Halloween Magic: When History Meets Drama at Kronborg
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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Halloween Magic: When History Meets Drama at Kronborg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/halloween-magic-when-history-meets-drama-at-kronborg Story Transcript: Da: Kronborg Slot stod stolt ved vandet, mens den kolde efterårsvind bar historier fra fortiden. En: Kronborg Slot stood proudly by the water as the cold autumn wind carried stories from the past. Da: De brune og gyldne blade dansede i luften, og natten begyndte at falde på. En: The brown and golden leaves danced in the air, and night began to fall. Da: Skiftende skygger fra stearinlys flakkede hen over de gamle sten. En: Flickering candle shadows flitted across the old stones. Da: Det var Halloween, og på dette smukke slot skulle der ske en historierepræsentation. En: It was Halloween, and at this beautiful castle, a historical reenactment was to take place. Da: Freja stod ved indgangen. En: Freja stood by the entrance. Da: Hun var nervøs, men også spændt. En: She was nervous but also excited. Da: Dette var hendes første store rolle som leder for en reenactment. En: This was her first major role as the leader of the reenactment. Da: Hun havde brugt mange timer på forberedelserne og drømte om at gøre begivenheden noget særligt. En: She had spent many hours on the preparations and dreamed of making the event something special. Da: Hun ønskede at tilføje et kreativt tvist, noget der ville give mindeværdige øjeblikke til både deltagere og publikum. En: She wanted to add a creative twist, something that would give memorable moments to both participants and the audience. Da: Mikkel, hendes ven, var der også. En: Mikkel, her friend, was there too. Da: Han ville gerne hjælpe, men tænkte mere på sjov. En: He wanted to help but was more focused on having fun. Da: "Jeg kan fortælle spøgelseshistorier!" En: "I can tell ghost stories!" Da: foreslog han med et grin. En: he suggested with a grin. Da: Freja rystede på hovedet og smilede. En: Freja shook her head and smiled. Da: "Kun hvis det passer ind," sagde hun, velvidende at hans humør kunne løfte stemningen. En: "Only if it fits in," she said, knowing that his humor could lift the mood. Da: Kasper, koordinatoren, var fokuseret og alvorlig. En: Kasper, the coordinator, was focused and serious. Da: Alt skulle være historisk korrekt og tidsmæssigt præcist. En: Everything had to be historically accurate and precisely timed. Da: Han havde en stram plan, og intet måtte afvige. En: He had a tight plan, and nothing could deviate. Da: Freja vidste, hun skulle tale med ham om hendes idé. En: Freja knew she had to talk to him about her idea. Da: "Kasper, hvad hvis vi tilfører en smule dramatisk lys og lyd under forestillingen?" En: "Kasper, what if we add a bit of dramatic lighting and sound during the performance?" Da: foreslog hun forsigtigt. En: she suggested cautiously. Da: "Det kan tiltrække publikum." En: "It could attract the audience." Da: Efter en lang pause nikkede Kasper endelig. En: After a long pause, Kasper finally nodded. Da: "Kun hvis det ikke forstyrrer," sagde han strengt, men Freja så en gnist af interesse i hans øjne. En: "Only if it doesn't disrupt," he said sternly, but Freja saw a spark of interest in his eyes. Da: Det var en start. En: It was a start. Da: Da begivenheden begyndte, var alle i historiske drakter, scenerne blev spillet ud som planlagt. En: When the...
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