Geordi’s former colleague Lieutenant Commander Susanna Leijten comes on board. She’s worried that all of their former colleagues from a mission to Tarchannen III have deserted Starfleet and disappeared. She begins to act increasingly strangely
Published 11/25/20
The Enterprise discovers the missing science vessel, the USS Brattain, abandoned in space. It turns out all of the crew have killed each other...
Published 11/10/20
The Enterprise discovers a new lifeform, some kind of space whale, and everyone gets excited. But when the Enterprise gets too close, it attacks.
Published 10/03/20
Riker is injured while undercover investigating the Malcorians, an alien race on the verge of warp technology.
Published 09/19/20
The Enterprise gets pulled into a wormhole while investigating an unusual M-Class planet and he crew are all knocked unconscious. Data informs them that they were only out for 30 seconds but some things don’t
Published 08/13/20
  Someone found an old original series script titled ‘Devil’s Due’ in a box and they changed the names of the characters. Kirk Picard must face off against Ardra, a woman who claims to be
Published 07/31/20
The Enterprise is patrolling the Cardassian border when it’s attacked in contravention of the recent peace treaty.
Published 07/17/20
20 years on from the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, Picard is still haunted by dreams of his fallen crewmate and friend Data. Having become disillusioned with Starfleet’s behaviour during the Romulan crisis Picard has
Published 01/30/20
Data records a podcast about a day in his life for Commander Maddox, that guy who tried to have him taken to pieces in The Measure of a Man...
Published 11/04/19
We've watched a couple of trailers for Star Trek Picard and now we're going to talk about them in our usual ill-informed way.
Published 10/06/19
Following some unusual sensor readings, the Enterprise finds it is unable to resume its course with both warp and impulse engines failing to have any impact on the ship’s new course towards a weird purple thing that will probably crush them...
Published 08/11/19
Wesley Crusher has been accepted into Starfleet Academy. Before he does, Picard decides to take Wesley on a mission where’s he’s mediating a mining dispute...
Published 07/16/19
Join the First Contact podcast team as they review Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4 episode, Future Imperfect.
Published 06/24/19
K’ehleyr is back with news. Worf’s a father to a tiny little Klingon called Alexander...
Published 05/26/19
In the latest First Contact podcast, the team reviews Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4 episode Legacy, which sees Tasha Yar's sister causing trouble.
Published 04/07/19
While docked at Starbase 133, Wesley conducts an experiment with the warp core while Doctor Crusher welcomes on board her old friend and mentor, Doctor Dalen Quaice. But the next day he is gone and there’s no record that he was on ever on board...
Published 10/07/18
The Enterprise answers a distress call and finds a training ship with four young Talarians on board...and one human.
Published 09/02/18
After his brother plays a practical joke that goes wrong, a child called Willie is left fighting for his life on the Enterprise. Meanwhile Data goes bonkers and steals the ship
Published 08/13/18
Following his trauma with the Borg, Picard visits his home village of La Barre in France for the first time in 20 years to reconcile with his brother Robert ...
Published 07/08/18
After the Enterprise’s plan to fire a burst from the deflector fails, the Borg set a course for Earth with a fleet of 40 ships engages the cube at Wolf 359...
Published 05/13/18
The First Contact podcast team starting listening to season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation way back in 2015. Now, three years later, they've come back together...
Published 04/08/18
They’re back! After forgetting about them for a while, the Borg decide to improve Federation architecture by wiping it off the face of a planet. Borg specialist Lt commander Shelby boards the Enterprise to help the crew but ruffles Riker’s feathers...
Published 02/14/18
The Enterprise is exploring an uncharted system when they find a lone survivor of an escape pod crash.
Published 01/31/18
The Enterprise arrives at Betazed for a trade conference, a landmark event with the Ferengi in attendance for the first time.
Published 01/17/18
Legendary Ambassador Sarek boards the Enterprise in order to finalise a historic treaty with the Legarans. However, all is not well...
Published 01/10/18