Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15227&preview=true) Do you have career goals? More importantly, do you have a plan on exactly how you’ll achieve those goals? Find Your Dream Job guest Susan Towers says you need to start planning early in your career, as time slips by quickly, and you don’t want to waste opportunities to further yourself. Susan suggests journaling and self-awareness to help gain clarity on where you want to be in...
Published 07/24/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15223&preview=true) Does the word “network” strike fear in you? Do you wonder if you even have a network of people who would support you? Find Your Dream Job guest Lisa Virtue is here to take the fear out of networking. Lisa suggests using the term “building relationships” instead, as that is something we do naturally. She also reminds us that people love to help, so don’t feel guilty for asking...
Published 07/17/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15218&preview=true) We all know we need to be active on LinkedIn and that our profile is the key piece of a LinkedIn strategy. How do you begin to build a profile that gets you noticed? You begin by understanding the platform, says Find Your Dream Job guest Portia Obeng. Portia stresses the importance of keywords. LinkedIn is a keyword-driven platform, so using the keywords that match your industry...
Published 07/10/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15208&preview=true) Hiring managers are asking questions about a candidate’s experience in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion, so you need to be prepared to answer. Find Your Dream Job guest Jasmine Tolbert shares the biggest factor in answering these questions—authenticity. Don’t try to fake a concern about these topics. Share from your experience how you have pursued racial equity in...
Published 07/03/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15203&preview=true) Is it possible to break into a field that you have zero experience in? It might not be easy, but it can be done. On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Gregory Day shares how he went from a career in IT to the field of Human Resources without HR experience. Gregory says passion for the field and enthusiasm for the job are what carried him through when hiring managers...
Published 07/01/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15159&preview=true) You want to switch careers or fields, but you aren’t sure if you have the skills necessary to be successful. What do you do? According to Find Your Dream Job guest Zach Moore, you take the time to figure out which skills you can transfer to that new field. What skills do you possess in terms of working with others, managing projects, or recording data and analytics? Zach also...
Published 06/26/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15148&preview=true) It’s normal to want to show up as your best self in a job interview; after all, you want the hiring manager to like you and want to hire you. However, there’s a difference between being your true best self and being someone you’re not. Find Your Dream Job guest Courtney Ulwelling says there are three things you need to do to show up as your authentic self in an interview. First,...
Published 06/18/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15090&preview=true) If the Covid-19 pandemic taught us anything at all, it’s that nothing is permanent. Life changes and we change, and sometimes that change is for the better. Find Your Dream Job guest Toye Jones says changing careers can also be for the better, if you do it right. Toye says you have to start with your why. Be able to explain the reason you’re making the switch, and the experience...
Published 06/12/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15087&preview=true) It’s not unusual for someone to get a few years into their career and wonder if they’re headed in the right direction. Choosing a major in college doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be happy in that field for years to come. How do you know if you’re on the right path? According to Find Your Dream Job guest Kyle Kavas, you start by asking yourself 3 questions- do you like your job? Do...
Published 06/05/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15060&preview=true) Job interviews aren’t something we tend to do regularly, so it’s normal to be nervous going into one. According to Find Your Dream Job guest Michael Buck, preparation is key because hiring managers can tell who’s done their homework. Begin by studying the job description and getting a handle on the specific duties it requires. Michael adds that because the hiring process can be...
Published 05/29/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15056&preview=true You feel like it’s time to make a career change, but you aren't sure which direction you should take. How do you know what to do next? Find Your Dream Job guest Andrea Yacub Macek says you begin by getting clear on what you want from your career, or at least the next level. Then, focus on only one or two areas or goals, and make a decision on what to do as your next step. Finally,...
Published 05/22/24
Check out the podcast on Macslist here: (https://www.macslist.org/?post_type=podcasts&p=15013&preview=true) Applicant tracking systems make it easier than ever to apply for multiple jobs in one sitting. But is that the best way to go about getting your dream job? Not according to Find Your Dream Job guest Elora Arding. Elora says these systems are great for streamlining the application process, but only if you use them correctly. That starts with following all directions and...
Published 05/15/24
You spend the majority of your life at work, so it’s important that your work matters to you. A job that matters adds to your overall fulfillment in life, as well as provides you with direction in your career, says Find Your Dream Job guest Melanie Damm. Melanie suggests starting with what you value most, whether thats flexible hours, salary, or company culture. Envision what your day-to-day would look like in this position. Finally, consider your personality and talents; if you’re a...
