When spouses and family members learn about a loved one's gambling problem, money issues come into the open.  Usually this involves debt and it feels overwhelming and emotional.  Typically, people don't know what to do.  There is often a reflex to step in and pay things off quickly. In this episode of Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems, we offer guidance for spouses, family members and the person who has gambled.  I'm joined by Margaret Johnson, who has thirty years experience helping...
Published 05/12/23
It's not easy to talk openly about gambling issues.  Nor is it easy to talk about living with mental health issues.  In this episode, hear an open, thoughtful and inspiring conversation about one man's experiences with Bipolar Disorder and how this contributed to drinking, gambling and gaming getting out of hand for him.  Hear how he is now free of gambling and living well.  He teaches us about how to watch out for switching addictions.  Listen and learn about: The connections between...
Published 04/28/23
It can be frustrating if you've promised yourself to pull back from gambling and then find you're back at it again.  Sometimes this happens the next day.  Sometimes after a month, year or more.   It's not easy or simple to stay away from gambling when you're really hooked in to it.  But as difficult as setbacks are, it's an opportunity to see more clearly what you need to do differently going forward. In this episode of Fold em, two people share their experiences of gambling relapses and...
Published 03/31/23
John Woods knows a lot about gambling addiction.  He gambled for 30 years and tried it all - slots, horse races, online poker and sports betting.  John knows about hitting rock bottom because of gambling, the promises you make to yourself to stop, and the tricky ways it pulls you back in.  But most importantly, he has first hand experience with overcoming a gambling addiction and is six years from his last bet.  During these six years, he set about learning about this isssue and has written a...
Published 03/17/23
Gambling problems put a huge strain on relationships and finances.  It's hard to know what to do and where to turn for help. Listen to this episode to hear from someone who gets it and got through it.  Jane talks openly about how her marriage and family were impacted by her husband's gambling, what she learned from relapses, and what helped to stabilize their finances and rebuild the relationship after he stopped gambling.   Jane brings much wisdom to this conversation - not only from her...
Published 03/03/23
When gambling becomes a habit, you likely are not even aware of having urges and cravings to gamble.  You just do it automatically.  When you decide to pull back or stop gambling, then you might notice that it's hard to resist urges to gamble. In this episode, we help you to slow things down and notice gambling triggers, urges and cravings.  We also offer strategies for riding through these, so you can feel more in control of gambling. Hear from two people with a lot of experience on this...
Published 02/17/23
As you gamble more, it's common to notice more urges and impulses to gamble.  These cravings can lead to gambling becoming a habit.  They also can make it hard to decrease or stop gambling. In this episode, I'm joined by Kari Olson, who is a counsellor with Gambling Support BC who specializing in gambling problems, substance addiction and trauma.  She helps us to understand why cravings happen and strategies for surfing through them. Listen now and learn: what happens in the brain with...
Published 02/03/23
The expansion of sports betting in North America had a headstart in the United Kingdom.  In this episode, hear from James who lived through this in Britain.  He talks about the impact on him of increased online access to sports betting and betting groups.  And how what was once a Saturday afternoon trip to the betting shop to wager on a football game shifted into a daily habit on his phone. Listen now to this great conversation and hear about: why sports betting can become a daily habit...
Published 01/20/23
I'm joined by SIX people who host and produce podcasts about gambling problems.  They all have personal experience with this issue and have done a lot of work to address it, so don't miss this conversation.  Hear about all of their podcasts and what each can offer you.  For those making New Year's resolutions listen to a great discussion about how to kick start doing things differently with gambling in 2023.  We also talk about how to keep the momentum going if you've already pulled back...
Published 01/03/23
The holiday season can bring more exposure to gambling - through gifting scratch and lottery products, invitations to meet at the casino, or family and friends placing a bet on a card game or sporting event. In this episode, Tracy Tsui, who provides gambling outreach support joins me.  We talk about why it is important to pay attention to gambling over the holidays, especially with young people.  And, if you or someone you care about has had problems with gambling in the past, why this time...
Published 12/16/22
As people face gambling problems, it's common to feel low, stressed and anxious.  You may feel relief from opening up about this issue but find that feelings of shame and guilt are hard to shake.  As you return to activities that used to be enjoyable, or do things to help yourself feel better, it feels flat. In this episode of Fold em, our brain experts return to help us make sense of this.  Deirdre Querney, MSW and Dr. Iris Balodis from Brain Connections explain: why gambling problems...
Published 12/02/22
There is no question that gambling problems are stressful and difficult.  But, can good things emerge from these problems for you and your life? In this episode, hear from Julie who recently marked three years without gambling.  She is joined by her counsellor, Allison Rice.  They talk about all the ways that life has changed for the better for Julie and what has contributed to this, as well as to keeping gambling out of her life. Listen now to hear: five key ingredients for building your...
