While playing a game of find the plastic melting radiation, some barrels fall on Worf, leaving him paralysed. Crusher invites a neurological specialist, Doctor Toby Russell, to assess his condition and she offers a miracle
Published 01/21/24
The Enterprise answers a centuries old distress call solving the mystery of an early Federation starship that disappeared. But Troi senses life so an away team take a shuttle down to investigate
Published 10/01/23
The crew of the Enterprise have lost their memories but still remember how to push all the buttons. Using the ship’s systems, they find their personnel files and their mission.
Published 08/27/23
While carrying out the Starfleet’s primary mission, following big rocks in space, the Enterprise realises that this one is heading for a previously unknown human colony. While Picard offers assistance, the colonists are resistant. They
Published 06/28/23
The writers sat around thinking, you know what? It’s been awhile since an alien entered Troi’s quarters in the night, we better do some kind of psychic violation storyline.
Published 05/18/23
The Enterprise investigates a missing ship in a wibbly purple region of space.
Published 01/18/23
The Enterprise is helping a scientist with a new form of propulsion, a soliton wave, which offers warp travel without a drive.
Published 11/27/22
While the Enterprise tries to save a planet suffering from an environmental disaster, a historian, apparently from the future, arrives on the Enterprise to observe the events.
Published 09/22/22
Ambassador Spock is missing and it seems he’s gone to Romulus. Could it be that this living legend has betrayed the Federation?
Published 08/06/22
Riker brings something back from Risa and soon all of the crew have it. Except for Wesley, because as we know, there are some games he doesn’t know how to play.
Published 06/16/22
Do you like disaster movies like The Poseidon Adventure or The Towering Inferno? Then you’ll like Disaster because it’s basically that but on Star Trek.
Published 03/30/22
Riker’s awkward seduction is interrupted by the crystalline entity which devastatingly transforms a colony which looks surprisingly like a California park into a matte painting.
Published 01/30/22
Following a terrorist attack on a Federation outpost near the Cardassian Empire, Ensign Ro, a Bajoran with a bad reputation, is assigned to the Enterprise. While the crew are reluctant to work with someone who
Published 12/29/21
The Enterprise is on a mission to begin a new relationship with the Tamarians, a race who have been in contact with the Federation but have up until now, not been understood....
Published 11/01/21
We've been watching season 4 of Star Trek: The Next Generation for three years now as we cover it for this podcast...
Published 10/02/21
The Enterprise returns to Kronos so Picard can fulfil his duties as arbiter of the high council and install Gowron as Chancellor. The Captain suggests that Worf should take the opportunity to reclaim his family
Published 07/24/21
After a bad breakup, Lieutenant D’Sora takes a romantic interest in Data as he is kind and attentive in a way her previous partners have not been. Data asks all of the senior staff for
Published 06/24/21
By Geordi is on his way to Risa on a shuttle when he’s suddenly attacked by Romulans, which came as a great relief to the computer as Geordi was just getting started on his seduction
Published 05/31/21
Doctor Crusher has a boyfriend, Odan, a Trill ambassador who is negotiating between the peoples of two moons, so generic that no one even bothered naming them properly.
Published 04/26/21
The Enterprise is participating in a scientific mission to help the people of Kaelon II restore life to their failing star. Leading the project is Dr Timicin, who has dedicated his life to this research
Published 04/11/21
Following a minor explosion in the warp core, a Klingon exchange officer is found to have been working with the Romulans and sending them classified information....
Published 03/10/21
The Enterprise is hosting a Federation archaeology symposium and among such prestigious academic company, Captain Picard is nervous to deliver the keynote address...
Published 02/25/21
Remember Barclay? He was more entertaining than most of the series regulars so when you come up with a good story, you might as well give it to him.
Published 01/13/21