Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Family Ties Rekindled: An Autumn Dinner to Remember
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Sk: Pod jesenným slnkom, ktoré sa jemne predieralo cez okná, sa v jedálni zračil špecifický chaos.
En: Under the autumn sun, which gently filtered through the windows, a specific chaos was reflected in the dining room.
Sk: Veľký drevený stôl bol obklopený tichými stoličkami, pripravený na príchod hostí.
En: The large wooden table was surrounded by quiet chairs, ready for the arrival of guests.
Sk: Na stole sa rozprestieral pestrofarebný jesenný stredobod, ozdobený zlatistými lístím a drobnými tekvičkami.
En: On the table lay a colorful autumn centerpiece, adorned with golden leaves and small pumpkins.
Sk: Vzduch bol nasýtený vôňou pečenej morky a teplého koláča z tekvice.
En: The air was filled with the aroma of roasted turkey and warm pumpkin pie.
Sk: Ale pod vonkajšou vôňou skrývala sa napätosť.
En: But beneath the outward scent, tension was hidden.
Sk: Adela sa snažila usmerňovať rodinné stretnutie ako kapitán na lodi uprostred búrky.
En: Adela was trying to steer the family gathering like a captain on a ship in the midst of a storm.
Sk: Hoci bola najstaršia, vždy sa cítila, že stojí v tieni Mareka a Zuzany.
En: Although she was the oldest, she always felt overshadowed by Marek and Zuzana.
Sk: Chcela, aby bola táto večera príležitosťou, keď znovu nájdu cestu k sebe, preklenú staré krivdy a vytvoria si nové spomienky.
En: She wanted this dinner to be an opportunity for them to find their way back to each other, bridge old grievances, and create new memories.
Sk: Marek bol v obývačke, stratil sa vo vlastnom svete s gitarou v rukách.
En: Marek was in the living room, lost in his own world with a guitar in hand.
Sk: Hudba bola jeho úkryt, jeho spôsob, ako uniknúť od reality a úzkosti.
En: Music was his refuge, his way to escape from reality and anxiety.
Sk: Zuzana medzitým pripravovala stôl, občas sa kriticky pozrela na všetko, čo bolo na dosah.
En: Meanwhile, Zuzana was setting the table, occasionally casting a critical eye on everything within reach.
Sk: Keďže bola najmladšia, často bola považovaná za sebeckú a narazila na nepochopenie od ostatných.
En: Being the youngest, she was often considered selfish and faced misunderstanding from the others.
Sk: Keď sa všetci posadili, atmosféra bola napätá ako zimný vzduch.
En: When everyone sat down, the atmosphere was tense like winter air.
Sk: Pomalé rozhovory sa strácali v bežnom ruchu príborov a pohárov.
En: Slow conversations were lost in the routine sounds of cutlery and glasses.
Sk: Adela vedela, že to nebude ľahké, ale rozhodla sa, že ignorovanie problémov nič nevyrieši.
En: Adela knew it wouldn't be easy, but she decided that ignoring problems wouldn't solve anything.
Sk: „Myslím, že je čas, aby sme boli úprimní,“ začala Adela pevne, ale pokojne.
En: "I think it's time for us to be honest," Adela began firmly but calmly.
Sk: „Všetci vieme, že medzi nami sú nevyriešené problémy.“
En: "We all know there are unresolved issues among us."
Sk: Jej slová boli ako zapaľovač.
En: Her words were like a spark.
Sk: Zuzana si nemohla pomôcť a skĺzla na tému o tom, ako cíti, že ju nikdy neberú vážne.
En: Zuzana couldn't help but slip into the topic of how she feels she's never taken seriously.
Sk: Marek sa snažil udržať neutrálny tón, ale jeho roztrasené ruky na gitare hovorili inak.
En: Marek tried to maintain...
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Jozef's Secret: A Violin Debut in the Mountains
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Sk: V malebnej dedinke nemerčenej nádhernými vrchmi Tatier sa začalo chystať...
Published 11/24/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams
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Sk: V sobotu ráno Jozef stál pred zrkadlom, upravoval si košeľu a premýšľal o...
Published 11/22/24