Published 11/18/22
Problem gambling leads people to do things they wouldn't normally do.  For some, this includes committing a financial crime, such as forgery, embezzlement and theft.  These crimes come about as a way to deal with debt and to get money to gamble.  Facing a gambling problem is hard enough, but when it also involves dealing with charges and the court system, it is really hard.   Hear from Brian who shares what this ordeal was like for him after turning himself in to police, and what helped him...
Published 11/04/22
In this episode, hear from Marcia about how she not only stopped gambling, but also made changes to how she and her partner handle money.  Almost two-years in, she tell us "It feels amazing to not be worried about money.  Having that security also helps my gambling recovery." Amanda Martin, from the Credit Counselling Society, also returns to Fold em and offers tips for taking charge of your money. Listen now and learn about: Three reasons why taking charge of your money is an important...
Published 10/21/22
For some, gambling leads to a situation where you can't pay your bills and debts when they are due.  This is incredibly stressful.  Listen now to hear about two options for addressing insolvency: a consumer proposal and personal bankruptcy. Blair Mantin, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and President of Sands and Associates, joins me in this episode.  He answers common questions about insolvency proceedings, including: Who is eligible for a consumer proposal and bankruptcy?  What is...
Published 10/07/22
With gambling debt, it can feel like you're backed into a corner.  But, there are options for moving forward besides hoping for a big win. In this episode, hear Adrian share his story of stopping gambling and getting out of a tough cycle with payday loan companies and living pay cheque to pay cheque.  Amanda Martin, a Financial Educator with the Credit Counselling Society, shares essential tips for dealing with creditors and collection agencies as well three options for addressing...
Published 09/23/22
The ads with celebrity endorsements and incentives to give sports betting a try are everywhere.  Hear from Joel Soper, a compulsive gambler who knows the industry well, about the risks and downsides of sports betting. Listen now to this episode and learn about: Joel's personal experience with sports gambling Why it's hard to pull away from sports betting once you're in action Ideas for decreasing and stopping sports gambling Why live sports betting is something to be concerned about   If...
Published 09/09/22
It's common to get caught up in the emotions of gambling.  Who hasn't had thoughts such as, "I'm on a lucky streak!" or "I'm due for a win anytime." In this episode, we share examples of how our thinking gets off track because of the emotions of gambling.  We present some facts to help you think straight and keep gambling in control. Learn about: how the random number generators in slot machines work why gambling for long periods of time can work against you why it's helpful to take a...
Published 07/29/22
How do you know if gambling is a problem?  In this episode we help you to recognize the warning signs of a gambling problem.  We also offer guidance on next steps to take if you or a loved one have concerns about gambling. Listen now to learn about: seven warning signs of a gambling problem what to do if you notice signs of a gambling problem in yourself or someone you care about where to get support and help If you would like more information on the warning signs of gambling addiction,...
Published 07/15/22
Most of us gamble.  In British Columbia, nearly 75% of adults gambled at least once in the past year.  For some (about 3-4% of adults), it gets out of hand and causes problems. If you gamble, how do you keep it in check?  What limits should you set for yourself? How do you stick to these limits? In this episode, we tell you about guidelines that have recently been developed in Canada to help you reduce the risk of experiencing harms from gambling.  Listen now to learn about: guidelines...
Published 07/01/22
There are many options for help, support and treatment for gambling concerns.  Everyone is different so it's important to find what works best for you. In this episode, hear Brian's personal experiences with various recovery programs.  He is now a Certified Gambling Recovery Peer Mentor and shares tips for moving forward. Listen now to learn: what's available to help with gambling concerns how to get past saying "no" to help how to put in place the right supports for you how to stay on...
Published 06/17/22
A common question with gambling problems is, "Why Can't I Stop?"  In this episode we hear from Deirdre Querney, MSW, and Dr. Iris Balodis who answer this question by telling us about the brain and gambling addiction.    Tune in to learn about: how gambling addiction changes the brain why people with gambling addiction have a hard time pulling back from positive rewards how changes to the brain are different with compulsive gambling and substance addictions how to re-wire your brain to...
Published 06/03/22
It's hard on parents and families when an adult son or daughter have a gambling problem. In this episode of Fold em, a mother shares what she has learned as her son dealt with gambling addiction for the past seven years.  Irene Tang, who has counselled families through gambling problems for twenty-five years, share strategies for moving forward. Listen to learn: how to respond to requests for financial help what parents can do to support a young adult with a gambling problem how parents...
Published 05/20/22
Gambling problems can create a lot of stress in families.  Children and young people may not know that a parent or caregiver is struggling with gambling, but they feel the impact. In this episode, we hear from Dr. Toula Kourgiantakis about: how parental gambling problems affect families and children signs that a young person is impacted by a parent's gambling problem how to support young people and families in this situation how to include children and families in the recovery process ...
Published 05/06/22
In this episode, hear my conversation with a former sports better about: how sports betting took over his life what happened when family got involved how he solved a debt problem what helped him to get to 10-months without a bet his suggestions for others who have had sports betting take over their life Learn more about why it's hard to step back from sports betting and strategies that can help.  As well as tips for family and friends that want to support someone consumed by online sports...
Published 04/22/22