Arctic Odyssey: A Tale of Valor & Unity Amidst the Ice
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Arctic Odyssey: A Tale of Valor & Unity Amidst the Ice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Arktická tundra nebola pre slabých. En: The Arctic tundra was not for the weak. Sk: Studený vietor fúkal nad nekonečnými planinami a slnko viselo nízko na obzore, osvetľujúc krajinu jemným svetlom. En: The cold wind blew over the endless plains, and the sun hung low on the horizon, illuminating the landscape with a gentle light. Sk: Marek, vedúci expedície, pevne pritlačil klobúk na hlavu. En: Marek, the leader of the expedition, pressed his hat firmly on his head. Sk: Mal pred sebou úlohu, ktorá spôsobovala napätie, ale aj vzrušenie. En: He had a task ahead of him that sparked both tension and excitement. Sk: Stratil sa im výskumný dron, a bez dát, ktoré obsahoval, by ich práca bola zbytočná. En: They had lost their research drone, and without the data it contained, their work would be futile. Sk: Jeho tím, Petra a Ján, ho nasledovali s odhodlaním. En: His team, Petra and Ján, followed him with determination. Sk: Petra bola skúsená vedkyňa. En: Petra was an experienced scientist. Sk: Marek ju tajne obdivoval pre jej odvahu a rozvahu. En: Marek secretly admired her for her courage and composure. Sk: Ján mlčky kráčal vedľa nej, občas si utieral z tváre napadaný sneh. En: Ján walked silently beside her, occasionally wiping fallen snow from his face. Sk: "Musíme sa rozdeliť," navrhol Marek, jeho hlas znel pevne, aj keď jeho vnútro bolo ošklbané pochybnosťami. En: "We need to split up," suggested Marek, his voice sounding firm, even though doubts were gnawing at him internally. Sk: "Získame tak viac času na hľadanie. En: "This way, we'll gain more time searching." Sk: "Petra mu venovala dôverný pohľad, kým prikývla. En: Petra gave him a trusting look before nodding. Sk: Ján sa zatváril skepticky. En: Ján looked skeptical. Sk: "Počítaj s počasím," upozornil a pozrel sa na oblohu, kde sa rysovali mraky predznamenávajúce búrku. En: "Consider the weather," he warned, glancing at the sky where clouds were forming, foretelling a storm. Sk: "Udržím rádio pri sebe," uistil ho Marek. En: "I'll keep the radio with me," Marek assured him. Sk: Nebol čas váhať. En: There was no time to hesitate. Sk: Vydali sa každý iným smerom, zatiaľ čo chlad prenikal hlbšie pod ich vrstvy oblečenia. En: They each set off in different directions, while the cold seeped deeper under their layers of clothing. Sk: Dron našiel Marek pod hrubou vrstvou ľadu. En: Marek found the drone under a thick layer of ice. Sk: Adrenalín v ňom vzplanul. En: Adrenaline surged through him. Sk: Ale vietor sa zosilnil, nežartoval. En: But the wind had strengthened, and it wasn't kidding around. Sk: "Petra, našiel som ho! En: "Petra, I found it!" Sk: " zakričal do rádia, jeho slová narazili na šum vetra. En: he shouted into the radio, his words hitting the wind's noise. Sk: Petra a Ján dorazili práve vo chvíli, keď začala búrka dosahovať svoj vrchol. En: Petra and Ján arrived just as the storm reached its peak. Sk: Petra vyťahovala dron z ľadu, jej ruky pracovali šikovne, ale rýchlo. En: Petra was pulling the drone out of the ice; her hands worked skillfully but quickly. Sk: Ján zatiahol zip na kufríku a zabezpečil ho pred nepriazňou živlov. En: Ján zipped the case and secured it against the elements. Sk:...
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