutions are the answer. As much as I'd love to have no wrinkles and smooth skin, I deserve my laugh lines and creased forehead.  I just want to look good for my age and protect and nourish my cellular health and skin to promote minimizing fine lines and...
Published 04/11/24
I can't believe it!  200 episodes down and hundreds to go!  We have talked about everything from self care to gut health.. intuitive eating to hormone health... lots of calming the chaos and quite a bit about essential oils. SO I HAVE GIVEAWAYS FOR YOU!! Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts and screen shot and send it to me on Instagram @karidavis_thewell and enter to win free essential oil bundles! And jump in the Facebook community and tell me what you want to hear more about in...
Published 04/04/24
Spring is finally upon us!   Who is feeling the need for the change of the season??  Spring can bring so much goodness in being outside, opening up the house, shaking off the winter blues, moving more, eating better, getting more sunlight and it can also be a very busy season! Today's episode is meant to feel light... to encourage you to make time for what is most important this spring.. to focus on Easter week... to redefind and recommit to recharging daily... to set up your home and...
Published 03/27/24
Jump in the 3 Day Reset here     Today is the day!  You can jump in Erika's 3 Day Reset with a special discount for our podcast listeners!  And add on the METAPWR essential oil to uplevel your results!   Jump in the 3 Day Reset here   Erika discusses all of the benefits you will see in your body when you heal you gut.  I am on day 3 of the reset and I am experiencing some of these right now.  I have lost 5 pounds, don't feel bloated at all, have glowing skin and feel very clear...
Published 03/08/24
Tune in all week for our gut series!  Here is episode #2!! Want to feel less bloat? Glowing skin? Weight loss? Clarity in your mind? Less anxious thoughts and more patience? Join us this week!     The 3 pillars of gut health are 1 Food is medicine 2 Sunlight is information 3 Sleep heals   But within those Erika gives us 2 do's and don'ts!!  You'll love this episode!   We have a special offer on Friday so tune in all week! Meet Erika.... "Hello, beautiful souls! I'm Erika, a...
Published 03/07/24
Tune in all week for our gut series!   Want to feel less bloat? glowing skin? Weight loss? Clarity in your mind? Less anxious thoughts and more patience? Join us this week!  Today we meet Erika Smith and learn the 3 pillars of gut health Food is medicine Sunlight is information Sleep heals We have a special offer on Friday so tune in all week! Meet Erika.... "You don't have to live with gut health issues and struggle for a balanced, vibrant life. As a biologist and gut health...
Published 03/06/24
Balance.... is it possible?!!!!????? Balance between natural solutions and modern medicine? Balance between using an oil for everything and never using natural solutions? Balance between living naturally and being over the top about everything being 'bad'!? Balance in eating healthy and indulging? Balance in working out and rest days? Balance in living 'healthy' and YOLO?! I have been on a very exciting trip this week and have been wrestling with these thoughts.   Please jump in the...
Published 02/28/24
Have you been in a season of waiting? Whether you are waiting for a baby, marriage, someone to heal, or a job Sabrina helps naviagte the season with faith and community support. So many times people say the 'wrong thing'.  We put a bandaid on seasons of real pain for people that are waiting.   Yes we can pray for patience, yes we can be proactive to find solutions but faith and community make it all so much easier! Sabrina Carter is the host of Renew Her Strength Ministry and podcast. As...
Published 02/21/24
Self care is beyond a manicure, here are my favorite 5 things right now for movement, meal planning, skin, digestion and anti-aging. I have been compounding healthy habits for years, but these are my favorites right now! Healthy habits don't have to be difficult, they don't need to take a lot of time, and they can be fun! I am seeing the benefits of getting in 10K steps a day.  Your NEAT calories (those calories burned by the movements we make when we go about our daily business) make all...
Published 02/16/24
What if you went on a weight loss journey from a place of love and compassion for youself!?  Wanting to be healthy, lose weight and eat nutritionally is great!  IF you are also not in a state of self sabotage.  Self sabotage is "not doing what you could, should, or want to do." In this episode Tanja Shaw breaks down the 3 layers of self sabotage: 1. We don't stick to our inspired goal because it is unrealistic. 2. Our self talk/ coversations you have in your head and your mindset derail...
Published 02/08/24
Today's podcast is all about hormone health!  Lahana Vigliano helps women find the root cause and balance their effects of hormones naturally!  We discuss: How hormones affect day to day How you know if you have a hormone imbalance How food impacts hormones What foods to avoid with hormone imbalances What foods are the best with hormone balance Why optimal detox is needed for hormone care Lahana Vigliano is the CEO + founder of Nuvitru Wellness and a board certified...
Published 01/26/24
I heard the best quote this week that said "Give your time and money a job or they will be wasted".  This really struck a chord with me.  So whether you are doing great at your new year's resolutions or you didn't make any this year, take some time to do an inventory of your money and your time and decide how you want to use these currencies this year. You have the power to decide how anxious you feel or don't feel based on how much you stick to your money and time allotments. It will bring...