Published 05/08/24
We all have a network; are you using yours to the fullest? Networking isn’t merely attending meet-ups or making connections on LinkedIn. On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Monica Lucas shares how to use collaborations with others to build an authentic network of people who want to help you. Monica also has some great advice on how to use your talents and experience to boost your self-confidence in an interview. Learn more about Monica’s career history below in this installment of...
Published 05/06/24
Career burnout is more common than you might suspect; approximately 76-90% of people report feeling some level of burnout in their job. And not all burnout is the same, says Find Your Dream Job guest Candyce Hunt. She shares her three-step strategy for addressing burnout, and how to head it off before it begins. Burnout doesn’t look the same for everyone, so Candyce shares some of the most common types and what might be causing them. Career burnout is not sustainable so learn how to recognize...
Published 05/01/24
It’s so easy to use LinkedIn’s quick apply, isn’t it? No more spending hours filling out applications. But those quick apply links might be hurting your chances of getting the job, says Find Your Dream Job guest Sabrina Pomar. Using quick apply submits your resume, whereas a company’s career page allows you to submit a complete application. It also allows you to learn more about the company, says Sabrina, so that you gain clarity on their mission and needs, which is crucial to your job search...
Published 04/24/24
If you’re looking for a job, you’re being intentional, right? Not necessarily, says Find Your Dream Job guest Hayden Iverson Todd. Hayden defines an intentional job search as knowing the type of position that will benefit your overall lifestyle. We spend too much time at work to apply for any and every job we come across. Hayden suggests approaching your job search by getting clear on your strengths, knowing the type of work that excites you, and exploring the resources your community has to...
Published 04/17/24
We hear a lot about branding in the job market, but what does it mean to create a personal brand? Find Your Dream Job guest Michael Ramirez says you already have one, whether intentional or not. Michael defines a personal brand as the way you communicate your values and strengths to a company or hiring manager. Self-confidence is enhanced when your personal brand is strong and well thought out. Sharing your brand with others is as simple as developing an unforgettable elevator pitch that you...
Published 04/10/24
Every job seeker knows that a great resume is the ticket to their dream job, but what makes a resume stand out to hiring managers? According to Find Your Dream Job guest Cassie Ademola, your resume needs certain things to stay out of the No pile. It’s crucial to include specific details about your professional achievements; spell out what you did, how you did it, and the outcome of those actions. Cassie also says that proofreading your resume is a non-negotiable, as well as listing anything...
Published 04/03/24
What would it be like to create your own job instead of looking for one? On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Kelly Noack (http://linkedin.com/in/kelly-noack) shares how she expanded the job she was doing for one arm of a larger company. Kelly’s success in IT security and compliance gave her confidence that she could expand her role to include the family of businesses within the company as a whole. Kelly also shares how mentoring and research helped her propose the new position to...
Published 04/01/24
If you see networking as large meet-ups and one-off coffee dates, it’s time to rethink your networking strategy. Find Your Dream Job guest Sophia Wellons stresses the need for building long-term relationships through networking. Networking isn’t simply meeting someone and asking them if they have a job for you; it building relationships that will serve both parties for months or years to come. Sophia says you have to go into these settings with clarity on what you need and how you can help...
Published 03/27/24
Are you afraid of using new technology in your job search? Don’t be, says Find Your Dream Job guest Nicole Blevins. ChatGPT is a tool that can help you be more efficient and can give you the information you need to find the perfect fit. Nicole says ChatGPT can save you hours when creating cover letters and resumes. She also recommends using it to research positions, salary ranges, and sample interview questions. The best way to get comfortable with ChatGPT is to play around with it, learn as...
Published 03/20/24
Not every job will have us excited to get up in the morning. Sometimes, we have to take positions to pay the bills. But if you see an opening that excites you, Find Your Dream Job guest Arturo Rodriguez Flores says you should go all in on the opportunity. Arturo suggests using that excitement to fuel your cover letter writing and to research the company for the interview process. Excitement over a position will lead you to know where the company is, where they’re going, and how you can help...
Published 03/13/24
In a crowded job market, if you don’t stand out, you’ll miss out. The best way to network with target employers is by getting clear on your values, says Find Your Dream Job guest Claudia Bruce-Quartey. Know the type of company culture that brings out your best. Claudia also suggests you practice questions to ask in these conversations and also how you will share the value you can bring to the company. And if you feel nervous about meeting with a hiring manager for a conversation, Claudia says...
Published 03/06/24