Published 01/17/24
My new Aussie friend, Elyse Rooney, is here and she is keeping it real and simple to be proactive with your health, home habits and heart life to start 2024!  Elyse is a fellow doTERRA essential oil lover and host of the Wholesome Mumma podcast. She shares today how you can make simple changes in your health, home and heart to see massive impact and closeness to your Father in heaven.  My favorite tips were to create rhythms in the home where you read God's word in the am, do laundry while...
Published 01/10/24
Happy New Year!!   2024 is going to be an amazing year, I can feel it!  But before you feel discouraged not sticking to your new year's resolutions, listen to this episode! Your goals don't keep you motivated, but the feelings you want to feel do! Simplify your intentions by feeling what you want to feel everyday! And jump into the Facebook group and tell us all about it and also what you want to hear more of in 2024! Join our WELL Facebook group for more support and encouragement to...
Published 01/04/24
Hi friends, Merry Christmas!  From my family to yours I want to wish you a very blessed Christmas!!  I pray you are able to manage expectations, buck perfectionism, rest and create those traditions and focus on Jesus, the true meaning of the season! I'm so grateful for you all - whether you've listened to this podcast one time or since the beginning! I appreciate you all so much!  See you in 2024 and get ready to join me to set intentions for a very clear 2024 where you are taking care of...
Published 12/22/23
Stay well for Christmas!  There is nothing worse than fighting of sickness in your house and trying to enjoy the holidays at the same time!  I HAVE THE ANSWER! I used to get sick every Christmas but I have been following these 6 essential oil hacks for almost 10 years and now I can help my body fight it off! You just need this list of essential oils to make the recipes I discuss in this podcast episode: OnGuard (immune boosting) Peppermint (open airways, lower body temperature) Lemon...
Published 12/13/23
Have you ever wondered why gold, frankinense and myrrh were brought to baby Jesus and what in the world is all the fuss about essential oils?  I hope to strengthen your faith in creation and the provision of God through this episode about the oils of the bible and a deeper dive into the Christmas story! If you don't have these gifts in your home yet, please get my favorite top 10 doTERRA products here and add a few more oils to get up to 200 pv and free Frankincense!  In December only!:...
Published 12/06/23
Are you gearing up for the stress and anxiety of the holiday season!? I know you have a lots to do! The decorating, shopping, wrapping, planning, baking, cooking and cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning! I get it! So don't forget to take care of you so you can actually enjoy Christmas and your family can enjoy you! I have put together a list of 8 gifts you can give youself!   Some take time, some take no time, so no excuses! Give yourself these gifts this month and enjoy every part of...
Published 11/28/23
You will get so much out of this episode with my friend and mental health therapist, Gianna Reese.  Gianna is a mom, pastor's wife, and works with children through adults as a therapist in MN. In today's episode she discusses how we are not born with healthy emotional expression, boundary setting or emotional intelligence.  We need to be taught these skills just like we are taught to ride a bike!  And when there is a gap in these skills, it is time to go to therapy to learn these skills.   ...
Published 11/21/23
The best part of spending some time looking into your purpose and what really drives you is the DREAMING!!! You look ahead and think about what's possilbe! What is the "why" that will keep you going on the hard days? What is the _____ that you have potential to create! The options are endless just delete and rewrite those "I am" statements that no longer serve you and then keep your eyes focused on your "why" and the prize!!   This digital course is here to help .... The Purpose...
Published 11/16/23
It is impossible to live in purpose if you are empty! I see so many women thinking their purpose is go and go and go. Cooking, cleaning, driving carpool, volunteering, and then wondering why they don't feel excited about the future and completely depleted. Your purpose is not to run on empty. Your purpose is to recharge you so you can serve your family and other to a greater capacity that leaves you filled up! Please, mama, listen. Spend time being quiet, setting boundaries to find the...
Published 11/15/23
When is the last time you did a personal inventory?  What roles/responsibilites/ habits are no longer serving you?  When you give away your precious time for things that do not light you up you lose your sense of purpose.  In this 2nd episode in our Purpose Series we will start the inventory.  Finish it when you do the PURPOSE PURSUIT digital course:   IT IS LIVE!  This is a self paced digital course I wrote just for you to find purpose and live in fulfillment again!... if you need...
Published 11/14/23
Are you growing? Do you push yourself? Have you become ok with being “just ok”?   You should feel alive! You should be excited about something! Give yourself permission to grow Do something for yourself… "For we are his workmanship, created in Chrsit Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 Spend some time to find what God has planted in your heart and gives you PURPOSE! Today is the day! The Purpose Pursuit is live!! This...
Published 11/13/23
I can't believe it!  My oldest turned 20 this week!   Are you the kind of mother you thought you would be?   Or, like me, have you found that a lot is what you expected and many things never could have been anticipated! Parening is such a joy!   Here are some of my takeaways from being a mom for the past 20 years! oin our WELL Facebook group for more support and encouragement to refill daily with faith, self care, health and wellness!  Follow me on Insta FREE morning routine guide...
Published 11/08/23
If you have been using essential oils for a long time or you are still wondering if they "really work" then listen to this episode!  Kari has been using essential oils for over 10 years for everything from -green cleaning -aromatherapy and emotions -skin care -antiaging -blood sugar stabilization -digestive support -detoxification -mood management and more! Listen in to find out her top 10 oils that she could never live without! Join our WELL Facebook group for more support and...
Published 11/01/23